Once again, "Welcome".
This webring was organized August 28, 2000. With the world beginning a new millennium, it is my belief that women of the south have much to offer. It is my desire that our webring bring a knowledge to the world of what the "real" south is about and the women who are today's "Steel Magnolias". We are intelligent, strong and yet gentle, graceful and filled with as much knowledge as are women and men anywhere today. Not the ignorant women that are joked about all over this nation. If you agree with me, let us join together, building a ring of southern women that will indeed prove women of the south are "Steel Magnolias".
Ringmistress: Jean/Aquarius
We are a group of Steel Magnolias who value our morals, heritage and integrity. Some may see our values as conservative, however, we strive to live up to and keep alive the example set by women of the South throughout our history. Thank you for understanding this and respecting our right to preserve our beliefs.
Site qualifications to join this webring are very simple.
1. You must be southern born and raised, or currently live in the South. If you have come to the south as an adult, it is understood that you embrace the southern way of life and are proud to be called 'southern'.
2. No pornographic, hate or racial sites will be accepted. All sites
must be "family friendly".
3. Your website need not be southern
in content, however, mention of your
home in the south is encouraged.
It is our desire to bring southern
grace, genteel ways and elegance
to the world wide web.
4. A sufficient knowledge of HTML is required to join. Do NOT ask the ringmistress to add your code for you or to send it to you.
5. No sites 'under construction' will be considered. It is understood that sites are always 'under construction' and expect you to use this guideline with your best interpretation and within reason.
6. Your site may be commercial only if it is selling your unique craft or talent. We are here to bring together talented women of the south.
7. Do not change the HTML fragment in any way except putting in your PERSONAL information. The basic HTML code is not to be altered. The only
exception being the font color. We now have eight (8) logo choices. You choose the logo you prefer for "your" site.
8. You must be at least 25 years old. No one younger will be accepted. We wish to present sites with the talents and ideals of a mature woman.
9. Sites must not just be all links, but must have content you placed
there. A site that is just links to other sites will be removed.
A webring is simply "links" to join our sites
in a circle so to speak, if a link is broken,
so is the circle. Ring Management maintains a
constant ring check for our webring to insure
that the integrity of the ring is true.
1. Upon site submission please try to have the
Steel Magnolias fragment added to your site
as soon as possible.
2. The fragment should be added as it is sent
to you. No changes other than the font color.
3. The webring fragment may be put on a 'webrings'
page. But there must be a link pointing to your
site HOME if you choose this option.
4. If you move your site it is imperative
that your site information be edited to reflect
any change in your url. RingSurf provides a link
on your letter of admittance to the ring, you
can click the link and be taken directly to your
site information to make any changes necessary.
5. Please use your current email for joining
the ring.
6. A site is allowed to remain in the queue for seven days. After seven days the site will be removed.
7. The Steel Magnolias Webring graphic has to be uploaded to your server. The graphic will not load if it not on the same server where your home page is located. Do not ask the Ringmistress to mail the graphic. It is always available on this page.
8. Be sure to change the name of the graphic in the HTML code you receive to reflect your choice for 'your' site.
If you feel your site meets these guidelines
and you would enjoy Steel Magnolias, please click
the "Join" link below. You will be welcomed with all
the warmth and grace the south has to offer.
Write to me when you're ready to be added. Be sure to include your site ID number in the email message.
I will look at your page to make sure the Webring HTML fragment on your page is okay. After checking out your page, your site ID number will be used to add you to the ring. You should then receive an email telling you you've been added. This email will include a link with the password you chose, for easy editing of your site when necessary.
Save and upload the logo of your choice to your hard drive, and then ultimately to your website location.
Important Link
1. List of member's sites. You may view all our members here and choose a site that appears of interest to you or simply click next in your webring code on your site, and visit them all.
Note: We reserve the right to remove any site from the ring as well as decline sites for inclusion at the sole discretion of the Steel Magnolias Webring.
Due to the usual problems with a site staying visible, I have created a mirror site HERE Any time you cannot see the images or if this page should not load, if you will visit this site and bookmark it (or put in your favorites), you will never be unable to view the information.
To view our highest award and visit the winners, click the link below.
All graphics created by Aquarius
All Rights Reserved
Magnolia tube used in the top two logos and the silver framed logo: Cheryl Boswell
Webring created August 28, 2000
©2000 By Aquarius