<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/magichands45/stars.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

  Ten fingers, Ten little toes
  Perfect in every way
  You have your father's eyes
  Your mother's smile

  Can you hear me
  A glow all your own
  Can you see me
  All ribbons and bows

  No, Go, up down Ma, Da
  Such beautiful sounds
  When you were three
  You looked at me

  Eyes all a twinkle
  At ten you lost a tooth
  Your teens seem to fly bye
  I turned around your youth was gone

  Now you are twenty one
  With children of your own
  I see little ones as you were
  Precious and beautiful

  My little one not so little
  You are their mother now they count on    you
  As I  your mother  you counted on
  Unconditional is the love and the bond
                                                                                ©  Jan. 2001 Debbie Moore
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To Julie
  Love Mom
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