Ephesus |
Smyrna |
Pergamos |
Thyatira |
Sardis |
Philadelphia |
Laodicea |
Name Meaning |
To relax or let go (Desired One) |
Crushed myrrh (Death) |
Marriage (Mixed marriage) |
Continued sacrifice (Semiramis) |
Those escaping (Remnant) |
Brotherly Love |
The right of laity (People Rule) |
Prophecy Fulfilled |
A.D. 33-100 Birth of church in Acts 2 |
A.D. 100-312 Severe persecution |
A.D. 312-590 Married to the world |
A.D. 590-1517 Catholics buy indulgences |
1517-1750 Escape from Catholicism |
1750-1905 Revivals & missionaries |
1905-present Self-satisfied Godless church |
How Jesus identifies Himself to each church. |
He who holds the 7 stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the churches |
The First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life. |
He who has the sharp two-edged sword. |
The Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass. |
He who has the 7 Spirits of God and the 7 stars. |
He who is holy, and true, who has the key to David's throne. He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens. |
The Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the beginning of creation of God |
Commendation |
Works, labor, patience, perseverance, Doctrinally sound. |
Works, faith- fulness to the Lord unto death, spiritual richness. |
They did not deny His name or the faith. |
Works, love, service, faith, patient endurance. |
NONE Only a few were worthy to walk with Him in white. |
Did not deny Him - kept His word & persevered. |
NONE They disgust Him with their spiritual complacency. |
Rebuke |
They let go of their first love. They replaced their love for the Lord with rituals and works. |
NONE They remained pure in faith through their persecution. |
They were tainted with heresy; sacrifices to idols & sexual immorality. |
They practiced spiritual adultery, divination, idol worship (the Doctrine of Satan). |
Their faith is dead and their works are dying. |
NONE He keeps them from the time of trial. |
Lukewarm faith, wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. |
Exhortation |
Remember & repent! Or He will remove their church. |
Be faithful & He will give them the crown of life. |
Repent! Or He will come against them with the Sword of His mouth. |
Repent! Or He will cast them into great tribulation. |
Remember & repent! Watch! Or He will come as a thief. |
Hold fast that no one takes your crown. |
Seek Him & His righteousness, be zealous and repent. Let Him in! |
Promises to those who overcome (* and keep His works until the end) |
Eat from the tree of life in paradise. 2:7 |
Will not be hurt by the second death. 2:11 |
Hidden manna (Jesus), white stone of righteousness. 2:17 |
(*) He will give power over the nations, and the morning star. 2:26 |
Shall be clothed in white & not be removed from the Book of Life. 3:5 |
Pillar in temple, name of New Jerusalem & a new name. 3:12 |
Will sit with Him on His throne. 3:21 |
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:5 |
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Church-at- a-glance |