Fragment 2
We were on YaHoo pager, again, which is why our names preceed our quotes. I'm ShadeFell, and Lawren is IQ292. Solace wouldn't let us post, but we could still read it... or something... and then we were lurking in V-Chat, too.
ShadeFell:*can NOT post in solace*
IQ292: I know, I tried to just say gone, and it wouldn't let me.
IQ292: So I said, screw it and left to go to the bafroom.
ShadeFell: yeh. i saw THAT post.
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: May I say with all respect...........Isa.......that there have past many
moons.........since my eyes got a glimpse of beauty such as yours...........*bows respectfully*
the male room whore.
IQ292: *needs to get there*
ShadeFell: i sent you some stuff via email, too.
IQ292: Want to just do it verbatim from the pager again?
IQ292: I did that with the last one and it ended up HILARIOUS.
ShadeFell: sure.
IQ292: Aiite. I started to do yours too, but didn't finish.
ShadeFell: Lothario.: * garbing his stomach* thats nice mouas
hmm.. guess they've started disgusting themselves.
ShadeFell: garbing his stomach? hmm... is that like girding your loins? damn! perverts!!
IQ292: Stole my joke... *L*
ShadeFell: Lothario.: ok... * tries to lean his back agisnt the wall revealing the fact his forehead
is covered in cold sweat* Once upon a time...
that MUST be cold, if merely leaning back reveals how cold it is! *gets frostbite* hmm... upset stomach... cold sweat.. think he's got the flu?
IQ292: Whenever I have the flu, I like to tell fairytales too.
ShadeFell: *thinks dark poet is really what's his name.... aldabaran?*
ShadeFell: yep. that old vampire flu...
IQ292: Oh, god, it IS Aldebaran... That guys gone off the deep end.
IQ292: *gives shade the duty to copy any good post to make fun of*
ShadeFell: Lothario.: in a far away land there lived a small group of people.. not family .. but
closer that any family colud ever be...
the fact that, alas, they wre NOT family meant that they could never be featured on the jerry springer show.
ShadeFell: ok, law. if i miss any, point'em out, ok?
ShadeFell: Lothario.: they lived like a pack .. hunted together .. ate together.. and trusted each
he left out the part where they slept together...
IQ292: This land WAS Arkansas..
ShadeFell: did they pray together, too?
IQ292: I thought they ate each other...
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: *looks @ Lothario.......* R U OK friend............? MoUa: R u alright, my child?
hm... guess they have to pay extra to use whole words, huh?
IQ292: This was Arkansas, they live like werewolves out there.
IQ292: I'm telling you, twelve ppl, one mind.
ShadeFell: yup. the freerange hillbillies... running wild and free...
IQ292: Eating each other, sleeping together...
ShadeFell: the hair thick and wavy on the lead female's back....
IQ292: The men acting like Dark Poet to increase herd ranking.
ShadeFell: survival of the stupidest.... darwin be damned...
IQ292: Darwin Wept.
IQ292: Better get Loth's next line.
ShadeFell: WORK! *kicks her screen* damn!!
ShadeFell: Lothario.: *his eyes glazeing over* then one day... a stranger came upon the pack..
not knowing what they were he attacked them.. but he lost... and when people came to look for
the moral of the story.. kill all strangers before they kill you.
IQ292: The stranger he's talking about is, of course, the postman.
ShadeFell: a stranger is just a friend you have not killed!
IQ292: Why'd his eyes glaze over?
ShadeFell: i think he's constipated
IQ292: Damn flu again.
ShadeFell: .what is life without the excitment of a little bit of danger.....?
a whole lot longer...
ShadeFell: Lothario.: his friends thought that the pack had attacked and killed him... so the
began to hunt the pack untill there was only one left... and he ran away.. to a far off land..
and his friends were right!
ShadeFell: christ. is he talking aobut himself, here?
ShadeFell: in the third person?
IQ292: Ofcourse, their fav subject.
ShadeFell: not to hunt poor lothario! NO! not allowed!
IQ292: Pooor Lothario.
ShadeFell: pooooor lothario! *wolf ears wobble*
**NOTE: this was a reference to my character Poor Sarah, who would say things like "Not to hurt Poor Sarah! No! Not allowed!" and "Poor Sarah.... Pooooor Sarah..." She was mentally defective. She also wore rabbit ears that slipped around on her head.***
ShadeFell: Lothario.: and found more like himself.. and became the new leader of the pack...
