There is one and only one group that are the true Sabians, the Sabians of the Qu’ran, the Sabaeans of the Bahai, the Sabians from whom the Harranians stole the name, the Mandaeans. The Sabeans of South Arabia are a separate group and appear to have nothing to do with the Sabians (Mandaeans) or Sabaeans of Harran.
The Mandaeans were in existence before the birth of Jesus. Their baptism rituals have remained pretty much unchanged for the last 2,000 years. They were known by the name Nasoraeans or Nazoraeans. They had no kingdom to claim their own nor were they a state religion. Their theology existed in many cities throughout the Palestine and Mesopotamian area.
The Nasoraean (Mandaean) theology existed before Jesus. The theology spilt into many sections. Some groups retained the name Nasoraeans but chose to follow Jesus and some retained the name Nasoraeans but chose to follow Jewish laws. Some of the Nasoraeans names were changed. The names Sabaeans, Masbuthaeans Sampsaeans, and Basmothaeans, all reflect the same origin Subbi- those who baptize. Click here for more details on the Pre-Christian Nazoreans (Mandaeans).
It is a common belief that the word Sabian (Sabaean) comes from Sabi'un ("Convert"), meaning one who 'converts' from the worship of many gods to the worship of the “One True God”. Arab lexicographers explain the word sabi as being derived from the verb, which means “arise, apostatize” or “incline, turn away from the (true) religion”. Thus giving the meaning “ those who take on a new religion other than their own” just like Mohammed did. Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn al-Tabari (838-922) is credited with being the first who wrote of this meaning. In his commentary book on the Qu’ran he examines the etymology of the word Sabi’un and is the first to give the meaning of sabi as someone who takes on a new religion other than his own.
Western scholars do not accept this definition and while they differ on the etymology, they do all agree that the word Sabi’un is not of Arab origin. The most logical theory is that the word used by the Arabs was originally Mandaic (the language of the Mandaeans). In Mandaic the verb “sb” was developed from the Syriac verb. In Mandaic the ayn of the Syriac is changed into the alaf in Mandaic. The Arabs then borrowed the word root “sb” from the Mandaeans.
The Harranians, who worshiped the planets and the stars and sacrifice to these deities, had successfully managed to have their religious practices validated in order to exist within the bounds of Islamic society. The effects are felt even today with the new age groups claiming to be based on these ancient practices of astrology and “spells” and thus using the terms Sabaeans or Sabians in the titles of their sects. These constant reminders of what the Harranians stood for, astrology, planet worship, and even human sacrifices, still taint the TRUE Sabians, the Mandaeans.
Today there are several books and articles in which the Sabians (Sabaeans, Sabeans) have been explored, discussed, and arrived at a decision. It amazes me how many of these articles side with the Harranians being the Sabians of the Qu’ran because of the most flimsy evidence. If seems as though people are willing to believe Abraham would have been one and Mohammed would have condoned the practices of the Harranians in the worship of the moon god Sin as well as the other various Mesopotamian deities. Yet many writers ignore the massive amounts of evidence both circumstantial and direct that supports and confirms the Mandaeans as the original Sabians (Sabaeans).
This article will deal with all the various Sabian groups and the evidence that will stack up to validate the claim that the Mandaeans are the True Sabians. |