Various Mandaean Writings

Before all the worlds came into being
there was [or came into being] this great fruit.

When the great fruit was (or: came into being) in the great fruit,
the great King of Light came into existence.

From the great and glorious King of Light
the great ether of radiance came into being.

From the great ether of radiance
the living fire was brought into being.

From the living fire
the light came into being.

By the power of the King of Light
life was brought into being and the great fruit.

The great fruit was brought into being,
and in it the Jordan was brought into being.

The great Jordan was brought into being,
there came into being the living water.

The radiant and resplendent water was brought into being
and from the living water, I, the Life,
was brought into being, I, the Life, was brought into being,
and then all the uthras were brought into being.
From Werner Foerster, Gnosis: A Selection of Gnostic Texts, vol.2, trans. R.
Mcl.. Wilson (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974),