IQ292: Vroom Vroom.
ShadeFell: the leader of the pack!
ShadeFell: *sings*
IQ292: Whoa, you're good.
ShadeFell: does he crash into a wall at the end?
ShadeFell: thanky, law.
IQ292: We can only hope.
ShadeFell: you know me, i live only to serve you.
IQ292: Yeah.
IQ292: Someday I'll thank you or something...someday.
IQ292: Oh, an idiot...
ShadeFell: Lothario.: * falls asleep in mouas arms twicwing ever so slighly *
damn! now we'll never get to hear the end!!
ShadeFell: *watches him twicwing*
ShadeFell: damn. that looks contagious.
IQ292: Must hurt.
ShadeFell: MoUa: *kisses Lothy again on the lips*
IQ292: Get Dark Poet's line...just for pure SAPPINESS.
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: *offers his arm to Lady Isa* May I have the Honor of a dnace with
beauty and magic such as the one in your eyes......?
IQ292: I'm hoping MoUa's female.
ShadeFell: i b'lieve so.
ShadeFell: Hitmonchan: *Walks around the room* Hitmonchan: *Looks arounnd while walking*
IQ292: He can do that AND chew gum.
IQ292: But not at the same time.
ShadeFell: wouldn't do to have him falling over while walking, eh? better watch where he's goi-OOPS!
ShadeFell: Isabeaue: *takes Dark Poets arm gently* I cannot belive I am doing this.*laughs
quietly as she led out to the balcony*
you can't... YOU can't? christ... *I* can't believe I'm doing THIS...
IQ292: This is so gay.
ShadeFell: Isabeaue: *stops him abruptly* I just wanted you to know that I do not dance with just
only men with dicks
IQ292: That should be finished...that doesn't pay me three fifty plus tax.
ShadeFell: Lothario.: *opens his eyes* *whispering* why did you *touches his hand to his lips
while looking at her lips*
cos she felt like chicken tonight....
ShadeFell: she heard that the only way to get ahead in the room is to CYBER
IQ292: I hope she DOES catch something...
ShadeFell: something unpronouncable, huh?
IQ292: Yeah, that'll leave her mentally handicapped and ugly...well, I guess that wouldn't be a change..
ShadeFell: neh.
ShadeFell: argh! these people are BORING!!
ShadeFell: the st.ed's guy left.
ShadeFell: damn.
IQ292: Really? I'm starting to become attracted to Dark Poet.
IQ292: I'd like to have his cyberchild, I do believe.
ShadeFell: neh. he pulls the same shtick on EVERYONE in a skirt.
IQ292: *psst down to sable* Come up here with us..
ShadeFell: or even those he THINKS are in a skirt...
IQ292: I can wear a skirt. *L*
IQ292: Hitmonchan: hhhhmmmm?*Smiles*
I said, YOU'RE STU-PID. Get it now?
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: then i shall dream of this moment of such Honor............Lady
Isa.............*the wind blows..........strongly.........and it turns into beautiful music...*starts to dance
and this... THIS... is why you should never use ellipses unless you have been properly trained
IQ292: Yes, only three dots per word.
ShadeFell: Hitmonchan: *Walks up to sable*Hitmonchan(hi)
IQ292: He can say his name!! Good boy!
ShadeFell: Sable: *pulls her hood farther down her face...nods slightly to Hitmonchan*
guess she doesn't want anyone to know she's in there...
IQ292: Everyone'll know now...poor girl.
ShadeFell: Lothario.: *rolls out of mousa arms .. still dazed* what the???.. tries to stand but
falls.. and gets up stumbeling over to a shadow covered wall*
there's yer shadow covered wall.....
ShadeFell: Hitmonchan: *Smiles and ofeers his hand to shake*Hitmonchan hitmo(My name is
hmmm... redundent, but persistant!!
IQ292: I'm just proud the little tyke knows it...
ShadeFell: MoUa: I can't believe it!!!!!!! somebody slap me.
YES!! an invitation!!!!
IQ292: *must be withstrained physically*
ShadeFell: Isabeaue: *finds herself lost in his gaze* I am from a small town in Canada.*whispers
DAMN! that IS sexy!!
IQ292: She's a Canuck...nothing sexier than a canuck... Eh, do you like hockey, eh?
ShadeFell: Lothario.: *looks at sable* who are you.... wait... don't I???? know you ??? yeah.. I
do... from.. somewhere...
hmm... he's as smart as he looks...
