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My little strawberry Pill Yes, another Sev pill... ain't he cute? Swirling FIRE! Actually, it was an attempt at tie-die.. but...
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my pills from other pill pals pharmacies!

Lala! O_o Dexter's dad A zombie Frylock! Terrance *toot* Phillip *fart*
aww, cute little froggie... Snape!! Muuahahaha! Yes, Harry Potter..
American pride, baby! Bender from Futurama I laugh at you Crackle, from 'Snap, Crackle Pop... wake up call to the world! (rice crispies) It's Tony the Tiger! A ladybug
Fishies! It's bad, bad Percy Pluto! It's Donald Duck! The chef from the Muppets Albus Dumbledore! Colin Creevy, with camera Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter Hermione Granger Minerva the animangus Ron Weasley Sevvie! Aww, he's so adorable! *glomp* Moanin' Mrytle Oliver Wood Hagrid
Oh my god! You killed kenny! awww A sick pill Spiderman, Spiderman! Venom The incredible Hulk Gir! Dib! A little mer-pill
Subway - eaaaat fresh! Aww, they're kissing Swearing pill! Baad pill...! A brain slug, from futurama Wee! Nibbler! Look, it's Bex's Pill! ^^

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