There was a terrible blizzard and it was snowing and snowing all weekend

There was a terrible blizzard and it was snowing and snowing all weekend. Sunday morning came and the Pastor saw that the snow had reached his window. He didn't think anyone would be coming to church this morning, but he felt obliged to go anyway. The pastor fought his way through the icy wind and snow to get next door to the church. He waited in the sanctuary, reading, for ten minutes. He was about to go when the door opened, and a man staggered through.

"Hello!" said the pastor. "Church will have to be cancelled today- you're the only one who has come." The man replied," Reverend, if you had a big herd of sheep, and only one came home that night to feed - would you still feed him?" The pastor was amazed and cried," Yes! I would!"


He then was filled with the spirit, and decided to preach the best sermon ever. He talked and talked about all of life's trials and joys - he referred to passages from Genesis to Job, Psalms to John, Acts to Revelation. He did so with profound excitement and conviction. This went on for a long time. After the minister had come to his final conclusion, he went down and talked to the other man.

"Did that satisfy you, sir?" he asked happily. The man replied, "Reverend, if you had a herd of sheep and only one came home that night to feed - would you make sure he ate the whole bale of hay!?"

The Blizzard

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