ShadeFell: MoUa: what did I just do?
IQ292:Odds are something pretty dumb Moua...
ShadeFell: ya just kissed a guy with the flu, hon. now go get your shots, yer probably infected..
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: now.......Close your eyes and just drift with me.........Lady
Isa............*gently lifts her a bit from the floor........*
WOAH!!! he works FAST this one does.
IQ292: I think he forgot the word 'skirt' somewhere in there.
ShadeFell: Sable: ((Hey Rub...if you booted outta Sol and you offline ICQ))
wow! almost... no, not even ALMOST a thought there...
IQ292: Hitmonchan: Hitmo?(What the hell)
Damn, forogt his name already...
IQ292: Hey, that's Sable... *L* Madelaine.
ShadeFell: Hitmonchan: ?
yes, i think that sums it up nicely.
IQ292: Again, most coherent thought all night.
ShadeFell: *wonders why shayne is in vchat*
IQ292: B/C Solace is fucking up.
ShadeFell: hmmm....
ShadeFell: but no one from solace is gonna be in vchat... never mind.
ShadeFell: Isabeaue: *closes her eyes, as she feels the ground beneath her dissapear
momentarily* And where did you come from mysterious man?
the pickup out back.... leather seats... want to go for a ride?
ShadeFell: who WUZ that'er masked man?
IQ292: Why, Dark Poet, master of cyber.
IQ292: Did you see Zee's rulez page?
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: *gently puts her down again.........* Lady Isa...from where I come from a
wise man once told me that the eyes where the windows to the soul...I never fully understood it until
y'know, for not understanding that line, he sure uses it an awful lot...
IQ292: And he never understands it each time...
ShadeFell: yeh, saw zee's rules page a while ago.
IQ292: It says, very specifically, NO cyber unless it's between the hours of 12 and 6am...
ShadeFell: why? that when she's on or something?
ShadeFell: Hitmonchan: *Walks to dark poet*HHitmonchan(Hi i am hitmochan and you are?)
no, really, what that means is: may i cut in?
IQ292: He figured out his name again!!
IQ292: *gets some bonus points for that*
ShadeFell: Isabeaue: *looks up at him with surprise* I'm sure that's what you say to all of the
pretty lady's.
all the pretty lady's whats?
ShadeFell: and, yes, he does. *snickers*
IQ292: Sable: ((Loth has left the bldg)) --I'm not sure that'll get the same reaction as te original.
IQ292: Who?
ShadeFell: semperamemus69 came into solace
IQ292: i noticed that, I withstrained myself.
IQ292: Hitmonchan: *Bows*Himonchan(Honor to meettt you too*Bows*)
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: I say those things only when my passion is beauty such
as the one in your eyes.........Lady Isa.........and that hadn't happened in a very long time...........
hasn't happened since the last time i went outside my house, yesterday, when i said thte same thing to the mail lady...
IQ292: Is when he says Hitmonchan represent everything he could possibly say and then he translates ooc?
ShadeFell: Nightmist: *grey eyes glisten like smoke* Good evening sable *bows politely*
IQ292: And the girl at the supermarket, and my sister, and this ittle girl who delivers my papers...
IQ292: Since when can you have grey eyes for that matter?
ShadeFell: Hitmonchan: Hitmonchan(Bye everyone)**Hands a white rose to all the women
awww.. he stole dark poet's exit...
ShadeFell: i have grey eyes.
IQ292: HITMONCHAN (translation: Oh, dinnae know that.)
ShadeFell: Hitmonchan: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((GONE)))))))))))))))
well... whatdya think... think he needs some more parenthesis on tht one?
IQ292: HITMONCHAN (translation: It makes it easier to talk if you only have to say one word.
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: I am in Mexico...........Lady Isa.........but I wasn't born there...........I come
from Spain.........
IQ292: For me to POOP ON@
IQ292: Or piss at.
ShadeFell: cos, as we all know, the really REALLY great lovers are born in spain, then are exported to mexico...
IQ292: Then are on the comp to pick up ugly women via vampire chats.
IQ292: ALL the great lovers come online 24-7...
ShadeFell: Isabeaue: *cuddles up next to him, her heart racing* heart.. mortal, or vampire with a heart condition?
IQ292: Nevermind the stories about comp radiation causing impotency.
IQ292: *realizes he's also insulting himself, stops*
ShadeFell: nonono... they were impotant already... is why they're online.
IQ292: The stars would get jealous? Oh boy....this is just bad.
