Q: Are homeschoolers being isolationists?
A: Yes-but that doesn't mean that what they're doing is wrong.
However you educate your children, you're being isolationist. For instance, those children who attend public schools are being isolated from a Christian philosophy in virtually everything they're taught. Children who are homeschooled or sent to a good Christian school are isolated from being indoctrinated in a humanist philosophy.
The point is, it's not a matter of whether one is an isolationist or not, but what you're going to isolate children from. We should want to do our best to train them up foundationally, beginning with the book of Genesis, so that they'll have a foundation for their doctrine and be able to defend their faith. We also train them to understand the humanist philosophy and its evil foundation of evolution, so they'll be able to fight it.
All Christian parents should be isolating their children from being influenced by evolutionary humanis -whether they homeschool or not. Our young people should have a Christian worldview based on the authority of God's Word.
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