Artemis: ***annoyed*** 207, if you want something done then tell us what it is, otherwise do it yourself
207 wasn't quite sure how they'd respond to his sexual hints, so he tried to be as subtle as possible. I guess he was a bit TOO subtle.
Univamp: hello
Small chat
Artemis: Univamp, please tell me you are an intelligent male who can talk and makd conversation
She cuts right to the chase, doesn't she?
Univamp: *I look around the tavern* Art. im actually female and intellegent
Well, there go Artemis' plans. What a shame. ((I challenge the validity of that claim. She spelled 'intelligent' wrong.))
Artemis: ***sighs*** There are never any guys in here... But maybe u won't be as quiet as everybody else...
All the guys are looking for a chick who can spell out Y-O-U in its entirety. ((No, we're looking for sex-starved loonies like Artemis, but the spelling thing is a factor as well.))
: Artemis there is usually at least one guy in here
So there. Guess this bitch doesn't know what she's talking about, huh? ((I thought that was a given...))
Artemis: ***looks at Kendra*** Was John this quiet before I came in, too?
No,he's just trying to ignore you.
blackwood: i am currently writing a series of vampire novels and need information
So, he figured he'd head to the nearests vampire role play room he could find, and troll the occupants for their hidden genius. Man, what a marketing/research strategy THIS is! ((I think it's more of a way to pick up chicks, lucky for him Artemis is here...))
Artemis: Info? Oooooookay. I can give you info. Heck I'll even do an interview if you want.
Get it? Interview with a Vampire. HA HA HA HA ((*groan*))
Univamp: So Art I haven't seen you in here before where are you from?
Artemis: I've been here before... just different names. PrincessJessica, CountessJessica, Ember, Skye... Recognize any?
First princess, then countess? Somewhere along the lines she got demoted. Poor kid.
Dragion Maiden: *walks in the door all dresses in a tight black dress her feet as always barefoot she sees Univmp and runs up to her*
Mmmm... Incoherency.... ((No no, I think I understand, she's wearing a dress on her feet...))
blackwood: sorry, i need real information. this series is in it's third novel and will set the vampire world on it's ears
"Real" information? And he's trolling chat rooms? Oooo-kay! I like his hard hitting strategy though... setting the vampire world on its ears. That's a pretty big job. Oh, wait, since vampires don't exist... there IS no vampire world! ((It's not hard to be in the third novel when the first two consisted of three pages, handwritten on the back of napkins.))
Dragion Maiden: Blackwood what do you need to know
She seems like a reliable source, don't she? ((Especially since her handle mentions dragons, not vampires, and it's not even spelled right.))
kendra: blackwood what kind of information are you after?
He seems to have picqued their curiosity, hasn't he?
Artemis: I can give real info. I'm not a liar.
Really! She's not a liar! She herself says so! Honest! If you can't trust someone from a vampire chat room, who CAN you trust? ((EVERYONE knows that immortal denizens of the night have comp access and like to visit chat rooms...))
blackwood: my character is a vampire who slays other vampires out of revenge. I need maps of old rumania circa 1400-1600
I guess he doesn't belive in "Libraries." Or "Search Engines." Or "Atlasses." ((OLD Rumania, as opposed to NEW Romania... Which was actually going to be the first name for New Mexico, but they had copyright problems.))
Artemis: Maps? Look em up.
Flash of brilliance! ((She loses interest when she finds she can't lie...))
Artemis: I''m bored. There aren't any males in here
Cybering is all that makes her little life worth living. ((Look, an actual female vampire in heat. Take pictures, Jimmy.))
: Art I'm male
You keep claiming that! ((He's just reassuring himself.))
blackwood: no offense intended artemis. i have a herd of goths who have test read the subject and they have inundated me with some very stupid ideas and thoughts
Herd of Goths? Is that the technical term?
And what makes him think these guys will be any less stupid? ((All of the stupid ideas and thoughts have of course been used in the novel, but that makes them no less stupid.))

Artemis: ***looks at 205***
Oh no... A LOOK! ((Careful, Jimmy, back up, she'll charge now...))
: Art what I am
That's a very good question. However, you might be better off asking YOURSELF that very same question. That is the first step on the road to self discovery. ((I'd like to answer that question for him, but I don't think he'll like it.))