Malawi Project

"Heart of Africa"


To collect sufficient funds to allow Teli Rendle to return to Malawi for a fourth visit to help AIDS orphans become self-sufficient.

People involved:

Linda Turner, Tom Barrett , John and Brenda Newman, all former close colleagues of Teli’s


Tellervo (Teli) Rendle worked in the World Reference Laboratory at Pirbright for 15 years until November 2001 when she "retired" early to go and carry out voluntary work in Africa. She was no stranger to that continent since she had worked there many times, in places as far apart as Botswana and Casablanca, in an official capacity as an IAH employee transferring new diagnostic technologies to African veterinary laboratories. Although born in Finland, a country with a climate and culture very different from any found in Africa, Teli fell in love with Africa and its people. After leaving Pirbright she spent six months at The College for International Co-operation and Development in Hull training to be a voluntary worker before being sent to Malawi where she worked for six months on an HIV/AIDS awareness project. During this time she made many friends in the local community

Teli returned for 3 month in June 2003 to work with 'The Active Youth Organisation' funded by the Heart of Africa project. Since then the Active Youth Organisation have changed from being a local Youth Organisation to a national NGO, COPRED (Community Partnership for Relief and Development). Teli is still in contact with them, but as she has now made many local contacts, she feels that her time would be best spent helping more directly, and on a more personal level, in improving the village life for those she has befriended. This will be in the form of small projects (sewing skills, briquettes etc) which would help the villages to help themselves on a more sustainable basis as well as encouraging 'Youth Clubs' in their fight against HIV/AIDS.

"I honestly believe this is much better for the community, much better for the use of money," says Teli.


Heart of Africa raised funds for Teli to carry out the following projects on her return to Malawi in 2004

This was Teli's urgent list: (The list of course is continuous...but in order of urgency...)


This is my favourite. It is an independent group of 16 volunteers who are looking after 500 orphans (190 girls and 310 boys).

They don't actually have a centre as such (would like to have one of course), but run one nursery school in a church and another one in a Health Clinic. Older children go to school. Volunteers cook a meal every day at the nurseries and the older children who attend school can come there to eat as well.

They have their own garden, where they have harvested 50kg of maize and 13 kg of beans last year.

They are also paying school fees (secondary school) and buying school uniforms. How they get the money is a mystery for me as they do not get outside support. Heart of Africa gave some teaching materials and seeds for them.

This group, like every Malawian I met, wants to become independent, find an income generating project of their own.

They were very keen to start sewing clothes (apparently the skill is there) and would like to get a sewing machine.

A good sewing machine was about £100 but this year the price will probably escalate again. It would also be good to give the first roll of fabric, needles and scissors etc. £200 should guarantee all that.


Are waiting for a new centre, which is under construction by the volunteers of the village.

They are keen to start a TINSMITH project and I have actually promised them money for that. £100 is needed.



Ten Youth Club members are running this pre-school for 119 small (2-6 years old) orphans. Youth Club members got two footballs and teaching materials & toys from us. This group would also like to have a sewing machine for gaining some income.

If we could get money at least for the machine (£100) it would be a good start.

4. FUEL-BRIQUETTE project (at least one please)

Village to be specified where I would like to start another FUEL-BRIQUETTE project. About £150 needed for making cement pits, moulds etc.


Are cheap to establish and £20 is more than enough for one village. Just £100 will suffice for 5 villages.

6. ........and then of course, more footballs, teaching materials, medicines etc.


Although the main aim is to start income generating projects, it is impossible to work in Africa and ignore all the individual needs. When writing this, I get an overwhelming feeling of being small, very small in front of huge problems and big needs. But I know that many people in Malawi are waiting for my return and it helps me to cling onto my motto:

"Better to light one candle than cause the darkness"

I am grateful for you also wanting to light some candles.

Thank you,


Teli also helps some individual orphans/families like Frocy now suffering with Malaria and TB.

Planned date of next visit:

Spring 2006

Things to donate:

Recyclable Printer Cartridges:

Printer cartridges large or small and toners, used or out of date, are suitable for fund raising.

Unfortunately fuser and drum kits are not included.

Car Boot Sales

Items suitable for car boot sales are welcomed.

Items for taking to Malawi

Pens, pencils, crayons and all forms of writing instruments etc. Pins, needles, thread and patterns for sewing requisites and basic medical supplies are hugely important. Weight restrictions on luggage will prevent Teli taking large amounts of heavy materials such as clothes, which in any case can be bought very cheaply locally, and books. It may be possible to arrange shipment of children’s books etc. at a later date so please keep any suitable material you might have and which you wish to donate.

Cash donations or loose change.

Financial target:

A Trust Account "Heart of Africa" has been opened with the Nationwide building society no. 703298001 to receive cash donations from friends and associates. We are continuing to organise various "money making" activities over the next couple of months to raise the financial target of £3,000 including Greetings Cards of Teli's Malawian Photo's and regular car boot sales.


Teli's associates Joseph and Watson in Malawi have been successful in buying a plot of land near UPILE centre in Jumbe with funds raised this year by the friends of Heart of Africa. Teli intends to return to Malawi to see the progress of the projects she created and hopefully the building of the orphanage for the UPILE children.




Cheques payable to

Heart of Africa

Bank sorting code: 070093

Bank account no: 33333334

Referring: 0324 703298001


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