Eve: (No, you just play one mean person... and no Luc for now..)
Lucien: (Besides... mean person doing what?? *L*)
Eve: (Damzel in distress = easy and entertaining)
Apparently, a "Damzel" is some new, cutting edge version of the older, frumpier "Damsel," or the French and overtly gay "Damozel."
Eve: (*shrugs* Make it up.)
Lucien: (Mmmmm.... *trying, debates*)
Lucien: (Fuck brb
Lucien: (Now... *does mean person, keeps poor Luc name though*)
Lucien: (You post first... so I can be mean *L*)
Somebody, for god's sake, go first and say something.
Eve: (Uh.. think of a name god damnit. Sooo lazy. *smirks* We're in no hurry anyway.)
Role play at its finest.
Lucien: (Dammit... *sighs and thinks of a name then* Sheesh)
I believe this is what's known as "being someone's bitch."
Eve: Well, we don't have to rp.
Although this seems like the ideal solution, role play does, in fact, go on.
Taryn: (I was kidding.... *l*)
Taryn: (*is just hyper, wierd and stuff today*)
Eve: (Stalker? *Laughing* *Used to that stuff* *Smirks*)
Taryn: (*Stalks then*)
Taryn: (Post so I can stalk *L*)
At this point, they'd been successfuly avoiding actual roleplay for over half an hour.
Eve: (I'm trying.)
Bet you never knew how hard it is to role play, huh? You have to type... and read what other people type... and react... and be creative... and hope that beseen doesn't decide to shut down your's much harder than it looks.
Taryn: (*looks enviously at everyone's reptile rooms* *wants one now* *blah* )
I have no idea what that statement means, and I'm going to chalk it up as one of God's mysterious, which my fragile human mind will never be able to comprehend.
Eve: *Curled up next to the fireplace at Luc's house, silent, save for the TV going quietly in the room, lazy eyes staring at the screen*
Can you feel the excitement building?
The most exciting thing about this is that this "Luc" person has, for some unknowable reason, built his house inside a public bar. Tell me that isn't insane. I mean... you have a bar... and there's a house in it! Either that, or else they're ignoring the fact that this is a public role play room set in a bar, bending role play time and space to change its location.

Taryn: (*Should have stolen Andrys* He's a good stalker)
I'm not sure what, exactly, she means by "steal." Either he's somebody else's character she's threatening to use as her own, or else he's her own character, and she can't use him for some unknown reason. Again, another of God's mysteries.
Taryn: (Work damn you *kicks it*)
Eve: (True.)
Eve: (Shame'd get pissed. *l*)
Ah. Part of the mystery is solved: Andrys is her character, but another one of her fictional characters will become upset if she plays Andrys. I lie. This only opens new and more horrific mysteries.
Taryn: *leans silently against a tree near the hourse, his eyes scanning briefly over the streets, smiling to himself, his dark shape detaching itself from the tree and moving across silent lawns*
I'm glad those lawns are silent. I mean, I'd hate to have a noisy lawn. What kind of sounds would it make? Horrible wailing screams of pain for having cut the grass? Would it talk? Rustle malevolently? Hard to say.
Taryn: (Since when has that stopped him??? *L* He's good at getting her unpissed usually *L*)
I'm assuming that getting her unpissed involves sex. That's usually a pretty safe assumption in the land of role play.
Eve: *sighs quietly to herself, glancing at the clock on the wall, wondering why Luc says he'll be gone 10 minutes and goes for 10 hours* *smiles slightly at the thought tho - smiles about everything when it comes to Lucien - most everything* *small things* (*Snickers*)
He does this because he's a liar, and he has three other girlfriends he has to "attend to." Or else he's dead in a ditch. Also, the thing she "doesn't smile about" is his nasty habit of smearing feces on the walls. Except for that, he's a pretty charming guy.
