<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/magichands45/Loves.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

  Because you love me
  I have butterflys of joy
  There is a song in my heart
  I feel the warmth of the sun
  There is a rush in my heart
  I think of you and blush

  I want to caress  you
  I want to shower  you with kisses
  I want to embrace you with hugs
  I want to feel our bodies together
  I want to make love with you

  Together we are forever
  Because of you I now belong
  I pledge my love for you
  I will tell all of my love for you
  Because  you love me
  Together  we  are  special
  Without  you  I am lost
  Love now and everyday

                 © Jan. 2001 Debbie Moore
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