Joachim Newsletter |
Edition; 19 March 2008
Dear Family This is a fairly short newsletter. Perhaps some of you can send me an item for the next newsletter in May. Jenny and I never knew our Auntie Stella but feel very strongly that she take her place in the Joachim Family History. I am therefore endeavouring to record what little I know about her and hope that you, as a Joachim, may offer up memories which can be added to this page. Perhaps this way she will be truly remembered. Stella, born 9th February 1910 was the first child of my grand parents, Sadie and Jo Cowen. The pictures that remain of her childhood show a pretty, blond girl. My Father Harold, said his sister had the most beautiful wavy, blond, hair. Jenny and I know nothing of Stella’s early years, only that she finished her schooling at Presbyterian Ladies College. She then taught for some years but as this was not to her liking she opened a shop with her mother Sadie. Dad said that like her mother, she was very skilled in knitting and embroidery and that this is what the shop sold. I don’t think the shop lasted all that long but of course, it was somewhere in Chapel Street. Stella was a stunning looking young lady. She died suddenly in 1942. Dad said that his Mother visited her grave, in the St.Kilda cemetery, daily. Jenny was born on Stella’s birthday so Mum and Dad gave her “Stella” as a middle name. But, you can see how little is known of her. Can any of you add to this page? If so, please write. Stella lived to adulthood so it is possible that other family members have details which can be added. We never knew our Aunt, can you please tell us about her? Thank you, Katrina |
Stella Cowen |