MacGillivray Family Tree
Third Generation:
The Family of John Derroch MacGillivray and
Margaret (Maggie) "Etta" MacGillivray
John Derroch MacGillivray
Born: April 23, 1861 in 25-7 Lochiel, Glengarry, Ontario (L112)
Married: July 6, 1893 in Ontario
Died: February 17, 1963 in Ponoka, Alberta
Note: John Derroch (J.D.) was my great-grandfather. I attended his 100th
birthday celebration in Edmonton when I was 4 years old. I remember
the pipers playing and the many, many relatives and friends that attended.
He passed away 2 months before his 102nd birthday.
Wife: Maggie Anne "Etta" MacGillivray
Born: May 7, 1876 in Lochiel, Glengarry, Ontario
Died: February 22, 1954 in Westlock, Alberta
Father: Donald Rory MacGillivray
Mother: Henrietta McMillan
Mary Helen MacGillivray
Born: April 11, 1901 in Madison, South Dakota
Married: June 2, 1917
Died: September 23, 1994 in Grande Prairie, Alberta
Spouse: Oscar Arthur Thompson
Children: Florence Adams and Joyce Thompson
Ruth Margaret MacGillivray
Born: May 13, 1894 in Madison, South Dakota
Died: 1896 in Madison, South Dakota
Archibald (Archie) Dean MacGillivray
Born: April 23, 1896 in Madison, South Dakota
Died: December 7, 1967 in Vancouver, British Columbia
Spouse: Beulah Edna VanBuskirk
Dean, Robert, Verda.
Their Children
Ruthven Edwin MacGillivray
Born: January 22, 1898
Della Ruth MacGillivray
Born: August 27, 1903 in Ponoka, Alberta
Married: January 11, 1927 in Oyen, Alberta
Died: April 1, 1975 in Edmonton, Alberta
Spouse: Garnet Pickering Freebury
Children: Norma, Jean, Jack.
Their Children
John Donald MacGillivray
Born: Sept 8, 1905 in Ponoka, Alberta
Spouse: Violet Matice
Children: June, Don, Darlene
Jessie Henrietta MacGillivray
Born: June 12, 1907 in Ponoka, Alberta
Died: January 23, 1998 in Red Deer, Alberta
Never Married
Murdoch James MacGillivray
Born: May 25, 1911 in Edmonton, Alberta
Died: in Edmonton, Alberta
Spouse: Hazel Sheppard
Children: Jean, Jack
Nellie Christie MacGillivray
Born: August 12, 1914 in New Brigdon, Alberta
Married: January 6, 1936 in Westlock, Alberta
Died: July 23, 1968 in Edmonton, Alberta (U of A Hosp)
Spouse: Hollis Victor Guyett
Malcolm Duncan MacGillivray
Born: February 16, 1921 in Alberta
Died: June 15, 1971 in Edmonton, Alberta
Spouse: Gloria (remarried name Riepel)
Children: Neil, Malcolm, Susan(Samantha).
Their Children
The Family of John MacGillivray and Mary MacGillivray
The Family of Allan MacGillivray
The Family of Duncan (the Blacksmith) MacGillivray
Pages from Archie MacGillivray's Journal
First Mayor of Ponoka - Biography
The MacGillivray Clan Crests and Badges
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