*walks back in toting decapitated boot monster*...
Aw, yea. That'll show him who's boss.
Mr.Enigma: (( i am back))
Well praise Black Jesus! I was getting mighty worried. aspen??
The new cologne for men.
Mr.Enigma: *looks at mysticfire and laughs* still a stickler for entrances i see
Yes. Most people like to enter. That's how they get in. she told me a bout a pic of john?? what about john??
John! Marsha! John! Marsha! Ooooh, John! Oooooh, Marsha! Marsha!
Bianca: (( *pokes mysticfire* hey!!!!!! where have you been??))
Out in the garden, picking the season's finest snow peas!
Mr.Enigma: *claps his hands and the shadows return to them*
Return to where? His hands? So that's where they've been!
Mysticfire: (around) *looks at enima* Yep*smirks*
Enima? Is that supposed to be "enema"? Or "enigma"? Make up your mind. Jeeze. What an insult. *tries to think back to the last time he used claw cause he's been off line so much lately*...
*tries to think of the last time she used claws, since she trimmed her nails lately*
Solctice: *solctice goes back to playing with her orbe...showing boredom as she does so.*
Yow. Can't even spell her name right. Is she showing boredom, or is she showing stupidty? And what kind of "orbe" is she playing with, anyway? *huggles 208 back*...
Can you feel the love tonight...
Bianca: *smiles at Enigma* thats rwas really neat
"Power" is always appreciated. *huggles Chris more and snuggles to him*
Let's get it on.
Mr.Enigma: well i must take my leave, a friend of mine might pass by later
I shall wait with bated breath. Oh, wait. No I won't.
Mysticfire: *fades into the shadows*(got some work to do)
Thanks for the explanation. Otherwise, we might think you're just going off to kill yourself or something.
Bianca: well it was nice to meet you Mr. Enigma
So Polite. Geeze. Wonder what she wants....
ASPEN: *she appears from above quiet with out motion*
If she's "without motion", how can she "appear"? I mean, ok, the quiet part I can see... but she's not moving! How can she appear?
Bianca: (( oh nothing chris i was just wondering if she sadi anythign about john))
Let's have less wondering and more wodnering, shall we?
Apocolyte: *walks through the door* hello little people of the tavern
What the hell is an "apocolyte"? Is that like an acoylte of the apocolypse, or what? *begining to think he's been gone so long the boot monsters have multiplied*
Uh. Yeah. Ok. *tickles 208*...
Oh for God's sake! Knock it the hell off!
Mysticfire: *watches the room from the shadows un able to be seen by those in it*
She does this by standing behind a shadwy one-way mirror. SPOOKY! you haven't seen my female character yet have you alexa??
And we probably never will, as ytou are too busy tickling and "snuggling" people out of character. ackkk *pinches Chris*
Claw: ((*decides to humor people and go IC*...*chains 208 to the wall*..))
Well, hell. I know the only reason I come in character is to humor people. I mean, hell, there's no point in doing it for the FUN of it!
Bianca: *runs he rfingures though h erhair and lay back on the couch smiling to her self*
Solctice: *Solctice looks up* Hello... *She says sipping her wine quietly*
Nasty drinking problem she has there... needs to get her courage up before talking.
Apocolyte: *moves through the room looking at all the faces*
As opposed, I suppose, to looking at their asses...
Claw: *pokes his large scaly head into the main doorway blocking it and sniffing the tavern, looking around at the patrons with his ruby colored eyes*
Because, you know, large scaly beasties are de rigeur around here! *glares at Chris*
APSEN: *she watches from below her perch*
Quick! How long do you think it will take her to notice that she spelled her name wrong?
Bianca: (( * gets a pic of chris going IC* ))
Obsess much?
Apocolyte: ((bianca is your pic of that chick on boy meets world?))
APSEN: *her long red hair and peirceing green eyes watch the others below*
Not yet...
Bianca: (( *sighs bacause sabrina can't be here to see Claw!!* snif snif ))
Oh, don't worry. I'm sure she's off doing something constructive... like beating small puppies to death with a chain. *tries to break from the chains*
Bianca: (( ya taponga or somthign like that))
Claw: *pulls his head out of the doorway and shifts shapes into human form and walks into the tavern dressed in red suit and cloak jewel handled sword at his side((*winks at sazzy*))*
Ooooh! He's got power.
APSEN: *she catches a glims of a huge creature poking its head into the taverns*
Not yet...
And she mis-spelled "glimpse", too. This does not look good.
Mysticfire: *gone*
Claw: *walks toward the bar and takes a seat in one of the stools*...((*places key to chains just out of 208's reach*))
APSEN: *then the creature is gone...and a man takes its place walking into the tavern*
Here's the play-by-play for those of us too slow to catch it the first time.
Claw: ((hehehe))... *looks at the Key* oh come on Chris.....
Oh... these cyber bonds... OH! they are TOO MUCH for me! Heavens!
Solctice: *solctices orbe surrounds her and then shrinks with her to a tiny bubble and then pops dissapearing altogether with Solctice...*((bye everyone))
I'm still trying to figure out what an "orbe" is.
APSEN: *she moves slowly over above the man in the red suit and balances above the beams*
In her spare time, she's a gymnyst.
Claw: ((fine...*takes keey and unlocks chains*..happy now??)) yes..*tackles Chris and gives sloppy smooches*
out of character cyber slutism. tasty.
Claw: *hears the movement in the rafters and looks up*...
