Lurk Pages

Welcome to the Links page

Dumb stupid laws.

Useless information! Hooray!

Vroooooommmmmm.... a shit-load of tests.

The Darwin Awards. Legends. Turn the volume down, though: many annoying midis.

Bubblewrap. Online. Madness.

Make (and send) your own virtual ice cream sundae!

Make your own robot!

Make your own chocolate bunny!

It's a Barbie. In a wheelchair. Only she doesn't really need a wheelchair. But Ken's got the hots for her wheelchair. And stuff.

The Gallery of the Grotesque.

THE EMPTY VOID in your life can be filled here.

Bela Lugosi be waxed.

A very good self-help guide.

I have no fucking clue what this is.

Seizure inducing robots! YaY!

How to be 1337!!! leet-0 burrit0!

We are evil. Evil I say! Role play is the instrument of SATAN himself!

Whoo! How to hack. Another 1337 page!

Mr. Badger.

Mr. Cool and Eddie the Goth.

The Parking Lot Is Full.


You, too, can be a (wo)man of God!

A scientific study of the properties of peeps.

And their sister Twinkies page.

Matrix page.

This is a collection of stories about people having sex for the first time. Since it's just about all untrue, and much of it is unintentionally hilarious, I put it here. YaY

This sick fuck draws naked Christian super heroes. Why? Becuase women without shirts can't get breast cancer! Or something.

The phrase "story time" takes on a whole new meaning.

Obsessive poetry. Obsessive CRAPPY poetry. Tasty.

I wanna be a COWGIRL bay-bee... just not, uh, like this.

So lifelike, you'll swear she's breathing. Check this out. It frightens me.

Two words. Mormon Actionfigures.

A real-life simulation of what exactly awaits you if you're lucky enough to graduate from college with an English/LAS degree. Can't wait.

Kind of like what we do, only much, much, better.

Montana's original testicle festivle. Damn, that's just fun to say. Say it with me! Nudity.

"What's in the butt" A proctologist with too much time on his hands.

PISS! This is a site about drinking pee! Urine! Golden showers! How sick is this? Very sick. Where's that St. Ed's guy?

Beauty tips from a man who wears nothing but a thong.

The museaum of menstuation.

The Darwin Awards. YaY

"a year in the life of a nerd". Damn.

I WILL make a character based on this person.

Miss Jessup's Jesus is Lord Escort Service. This site cracks me up.

Pornographic Oragami. I kid you not.

Guns. Babes. At the same time. Guns and Babes.

Tips for trannsexuals.

Something Awful. Pretty great stuff, by cracky!

Miguel's hilarious site about fat people wearing party hats. Biting social commentary. I love it.

Seanbaby's page. Watch him dispense wisdom of the ages, using such sages as Mr. T and his Super NES system.

Portal Of Evil. It's where I got most of these links.