Various Mandaean Writings
Adam’s Deliverance

In the name of the Great Life the sublime Light be glorified.

From the Place of Light I have come forth,
from you, everlasting (or, bright) dwelling-place,

From the Place of Light I have come forth,
and an uthra from the House of Life accompanied me.

The uthra who accompanied me from the House of the Great Life
held a staff of living water in his hand.

The staff which he held in his hand
was completely full of leaves.

He gave me its branches,
of which the ritual books and prayers were full.

Then he gave me more of them,
and then my suffering heart was healed.

My suffering heart was healed
and my world-shy soul found peace.

A third time he gave me some of them,
and then he lifted up the eyes of my head.

The eyes of my head he lifted up,
so that I beheld my father and recognized him.

I beheld my father and recognized him:
and I put three questions to him.

I asked him about the calm in which there is no insubordination.

asked him about a great, strong heart,
which can support both great and small.

I asked him about a smooth path,
in order to ascend and see the Place of Light.

The Life is worshipped and is victorious
and victorious is the man who has come hither.
From Werner Foerster, Gnosis: A Selection of Gnostic Texts, vol.2, trans. R.
Mcl.. Wilson (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974),