Creation: *blinks in and appears in the rafters reading a novel*
Awwright! More "power"! Wonder what he's reading... Joy of Sex maybe?
Claw: ((interesting choice of pics alexa))
APSEN: *she is still not seen by anyone and decides to join the others,just then the man looks up at her*
She's going to take down her SEP field now.
APSEN: ((thank you....I like her*smirks*))
APSEN: *she looks away and sees she is joined by another shadow in the rafters*
Wait for it...
Apocolyte: *opens a book and reads a passage out of it* Wealth, howsoever got, in England makes Lords of mechanics, gentlemen of rakes; Antiquity and birth are needless here; 'Tis Impudence
Ookay! That's dull. Is he reading out loud, or does everyone in the room just suddenly get a telepathic blast of what he's reading?
Bianca: (( **is gone to try to get sabrina out of the Asylum*
Apocolyte: and money makes a peer
Claw: *wonders why she is above the crowd and smiles warmly at her before looking around at the rest of the room*...
Cos she's better than you.
Claw: ((carefull don't trip the alarms sazzy))
ASPEN: ((*laughs at herself for spelling her own name incorrectly*))
All right! Way to go! You spelled your own name right! Eventually.
ASPEN: *she shyly smiles back and flips down onto the bar below,her red hair follows as she lands with a *thud* on the bar*
See? Gymnyst.
Claw: ((and what are you working on that you spelled your name wrong hun??))
Your inevitable demise, smart ass. (( alarms?? i dotn think Insane put alarms in there *L* ))
Apparently "Insane" is now a proper nown, like "Toledo," "Paris," and "Jeremiah." Or else she just doesn't understand how to capitalize. Which do you think?
ASPEN: ((It has been a rather long week chris,,how have you been....school is done no?....so you are a home now?...))
Claw: *turns his gaze back to aspen* hello...*S*..((yes there are sazzy asylums are low security prisons))...
Actually, they're hospitals and/or hospices for people who are mentally ill and pose a threat to themselves and others.
Sabrina: *drives up out side in her corvette*
Claw: ((i've been ok...school is done but i'm taking summer classes and i'm sharing one phone line for both phone and computer with five other people))
Creation: *sits in the rafters reading*
God forbid you interact with anyone, eh?
Sabrina: (( well there wasn't any in the part of the asylum she was at *L*i got her ))
No. Because you have POWER.
Mr.Enigma: *goes and sits in his dark corner allowing the shadows to envelope him*
Envelope home? Is he mailing himself some place? *drags Chris into the back room and does the horizontal tango with him*
I take it you don't get much attention in real life, eh?
Claw: ((woo hoo *tangos-&-adds a few of his own dance moves...wink wink*)) Sabrina: *walks in th room lettign her blue eyes scan the room then fall apon Creation and a smile crosses her face*
She has Amazing Creation Detection TM. No matter WHERE he is, she can find him. Isn't it amazing? No matter how dark, secluded, or hidden... she can find him.
Sabrina: *appears next to crea looking over his should*
And she can teleport, too.
Ok. You're here. We get it. *screams and moans* hehehe
I'm screaming and moaning too, but for different reasons.
Creation: Hello Love..
ASPEN: ((ahhh sounds like fun chris*)) *she smiles at him and walks across the bar and steps down*
She was rasied in a bar, where people eat and walk on the same surfaces.
Sabrina: *smiles* hi *softly kisses him on the cheek so not to intrude his reading*
"Not to intrude his reading"? Wow. I've rarely seen the English language mangled that badly.
Claw: *watches aspen as she moves across the bar then turns and looks for a good bottle of something to drink as she steps down*..
Creation: *Closes his book and turns and looks at sabrina* Guess what?
"I secretly despise you and am working about your downfall, while fucking both your sister and your best friend."
Sabrina: *smiles* what??
ASPEN: *she steps down still looking at the man in the red suit,thinking she knows of him*
At least she doesn't talk much.
Creation: *steals a kiss* then looks into her eyes* you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.....
Right up there with his rock tumbler and his super man underroos.
Sabrina: *playfully frowns as he steals a kiss* *smiles then steals it back* and guess what
"I'm only using you for your money and your old, boring books, which I plan to set fires with."
Claw: *pulls up two bottles, one dark red wine and the other rum, ponders which to drink and looks back to aspen noting out of the corner of his eye she is still watching him*...
Hmm. Red wine, rum. Red wine, rum. Red wine, rum. Oh, the choices!
Creation: *smiles* what?
Sabrina: i missed you..and I love you soooooo much and your very hansom man!! *kisses him*
What? He drives a hansom cab? Huh?
ASPEN: *she walks to the fire place,grasped in her hand the crystal*
Yow. Make sense much?
Creation: *kisses her back and pulls her tight*
YaY! Pr0n!
Sabrina: *wraps her around around him not wanting to let go but pulls back a little looking him in the face* so where have you been??
With his other bitches. Where else?
Claw: *decides on the wineand watching aspen removes two glasses from the bar, walks to the fire place* mightr i ask if you'd care to join me in a drink miss??
Creation: *looks into her eyes* around.....You?
Sabrina: *slightly looks away* oh i dotn know here and there ... what you mean around you haven't been in here to see me
She, also, has been with her bitches. Notice how evasive they both are. Why? Because they are both cheating.
ASPEN: *she turns and standing in front of her is the man in the red suit...he has two glasses and a bottle of wine*
Thank God for Aspen. Without her, I woulud be totally lost.
As it is, I have to get to work. See you on the flip side.