
Response and devotions

Sidra d Nishmatha
Book of souls
Baptismal ritual and sacraments


Sidra d Nismatha
Book of Souls



Tafsir Paghra
Inner meaning of the ritual meals
One of the 6 sections in DC 6

Alf Trisar Suialia
1012 Questions
Translated by Drower

A copy is also located in Paris at Bibiotheque Nationale
called the Code Sabeen #16


Diwan d Nehrowatha (Nahrawatha)

Translated in K. Rudolph’s book “Diwan der Flusse”
A rare secular document of fantastic geographic imagination of the Mandaean scholars


Diwan Abathur

Progress through the Purgatories
Translated by Drower


Haran Gawaita
Same as section #8 of the DC 36
Translated by Drower

Pirsa d Sambra
A Phylactery of Rue
Published in Orientalia volume XV 1946 pages 324-346 by E.S. Drower
Dated 1871 (A.H. 1249)


Don’t Know

Parsha Harshia
Loosing of spells
(A.H. 1196)

Hibil Ziwa


Don’t Know



Don’t Know

Don’t Know

Zarazta d Suba Sibiahia
Protection of the Seven Planets

Salhafta d- Mahra
Ransom of Illness


Safta d-Dahlulia
The Scroll of …

Safta d- Pishra d- Ainia
Exorcism of the Evil and Diseased Eyes
Published in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1937
pages 589-611
and in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1938
pages 1-20
both by E.S. Drower

Ginza Rba
Translated by Mark Lidzbarski
Der Schatz oder das große Buch Der Mandäer
Göttingrn: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 1925


Pasar Sumqa
Exorcism of Fever
DATE (A.H. 1226)


Šharh d-Parwanaiia
Tarasa Roll
Rituals---the concentration of Mandi / Priest/ Ganzibra


Don’t Know


Don’t Know


Zihrun Raza Kasia

The Excorsim of “I sought to lift my eyes”

Don’t Know


Drasa d Yahia
Book of John

Don’t Know

Don’t Know


Suba Ibisna
Sirna Htima
Biswar Ziua Nisimtai

Diwan Malkuta ‘Laita
The Scrolll of the Exhalted Kingdom
Translated by J.J. Buckley in
The Scroll of the Exhalted Kingship
published by American Oriental Society 1993

Diwan Madbuta d Hibil Ziwa
The Scroll of the Baptism of Hibil Ziwa
Translated by E.S. Drower in
The Haran Gawaita and The Baptism of Hibil-Ziwa
published by Citta Del Vaticano 1953

Alf Trisar Suialia
Translated by Drower
Haran Gawaita is located in the 8th section

Safta d-Masihfan Rba
Scroll of the Great Overthrower

Don’t Know

Safta d-Qastina
Scroll of “I Shoot”
DATE (A.H. 1216)


Qmaha Pašar Mihla
Phylactery for the Exorcism of Salt
DATE 1831 (A.H. 1247)
Unpublished and untranslated


Alma Rišaia Rba
Great First World
Translated by E.S. Drower
in A Pair of Nasoraean Commentaries
published by E.J. Brill: Leiden 1963

Šarh d-Tabahata
The Scroll of the Ancestors

Suba Ibisna
Sirna Htisna
Byawar Ziua Nisimtai
The Poor Priest’s Treasury
12 exorcisms

d-Hibil Ziwa
The Tailisman of Hibil Ziwa

“harsia bisia”
Mandaean book of black Magic
---Translated by E.S. Drower in A Mandaean Book of Black  magic

harsia bisia”
Mandaean book of black Magic--- Translated by E.S. Drower in A Mandaean Book of Black Magic

Pishra d-Shambra
The Spell of Rue

Alma Risania Zuta
The Lesser World
Translated by E.S. Drower in A Pair of Nasoraean Commentaries published by E.J. Brill: Leiden 1963


Don’t Know

d-Masbuta Rabtia d-Tlaima Usitin Masbutiata
A commentary on the Great Baptism

Pisra d Pugdama d-Mia
Exorcism- The Command of the Waters
DATE (A.H. 1277)


Don’t know



Coronation of the Great Sislam
(Another copy in the British Museum # OR 6592)
Translated by Drower

M S Asiat. Misc. C 12
Diwan d-qadaha rba šums d-mara d-rabuta u-dmut kušta
TheScroll of the Great Prayer of the Name of the Lord of Greatness and the Image of Truth
AKA: The Great Prayer