#1 Iniania Response and devotions #2 Sidra d Nishmatha Book of souls Baptismal ritual and sacraments #3 Sidra d Nismatha Book of Souls #4 Glossary #5 Tafsir Paghra Inner meaning of the ritual meals One of the 6 sections in DC 6 #6 Alf Trisar Suialia 1012 Questions Translated by Drower A copy is also located in Paris at Bibiotheque Nationale called the Code Sabeen #16 #7 Diwan d Nehrowatha (Nahrawatha) Translated in K. Rudolph’s book “Diwan der Flusse” A rare secular document of fantastic geographic imagination of the Mandaean scholars #8 Diwan Abathur Progress through the Purgatories Translated by Drower #9 Haran Gawaita Same as section #8 of the DC 36 Translated by Drower #10 Pirsa d Sambra A Phylactery of Rue Published in Orientalia volume XV 1946 pages 324-346 by E.S. Drower Dated 1871 (A.H. 1249) #11 Don’t Know #12 Parsha Harshia Loosing of spells (A.H. 1196) #13 Hibil Ziwa Zraztia #14 Don’t Know #15 Pthahil Zraztia 16 Don’t Know #17 Don’t Know #18 Zarazta d Suba Sibiahia Protection of the Seven Planets #19 Salhafta d- Mahra Ransom of Illness #20 Safta d-Dahlulia The Scroll of … #21 Safta d- Pishra d- Ainia Exorcism of the Evil and Diseased Eyes Published in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1937 pages 589-611 and in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1938 pages 1-20 both by E.S. Drower #22 Ginza Rba Translated by Mark Lidzbarski Der Schatz oder das große Buch Der Mandäer Göttingrn: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 1925 #23 Pasar Sumqa Exorcism of Fever DATE (A.H. 1226) #24 Šharh d-Parwanaiia Tarasa Roll Rituals---the concentration of Mandi / Priest/ Ganzibra unpublished #25 Don’t Know #26 Don’t Know #27 Zihrun Raza Kasia #28 The Excorsim of “I sought to lift my eyes” unpublished #29 Don’t Know #30 Drasa d Yahia Book of John #31 Don’t Know #32 Don’t Know #33 Suba Ibisna Sirna Htima Biswar Ziua Nisimtai #34 Diwan Malkuta ‘Laita The Scrolll of the Exhalted Kingdom Translated by J.J. Buckley in The Scroll of the Exhalted Kingship published by American Oriental Society 1993 #35 Diwan Madbuta d Hibil Ziwa The Scroll of the Baptism of Hibil Ziwa Translated by E.S. Drower in The Haran Gawaita and The Baptism of Hibil-Ziwa published by Citta Del Vaticano 1953 #36 Alf Trisar Suialia Translated by Drower Haran Gawaita is located in the 8th section #37 Safta d-Masihfan Rba Scroll of the Great Overthrower #38 Don’t Know #39 Safta d-Qastina Scroll of “I Shoot” DATE (A.H. 1216) #40 Qmaha Pašar Mihla Phylactery for the Exorcism of Salt DATE 1831 (A.H. 1247) Unpublished and untranslated #41 Alma Rišaia Rba Great First World Translated by E.S. Drower in A Pair of Nasoraean Commentaries published by E.J. Brill: Leiden 1963 #42 Šarh d-Tabahata The Scroll of the Ancestors unpublished #43 Suba Ibisna Sirna Htisna Byawar Ziua Nisimtai The Poor Priest’s Treasury 12 exorcisms unpublished #44 Zrazta d-Hibil Ziwa The Tailisman of Hibil Ziwa unpublished #45 “harsia bisia” Mandaean book of black Magic ---Translated by E.S. Drower in A Mandaean Book of Black magic #46 harsia bisia” Mandaean book of black Magic--- Translated by E.S. Drower in A Mandaean Book of Black Magic #47 Pishra d-Shambra The Spell of Rue unpublished #48 Alma Risania Zuta The Lesser World Translated by E.S. Drower in A Pair of Nasoraean Commentaries published by E.J. Brill: Leiden 1963 #49 Don’t Know #50 Sarh d-Masbuta Rabtia d-Tlaima Usitin Masbutiata A commentary on the Great Baptism #51 Pisra d Pugdama d-Mia Exorcism- The Command of the Waters DATE (A.H. 1277) #52 Don’t know #53 Prayerbook #54 Coronation of the Great Sislam (Another copy in the British Museum # OR 6592) Translated by Drower M S Asiat. Misc. C 12 Diwan d-qadaha rba šums d-mara d-rabuta u-dmut kušta TheScroll of the Great Prayer of the Name of the Lord of Greatness and the Image of Truth AKA: The Great Prayer Unpublished |