Hello and welcome to my home on the web.
My pages are dedicated to every living thing!
I am starting by targeting those in need...
children, animals, homeless-the list is endless.
As the list is endless, I think
it is safe to say, that my sites will be
under constant construction-
so please check back often.
Also, if you have a cause that you think
should be addressed here, or simply a comment,
please feel free to E-mail me.
I hope you'll find these pages enjoyable,
interesting and educational.
Thanks Sweetie, this is a lovely angel!
If you arrived here via a webrings, or would
like to hop on one, this is the link you need!
My Awards
I have my awards that I offer, if you are
interested, you can get to them by linking
right here.
Awards & Gifts I've received
Well all my awards and gifts were deleted, so
if you have any you'd like to give me, I'll take
I have an another guestbook,
if you aren't able to sign the one above,
please sign this one.
Please enter here to my index and site~
This background is from Starr Gallery's.
This is background set is copyrighted to Starr Galleries.
This set & site content, is the property of Maire.
Please, do not take without permission.
Copyright 1996, 97, 98, 99, 2000