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I got up and realized just today that our
Precious time together is quickly slipping away.
So a day with you, my child, I have planned.

When you get up from your bed this morn,
I will have nothing to say when you put on that
Ugly tee shirt and ragged jeans I hate so much.

At breakfast I will laugh at all your funny jokes.
Then away to the park we will go to play and
I will listen to your thoughts and tell you mine.

When we arrive back home, I will leave off the
Television, let the answering machine get the phone
And tell my internet friends I’ll not be on today.

We will bake cookies and a chocolate cake.
You will stir the batter with your little hands and
I will let you lick clean the bowl and the spoon.

At noon we will drive to Burger King.
There you can chose your food and then we're
Off to Wal Mart where you will buy any toy.

We will return home to play your favorite games.
You will win because I will make sure you do.
I will be so happy just spending time with you.

After dinner, I will watch you make a big splash
As you play in the bathtub and I won't even
Complain when you leave a dirty bathtub ring.

I will tuck you in bed, give you a big kiss,
Listen to your prayers, and then read your
Favorite story until you have fallen asleep.

I will watch as you sleep and thank God for this day.
Then I’ll promise to spend more days like this with you.
And I will ask Him to watch over you as you sleep.

Copyright @ 2003 M. Doris Fuller

My children are all grown up now, but it seems like only yesterday
they were still home asking for ice cream money or to go play at the
park. They grow up much to fast, so take time with your children.
Mothers, these are the best days of your life, so treasure
them and thank God for blessing you with one of the
greatest gifts you will ever receive, your child.

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