<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/mamaslilbaby/unforgivenll.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Drag me oh Lord, from these depths of Hell,
Tag my coming problems with a Leper's Bell.
Give me the strength to face them all,
Whether they be large or small
Give me the foresight, the pitfalls to beware,
An ounce of what it takes to care...
A love that understands and wants to share.
Help me to know when I am about to do wrong,
Touch my heart and make me strong..
Let the people around me always get along.
Keep my life on a path that will never disrupt.
Let your wine flow that fills my cup...
Strengthen my courage so that I never give up.
Take heed to your desperate child's mornful cry,
Don't let the important things in life pass me by.
Life as we know it is but a whisp of time...
Keep me Oh Lord, from misusing mine.
Help me to further your cause for mankind.
      Mary S. Hymel

Copyright © 1972-2001

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Song~Unforgiven II