ShadeFell: Isabeaue: That is interesting, because I was actually born in Ireland.*hidden smile
formed on her full lips*
born in ireland, yet introduces herself as being from a small town in canada. hmmm! sell yourself, girl! yes!!
IQ292: Shade, for lack of a better substitute, let's say you're a woman, would you like that kind of talk?
ShadeFell: uhhh.... depends.
ShadeFell: really, it sounds like bullshit.
IQ292: Ireland is WAY better than Canada... Instead of a hoser, she's now a drunkard.
ShadeFell: but if you were drunk or stupid... you might like it.
IQ292: So you're saying you WOULD like it if it were said truthfully? Wierdo.
ShadeFell: *points to above post* ahem.
IQ292: And that's his target audience.
ShadeFell: YEP
ShadeFell: or really really desperate
IQ292: Another target section...
IQ292: Don't forget ugly.
ShadeFell: ugly fits under desperate.
IQ292: Boy, they're all obsessed with eye color for chrissakes.
ShadeFell: i know.
IQ292: No, some ugly ppl get sex regularly.
ShadeFell: i love it when the eyecolor starts changing...
ShadeFell: yeh?
IQ292: I'd assume.
IQ292: I've been known to give a dog a bone.
ShadeFell: how very generous of you.
IQ292: *is so romantic*
IQ292: Thank you.
IQ292: *listens to uncomfortable silence* Did I do that?
((several minutes went by with no posts as those in vchat tried to find their asses. after awhile they used both hands, and found a cheek.))
ShadeFell: yes. yes, you did.
IQ292: kewl!
ShadeFell: the evil lawren vibes have got 'em down.
IQ292: *sings 'i've got the power'*
ShadeFell: *L*
ShadeFell: isn't that from sailor moon?
IQ292: I...don'
ShadeFell: no? wow. that explains a LOT then. *nods sagely*
IQ292: Nightmist: I doubt everything lest I might miss something
Explains your general cluelessness...
ShadeFell: Nightmist: I doubt everything lest I might miss something
yer not doubting enough then, hon.
IQ292: *beat shade to one for once*
ShadeFell: that's cos....uh.... something.
IQ292: They're not entertaining me very much..the bastards.
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: I am a mere quest for the answer to one
question............Lady Isa..........*takes off his shirt.....places it over her gently* I know that won't
help much.....
the questin is... how many roads... must a man walk down...
IQ292: We need to do this on ICQ with like five ppl.
ShadeFell: noooo! dark poet!! you need to take clothes OFF her, not put them ON HER!!
IQ292: 42!
ShadeFell: o well, least HE's gettin' naked....
IQ292: He's going in reverse... At this rate...
IQ292: Damn, no need to finish, beat me to it.
IQ292: Nightmist: It is called wisdom *smirks*
That's the main thing I doubt.
ShadeFell: Nightmist: It is called wisdom *smirks*
*looks up wisdom in the encyclopedia*
ShadeFell: uh, no it isn't.
IQ292: So, what's it called?
ShadeFell: dark poet = @@
IQ292: He needs to get pist at.
ShadeFell: hmm... Nightmist: It is unfortunate all dont posses it
ShadeFell: yes. yes, it is.
IQ292: Sable: Wisdom in here? What a strange concept......
THAT's why I like her.
ShadeFell: Sable: Wisdom in here? What a strange concept.......
ShadeFell: *falls over*
ShadeFell: *laughs*
ShadeFell: i LOVE shayne...*LOL*
IQ292: She's the bomb, she's the fuckin' atom bomb.
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: May I have the Honor of a toast with you.....Lady Isa..............? the mere
presence of thy beauty.....keeps my soul warm.......My Lady.....
clubs dark poet to death with a large blunt object
ShadeFell: shut UP...! JEsus!
IQ292: *can't move, covered with sap*
ShadeFell: Nightmist: I can tell you knew phoenix then *laughs*
~or you...
IQ292: How to be Dark Poet: Key Words: Beauty, soul, starts, love, heart, gently, softly, happily, rose, dance, latin....
IQ292: *cracks up*
ShadeFell: Isabeaue: You may, if that is what you wish Dark Poet. And always remember beauty
lies within the eyes of the beholder..*nudges him gently*
she's nudging him with her strap on...
ShadeFell: *pulls out is's eyes* nope, you're still pathetic.
IQ292: No, she's telling him she's ugly.
