Dear Son,
Just wanted to write and wish you, my grandkids and that
woman you married a Happy New Years. I want to thank
what’s-her-name for the Christmas present, a box of chocolate
covered cherries, just like the one I gave her five years ago.
The doctor said my blood sugar was to high so I gave them
to the lady in the next trailer. She told me she had to throw them
in the trash because the chocolate taste so old. I hope you got
something nice for my grandkids for Christmas with my last ten
dollars I sent you. I stayed up till 4am. waiting for you to call me
on Christmas Eve but I guess you were too busy playing Santa.
Meals-on-wheels brought me a wonderful Christmas dinner of
cardboard turkey and dressing, instant mashed potatoes and lumpy
gravy. I spent the whole day here alone, all by myself.
Well tonight is New Years Eve. I guess I’ll have to kiss old
Spot at midnight like I did last year but he is out chasing Mrs.
Jones poodle, so I guess I’ll be alone this year.
I hope you eat your blackeyed peas for luck tomorrow, however
the last time I had them was the year your dad died. I hope one
of your New Years resolutions is to drive that ten miles, more
than the two times you did this year, to visit Your Dear Old Mama.
I don’t think I’ll still be here by next New Years, so I took a taxi out
to the cemetery yesterday. I wanted to see where my new home is
going to be. While I was there, I attend the funeral of someone I had
never met. Their family was so friendly and they took me to the
dearly departed’s house for food. I still don’t know why they
called me Aunt Lucy when my name is Minnie. They said they
had heard I’d already passed away. One nice couple insisted
on bringing me home but they kept asking me why I’d moved
to an old run down trailer from my nice house. By next New
Years this old trailer will probably have fallen down to the ground,
but that won't matter since I'll be over there with your dad.
Well son, I wish you a Happy New Years again,
Your Loving Mama
Copyright @ 2002 M. Doris Fuller
This was written just for fun and any resemblance to any
person living or dead is purely coincidental. LOL
PS: For those who didn't understand, this is not about
A lonely neglected woman but about one who tries to
Control her family with exaggerations. I kave known
People like this who don't tell the truth but they may
Even believe their own lies and no matter how much
Their family does for them it isn't enough.