Our Award of Excellence for July, 2001 was presented to
"Pathways". This is a wonderful website created by graphic
artist Cheryl Boswell. There is also a large section Cheryl
and her husband did together. These are pictures and information
about his tours of duty with the Marines in Viet Nam. Be sure and
click the award and visit this wonderful site.
The Steel Magnolias "Award of Excellence" was given in October to
"Southland". This is the home on the web for WriterDJ and is beautifully
done both graphically and with her own wonderful poems and short stories.
DJ (M.Rogers) is very talented and I know you will enjoy visiting this website.
The March, 2002 Steel Magnolias Award of Excellence, went to
"Southern Ways" created and designed by Janella, aka MizDixieBelle.
This is a beautiful web site with many different subjects covered.
I know you will enjoy seeing and reading all of it. Janella does beautiful
work. I love her memories of the south told so beautifully.
The latest Award of Excellence goes to "Tailormaids Tales".
Tailor has a wonderful site, beautiful to view and interesting to read.
She offers all the world a view of the real south and her faith in
God. She also offers a prayer ministry for anyone who feels they
they want to participate. Thank you Tailor, for a wonderful site and
for your friendship. We are delighted to have you as a member of
Steel Magnolias web ring. As usual, click the award to visit the site.
The links below will return you to our webring "home"
or back to page 1, awards.