<BGSOUND SRC="redwine.mid" LOOP=INFINITE> Gullibility

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" Gullibility "

Oh! Life thou hath made a fool of me,
Oh! how the world weeps for thee.

Could that I be granted one request,
T'would be that thou had not put me to the test.

Thou dressed in a velvet gown of deception,
My soul was as ready as a governor's reception.

No one unto thee can deceive,
Unless thou art completely naive'.

One who speaks truth, shall thought a liar be.
Knowlege that all men are liars, hath set me free.

Nowhere in this world, doth justice lie,
To hell with believers, motherhood and apple pie.

Thou hath sold thy self for a very small price,
Keep a talisman to be sure it doesn't happen thrice.

Mary S. Hymel
Copyright (c) 1972-2004
All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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