<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/magichands45/FOUR_SEASONS__Walk_Like_a_Man.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Beauty comes from within.
Inner strength is Beauty!
Neither shimmer or glimmer can compare
  Personality is dynamic it will dazzle you
  Attraction is but a mere reflection of oneself
  Natural attribute's are honesty and truth
  Essence of loyalty is true inner beauty
  Lavishly bestowed upon you

  Affection is to be cherished shared by few
  Sincerity a quality that is wonderfully refreshing
  Everlasting peace finds total fulfillment
  Astonished that I am as you would have me
  Unique like no other accept me for who I am
  I come in friendship, peace and love

                                                © 2000 Debbie Moore