Taryn: *slides along the side of the house briefly, searching for a moment with a smirk on his lips, watched the security system be disarmed so knows thats off, glancing up the back porch to the upstairs windows carefully, vaulting himself up onto the railing and grabbing the porch roof*
He's a pretty spy bugger. I like how all he has to do is glare at the security system, and it disarms itself under his watching eye. That's pretty classy. I wish I had those kinds of powers. On the other hand, his name's pretty girly.
Taryn: *pulls himself right up there, the flicker of his coat the last thing to follow, crouching there briefly eyeing the window, creeping forward, his fingers skirting the edge carefully, flicking out a pocket knife sliding it beneath the screen levering it up and out of its runners*
On a side note, the only way that would work is if the screen had no safety features on it whatsoever. Most screens now have little clasps that are worked from the inside to keep the screen from falling out/being removed from the outside. You can't open them from the outside, only from the inside by pinching the clasps and sliding the screen at the same time. However, cheap and/or older screens lack them. I'm wondering, however, why somebody would go to the lengths of having a security system, yet have screens that beg to be stolen.
Eve: (Aren't you the pro? *laughing*)
Taryn: (I've had to do that more times than I can count *L*)
Eve: *Grabs the remote and flix the TV off after flipping thru a few boring shows, before tossing the remote away and onto the nearby couch, grabbing her big pillow there on the floor, and curling up with it, into a ball, closing her eyes to try and sleep for the first time during the night - will try - will fail - can't sleep at night, is bored tho*
This is a pretty boring way to spend your life. Apparently, she's never heard of the internet, computer games, videos, music, books, or card games.
Taryn: *his eyes run over the window not finding a latch, the tip of the knife levering up the thick window sliding it up and open, grinning slightly much too easy, sliding himself through the now open window and stepping down soft footed to the floor, turning back to close the window again before continueing down the hall, searching for the stairs, flicking the knife closed with a small snick*
There is no way in hell that a pocket knife could pry open a window. No way. There's not enough leverage involved. The blade would bend or break, or else do nothing at all. Further, why would he bother running his EYES over the outside of the window, looking for a latch? Any latches on a window would be on the inside, where they could be easily locked and unlocked.
Eve: (Stupid snick.)
Eve: *Hears that snick, tho hears tons of snicks from tons of houses all the time, especially at night time, all houses 'snick', god damnit* *Pays no mind to it, barely opening her eyes into slits, just to watch the flames dying down slowly, tho doesn't move, still in her ball*
So, she's able to hear a barely-perceptible "snick" on a different floor? I'm amazed. That is true sharp hearing. I wish my hearing where that good. I've also never heard a house "snick." I've heard them groan, rattle, bang, and settle... but never "snick."
Taryn: *finds the stairs finally descending them in slow steps, pausing after each just to listen, breathing slow, measured and quiet above all else, is good at this, reaching the bottom and grimacing at the tiled hallways* *hates tiles, his shoes always make wierd noises on them* *frowns a bit shaking his head as he steps down onto the floor*
I am the master in breaking and entering, but my arch villian is... the tiled floor! My ultimate downfall! If only I had some kind of shoes that were silent on tile! If only such a product existed! If only I were able to find it! Curse these tap shoes! Curse them!
Eve: *opens her eyes all the way, hearing... something... barely sits up... simply lifting her head more or less, pausing there, eyes wondering, before letting her head go back down onto the pillow once again*
I'm surprised she's not describing, at this point, her breathing patterns. This is very dull.
Taryn: *Creeps across the floor pausing again with each step heading towards the living room where they seem to spend all their time unless they're upstairs, pausing at the doorway as he looks around it, smiling slowly as he sees her there, searching the room to make sure its clear of reflective surfaces before rounding the edge of it onto carpetting* *Yay*
"heading towards the living room where they seem to spend all their time unless they're upstairs"? What? Yea, just like I spend all my time in front of the computer, unless I'm outside, in the kitchen, on the toilet, watching tv, or any other place. What the hell kind of statement is that?
