Q: Is America the great Christian nation it once used to be? |
A: Frankly, no longer--you'd have to say that it's really a post-Christian nation. As you observe the growing humanist philosophy in the increasing abortion, homosexual behavior, pornography and violence--as well as the growing anti-Christian sentiment--you have to conclude that something terrible has happened to this nation. |
What's happened can be described as a 'culture shift.' Generations ago, American society was based on the Bible--thus most people had a Christian morality. But the Bible is no longer the foundation it used to be--increasingly it's being replaced by an evolutionary foundation. Thus people are being taught that man is just an animal, that the Bible is not true; therefore, people can decide truth for themselves. |
As a result of this change, the American culture has changed from a Christian one to a secular one. People have no understanding of sin or Christian morality anymore. That's why we need to get people back to the authority of the Word of God--beginning with Genesis. |
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