<BGSOUND SRC="almostawhisper.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Oh! You finally made it. So happy that you could come.
Pull up a comfortable chair and sit for a spell and I will pour you some tea and  introduce my self. 
I am 55+ in light years but in the soul I am ancient. In mind I am a child of fantasy and dreams.
I live in the deep South among the Magnolias and Spanish Moss. Where the bayous are a bright green and the Alligators abound.
I have been married 43 years to my loving husband Kerry, I have 3 beautiful children all married and living their own lives and 5 beautiful grandchildren from age 20 years down to age 6 years.
I was born on a farm in NE Alabama three months before the War to end all Wars started. Moved to Southern Calif. when I was a teenager and married a Navy man and then moved to Texas and later on to South Louisiana.
I have lived through hard times and good times and looking back even the hard times were good. I have been so far down in Spirit that I had to reach up to touch bottom and so high in Spirit that I had to look down to see myself.
In my pages I will share with you my deepest and darkest thoughts, so if you are afraid to delve into the deepest recesses of my mind, then I suggest you head for the
nearest exit. Among my pages I will lay bare my soul.
Please note the copyright dates as they are long ago and please don't write me to say that I have a chemical im-
balance and referring me to your doctor who just discovered the cure for my mood swings. I am mentally, a healthy and happy person.
My moods or  depression was born out of frustration, from being an independent, futuristic career woman, trapped in a 50's housewife's body not a chemical imbalance. When I broke free of the chains that had held me prisoner the whole world was a beautiful place. Thank God! back then hormone and Prozac prescribing doctors were virtually unheard of or I may still be trapped.
In 1971 and nearing 30, I suddenly had an identity crisis! Who was I ? I was someone's wife, mother, child, but there was no Me !
Back then the perfect wife and mother stayed home and kept the perfect house and raised the perfect children and catered their every need. In other words you played the martyr. I was all those things until it almost smothered me.  Back then you played little games.  If you wanted to do something you had to go 90 miles out of the way to make it happen, you just couldn't say I am going to do this or that.  I followed the rules to a T.
I started a business in my home so I could be home when the kids got home from school and could have dinner waiting for hubby. This went on for 2 years and then the big recession came! Who says recessions are bad! Suddenly the price of food, gas, clothing and entertainment doubled and tripled. Under the guise of economics I went out and got me a career!  No one complained as we could now do all the extra things that the recession had taken away. My career spanned 18 years and I am now retired and completely fullfilled.
God works in mysterious ways and with faith and the deter- mination to follow your dreams and wishes you can realize those secret longings and ambitions. I'm sure there are many women out there that did just as I did and many who didn't have the courage to break with tradition. I'm sorry that they didn't as it has been a journey that I wouldn't have missed for the world....MASH