
"Dunmaglas and god bless...
all ye who enterrr here...
Grrabb yerr cu' o' kindness and...
we'll sharre a bit o' Cheer!"

Hi and welcome. I am the six generation of our MacGillivray family to live in Canada. This is our family tree traced as far back as records show in North America to somewhere around the late 1700's in Glengarry, Ontario. There are as many as eight generations listed on the following web pages.

Linda According to family history, Malcolm MacGillivray, born in Scotland in the late 1700's, came to Canada where he met and married Helen Chisholm, born in Ontario late 1700's, and had a son, (my great great grandfather) John. John married Mary MacGillivray in Ontario and later moved to Madison, South Dakota from Glengarry, Ontario. I am also searching for information on other children that may have been born to Malcolm and Helen.
John and Mary had eight children, John Derroch, Murdoch J., Margaret, Malcolm, Mary, Duncan, Christie and Norman. From there our tree really stems out! You will find information on each of these siblings below and links to their descendants where there is further information.

In the early 1900's, my great grandfather, John Derroch (JD) and Maggie returned to Canada and settled in Alberta. My direct ascendants are in gold, bold print. I look forward to hearing from all you MacGillivray's out there so drop a line and good luck in your search!

Linda (MacGillivray) Smyth

We are working on building this tree and have so many names and photos still missing of relatives. I am going to add pictures and stories of the family members named on the following pages as I'm able. I have recently been told of a new branch to our tree. We know that we are related due to names in family bibles, etc. but have yet to find the missing stem in the branch. I have included a link to this new information below under "New Branch". We are looking for more information on Duncun and Donald, also a Rod McGillivray. If you recognize any of the following names and feel you may be a descendant to any part of our family tree, or know of the family history of Malcolm MacGillivray and Helen Chisolm back to Scotland please CLICK HERE and fill out the form provided. You may also post a message on the Clan MacGillivray web site or email me at:

Tartan Bar

First Generation:

The Family of Malcolm MacGillivray and Helen Chisholm

Husband: Malcolm MacGillivray Born later 1700's
Wife: Helen Chisholm Born later 1700's
Their Children: Norman b Dec 21/1813, Flora b 1816, John (Allan) b1819, John b Sept 21, 1821, Christie b Oct 11/1823, Mary b Feb 12/1826, Duncan Murdoch b Jan 10/1835 (the Blacksmith)

Tartan Bar

Second Generation:

Norman MacGillivray

Flora MacGillivray

The Family of John (Allan) MacGillivray

The Family of John MacGillivray and Mary MacGillivray

Christie MacGillivray/John M. McCrimmon m Mar 27, 1844

Mary MacGillivray

The Family of Duncan Murdoch(the Blacksmith) MacGillivray

Tartan Bar

"New Branch of MacGillivray/McGillivray related to this tree!"
Don McGillivray/Mary McClain and descendants

Updated May 21/02... Note: This is the only link!!"

Tartan Bar

*Memorial Tribute to
Dean MacGillivray*

*A Celebration of Life*

From the University of Buffalo, New York

Pages from Archie MacGillivray's Journal

First Mayor of Ponoka - Biography

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