ShadeFell: Sable: *eyes widen looking at him suspiciously* You knew Phoenix?
phoenix? pheonix who? was just throwing out a name at random here...
ShadeFell: *clubs dp to death again* ARRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
IQ292: I forgot champagne and strawberry, he did the EXACT same thing before...
ShadeFell: i KNOW
ShadeFell: Nightmist: How does one miss such a foolish person? hmmm.... good question.
ShadeFell: perhaps they are distracted by YOUR presence...?
IQ292: Nightmist: How does one miss such a foolish person?
I've never missed you...ever, swear to god.
IQ292: Key words: eternal, magic...
ShadeFell: ººRaven WarAngelºº: back for a moment,
o, thank god.
ShadeFell: this is what used to be midnyt starr or whoever. member him? people kept thinking he was she, so he had to change hisname to something manly
IQ292: *was really hoping that Raven War Angel would return*
ShadeFell: no shit! now the party can REALLY start! been waiting all NIGHT for this!
ShadeFell: *eats popcorn, sits on the edge of her seat*
IQ292: No, don't member... *has spent all of 2 weeks TOTAL unbanned in V-Chat since it moved from chrysalis*
ShadeFell: Nightmist: I guess it is still hard to hear the truth no?
esp. when it's not being spoken.
ShadeFell: law, he was on when we were lurking before.
IQ292: Shadefell, heh? Really?
ShadeFell: ººRaven WarAngelºº: I doubt every little, so as not to be surprised
..hmmm... what?
ShadeFell: Nightmist: Like they say fools thrive in ignorance
*points to the room * SEE? prime example.
IQ292: CAINE's here!! Let the incoherency begin!!
ShadeFell: : *a man enters the room and looks around his body is of a lion yet aman.His eyes
yellow and his teeth long.*
a man... and a lion... at the same time... WOW...
IQ292: HAD to say he had yellow eyes...totally hung up on eye color.
ShadeFell: *avoids his long teeth*
IQ292: He's like Lionel from Thundercats.
ShadeFell: Nightmist: Like they say fools thrive in ignorance Sable: *laughs softly* Tis truth only to me, stranger.......
nonono... tis truth to us, too.
IQ292: *wonders if he's wearing the tights*
ShadeFell: thunder..THunder...THUNDER CATS!
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: Lady old are you my Lady........?
ahhh... just cut to the chase, already.
IQ292: What..will you fuck me?
ShadeFell: ººRaven WarAngelºº: and my tolerence of strangness is quite high
ShadeFell: *watches raven warangel tolerate strangeness*
IQ292: Namely himself.
ShadeFell: law, well, yes, that.
IQ292: He wants to know how old the bitch is... *L* He's hoping for the nine to fifteen bracket.
ShadeFell: (*watches a girl from poland and a girl from hungary debate the intricacies of writing in the english language*)
ShadeFell: yep.
IQ292: Where?
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: Lady Isa...........a wise man once told me..........that a sigh is a kiss not
given.............*gently kisses her soft cheek..........(BRB)
he has said that sooo often...
ShadeFell: law, across from me.
IQ292: The disgust I feel for Dark Poet is starting to manifest in physical pain.
ShadeFell: : *he moves to the bar and loosk around *Good eve all.
hmm...think he's looking for a handle?
IQ292: I just listened to some guy getting drunk and pissin in his friends creatine jar.
ShadeFell: oh, YUCK
IQ292: He was very descriptive.... *loves public libraries*
ShadeFell: : *in from the window a lion jumps and walks to his side.8I am looking for any
information Oliva.*looks around the room as his eyes glow bryght.*Good eve Sable.
ShadeFell: law... he was doing this in a library? WTF??
IQ292: I TOLD you, he is KING of incoherency.
IQ292: Only claudia rivals him,
IQ292: No, he was telling about it... And I have to listen... He's scratching his ass now...cute.
ShadeFell: *is laughing out loud and twitching*
ShadeFell: i'm sorry for you. really.
IQ292: In case you don't know, the girl behind me has fine legs and the girl to her side is pretty says he.
ShadeFell: *laughing* what's a library for but enriching the mind... and discussing the bods of the chicks..
IQ292: Get the kiss crime one.
IQ292: And talking about peeing in things.
ShadeFell: Isabeaue: *nuzzles her head against his cheek* And a kiss not givin can be considered
a crime..*laughs and looks up at 206* Isabeaue: I hered she was staying away from here untill it is safe to return.*shrugs*
why, who are you?
