<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/magichands45/WeAreFamily.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
             ~* Under My Rainbow *~

  What treasure lies beneath my rainbow
  We are glorious people alive in our beliefs
  In our youth our quest is acceptance
  Laughter fills our souls with excitement
  In all honesty we are sincere

  Beauty in his eyes is for all to see
  Imperfection is part of all who see us
  We are accepting our limitations
  Yet quite noble in character
  We are proud to stand as one

  We respect the right to choose
  As Individuals we are different and unique
  We seek equality to be like you
  We are his children also
  We are Gay We are Lesbian we have pride

               © 2000 Debbie  Moore
            ~  Under  My  Rainbow  ~
Page Designed by Maria