Eve: (*Yay*? *lmao*)
Cherring that is like cheering because you've been constipated for 3 weeks and finally took a dump. You might celebrate it, but nobody else will.
Taryn: (Hyper... wierd.. remember?? *L*)
Eve: *Scoots slightly away from the fireplace, is getting singed here, turning over, with her big pillow, sighing, not able to really sleep, her eyes stopping on some dude in the house*
How close to the fire is she sleeping? It's usually a good idea to not cuddle up with the logs.
Eve: *Freezes*
First she's hot, then she's cold... must be menopause. No wonder her guy's fucking other women and lying to her.
Taryn: *pauses still in the doorway and simply smiles slowly leaning against the doorjam, cocky, his eyes on her as she freezes* Well well well.. unguarded and everything.,. I must say...too easy....
How convenient. It's almost as thought it were planned that way or something!
Actually, I suspect this to be some sort of trap. "Luc" is tired of her, and has offered her up to "Taryn." Taryn will kidnap her, only to find that she's loaded with plastic explosives, and will kill them all.

Eve: *pulls herself up onto her feet, simply staring at this guy* *mmmmmmmm...................... words.... words.....* *none coming to her, is literaly frozen, did well to get onto her stupid feet*
Let me just rephrase her thoughts here: "*mmmmmmmm...................... words.... words.....* " Very deep. Very deep indeed.
I'd also like to point out that if she was "literally frozen," she wouldn't have been aple to move at all.

Taryn: (Hmm *checks*)
Taryn: (Dammit work)
Taryn: (There we go *L*)
Taryn: *stares at her for a moment knowing there's no other exit from the living room save a window, kind of smirking* What?? Cat got your tongue??? I'm surprised.. I figured you for more talkative...
Eve: ... Who are you?... *HA! *Three fuckin' words by god* *But.. that's all she's got* *Frozen face and figure here*
Apparently, her mouth isn't located on her face, allowing her face to remain frozen while she moves her lips and speaks. That's a pretty handy trick. Either that, or else there's some ventriloquism going on.
Taryn: Is that all you can say??? God... I come into the house... try to find you and I get ''who are you''??? Mmmmm... not the glorious meeting I had planned you know... Besides.. does it really matter who I am??? *talkative son of a bitch*
Apparently, he came in there expecting her to offer him a blow job. I think "Luc"'s been spreading nasty rumors about her.
Eve: *Hm! Fine then* *reaches up, grabbing one of Luc's daggers from off of the mantel, keeping her eyes on T the whole time* *doesn't talk to strangers, ha*
Think she's still "frozen"? Maybe she's having another hot flash.
Taryn: *watches her take the dagger with a faint smirk shaking his head a bit* Tempermental aren't we?? Always have to watch the silent ones.... Great past time of mine actually... *slides away from the doorway eyeing her, pausing maybe 5 ft from her*
Tempermental? This must be some new definition of the word "tempermental" that I've never heard before.
Eve: Going to stand there and bitch all night long? I asked you a question earlier.. you never answered... *dagger tight in hand*
Hey! She spoke! I'm amazed, aren't you? Guess she's finally unfrozen. I wonder what she's going to do with that dagger, don't you? That dagger that was just lying around on the mantlepiece. It kind of makes you wonder what other weapons they have just lying around.
Taryn: I rather thought I might.... But I'll reward you for your little show of Persistance.... The names Taryn... Now... does that make you know me any more than you did 5 minutes ago?
Tell me that's not a very special level of hell... being "bitched at" by Taryn for all eternity. That's it. I'm born again.
Taryn: *raises a brow slowly grinning* Oh.. and that little toy... *tsks softly at the dagger* is all show...
If he used any more ellipses... you know... the many dots... somebody might... take away... his licence... to talk...
Taryn: (He even sounds like Andrys *L* I can't help it)
Andrys sounds like a borderline retarded feminine dork? Man. I feel pretty sorry for him.
There was more, but I left to go see a movie or masturbate or something.