ShadeFell: ok. the second one...hmmm.. they are ON to us....
IQ292: first one, well, if you're the only one there, lock me up.
ShadeFell: Caine: I am her father.I am Caine the Warrior of the Nyght Hunter of the
Hunters.*Bows*and you are?
hon... ya mis-spelled night....
IQ292: He misspells EVERYTHING shade!
ShadeFell: ARGH
ShadeFell: *kills him then*
IQ292: Misses his own name once in awhile.
ShadeFell: what, forgets the 'e'? or spells it with a 'k'?
IQ292: That dude has been around since Chyrsalis...I've never gotten along with him. He's King Munchkin.
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: (SORRY.........BACK)
yes... we are all sorry too...
IQ292: Will randomly drop a letter or add one...
IQ292: Let's see if he skips like a record...
IQ292: Does the same stuff over.
ShadeFell: yep.
IQ292: Of COURSE Olivia is his daughter, you're ALL related...
IQ292: Which makes the cyber so nasty...
ShadeFell: and they're all fucking.
ShadeFell: a whole new meaning to the words ''kissing cousins''...
IQ292: Like a little Arkansas hillbilly conclave.
IQ292: Except they all have 'power', which is a vague undefined terms that means munchkin in our langauge.
ShadeFell: ººRaven WarAngelºº: Good eve to U Caine, I am a shadow vamp from the Shadow
lands, can I get U anything?
you have to pay extra to use the whole word "you"
ShadeFell: munchkin power! is that like, uh, turtle power? from the 80's?
IQ292: Guess he couldn't be like, say a regular vamp from the Shadowlands... Do they have them there? Ever been to the shadowlands?
ShadeFell: neh. tht's to diferentiate himself from the sunlight vamps from the shadowlands....
ShadeFell: or the shadow vamps from sunnydale...
IQ292: They make up entire DIMENSIONS to come from, and they all have one of the key words: Shadow, Dark, Realm, Land, Power, Night, Nightmare, Horrid.
ShadeFell: Caine: Yes a glass of wyne mixed with one part werelion blood/one partvampyre blood
and one part mage blood please.
DAMN he is pickey!!!
IQ292: *adds up the parts* That makes three halves.
IQ292: WereLION, can't be any werecreature, must be were LION.
ShadeFell: Sable: *disappears into the floor* *gone*
isn't that also (dispearing into the floor i mean) an aphorism for being really really embarrisng?
IQ292: Aph-or-ism? *tilts head and looks confused*
ShadeFell: well, law, it's cos he's a manform and a lion form AT THE SAME TIME!! with yellow eyes and realy long teeth.
IQ292: Don't forget the yellow eys.
ShadeFell: Dark Poet: It is said that sighs are air.......and go to the winds............that tears are
water.......and go to the seas...........but when love ends.........where does it go.......?
ShadeFell: *cries* make it stop... make it stttooopppppp.......
IQ292: I'm ignoring Dark Poe from now on.
IQ292: It's starting to actually HURT to read him...
ShadeFell: i know... my eyes are bleeding...
IQ292: ººRaven WarAngelºº: Caine: on its way *gets the ingredence and mixes it together* here ya go sir.
THAT simple? Guess they got werelion on stock.
ShadeFell: AND mages. damn. gonna have to go here to stock up on my mage blood..
IQ292: I'd like to SEE them try to take a mage's blood... According to M:tA, we can fuck up vamps.
ShadeFell: Caine: In hell dark hell.We had this talk before rememberr
IQ292: Sides, what's any different about mage's blood...
ShadeFell: law, no SHIT
ShadeFell: mages=scarrrrryyyy... *G*
IQ292: *was gonna say that, was waiting for shade to post it*
ShadeFell: mage's blood? hmmm... the 'magic' in it?
IQ292: *loves playing m:ta, the only limit is imagination, can make legal munchkins*
ShadeFell: *yawn* hey... i have to study for finals tomorrow.
IQ292: Oh yeah, finals, I remember them...
ShadeFell: bleh.
IQ292: You gonna bail?
ShadeFell: yeh. tired.
IQ292: E-mail a copy of this.
ShadeFell: i shall.
IQ292: Far'the well, Shadefell, luck be with
ShadeFell: ººRaven WarAngelºº: Far'the well Sable, luck be with
be with WHAT???
ShadeFell: ARGH!!
ShadeFell: *gonna have futile, pointless dreams now*
The End.