Submitted by Remia
: i need something more in my life...
~~why yes you certainly do. lurking in an empty room, talking to thin air _can_ be seen as crazyness~~
Kalika: *walks in*
~~*gasps* she walked in! she didn't arrive in a puff of smoke or nothing lie that! she just walked in! AMAZING!!!~~
Kalika: *walks to the bar*
Kalika: *grabs a bottle of Goldschlauger and drinks*
Okay. So. She's in an empty room, drinking all by herself. If this were Real Life, she'd be an alcoholic. Since this isn't even real booze, what is she? Besides pathetic, I mean.
: *nods*
~~10 minutes later....~~
Kalika: *nods back*
I see they are running the full gamut of emotion here, from A to B.
: Allo....
Kalika: *smiles* Hi.
~~didn't the nodding thing cover the hellos?~~
: Did you ever know a NightWind?
~~AHHHHHHH!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!! NOT NIGHT WIND!!!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!!!! *runs to find a gas mask*~~
Night wind? Is that what happens when you have chili for dinner? *sings* "you are the wind beneath my sheets".
Kalika: *thinks for a moment* I do not believe that I do know anyone by that name...
~~name? oh, it was a name? and here I was thinking it was a thing...opps!~~
It's actually a medical condition... also, the number one cause of married couples buying fold-out sofas!
: Then you probably do not know me *nods*
That would make sense, huh?
Kalika: *drinks* Yeah...probably not...
~~no shit. if you don't know his name you don't know who he is.~~
I can feel badly needed brain cells dying, here. This is going to end soon. In fact, I'm ending it now.