Our experiences in this world- when unorganized, opens all possabilities physcologically as well as physically allowing one to live out ones dreams and desires, acting on ones own feralness and wildness. The universe and everyone in it lives, imagines, and creates in the harmony of natural chaos absent of any hierarchy or repression. Only when such attempts at narrowing ones thoughts to organized pitch, tone, beat, symbol etc. begins to narrow ones thoughts, actions etc. requiring one to no longer think and create to ones own limitless dreams, but is encouraged to accept the passive role of "learning" therefore narrowing ones senses and thoughts to certain repition dictated by those who created and now enforce such hierarchial physcological conformity. (therefore creating a ruling class of those who encourage and harbor knowledge of such organization and those of the physcologically exploited class who do not) Due to such classes (specialization and alienation) and the hierarchy it creates, must be destroyed if we truly want to experience our our limitless passions and desires.