KTIP Pilot Project Lesson Plan Format



Name:_______Amanda Wyraz__________  Date:___November 24, 2007_____  Age/Grade Level: ____1st Grade____


# of Students:  __25_____  # of IEP Students:  ___0_____  # of GSSP Students:  __0__  # of LEP Students:  __0___


Subject:  ______Addition_______  Major Content:  _______Math _________  Lesson Length:  _____5 Days______


Unit Title:  _______________________________________  Lesson Number and Title:  ________________________________



§          Explain how this lesson relates to the unit of study or your broad goals for teaching about the topic.

§          Describe the students’ prior knowledge or the focus of the previous lesson.

§          Describe generally any critical student characteristics or attributes that will affect student learning (other than what you described in the Teaching and Learning Context).



§          State what students will be able to do as a result of this lesson.  Objectives must be student-centered and observable/measurable.



§          Connect your goals and objectives to appropriate Kentucky Core Content and/or Program of Studies.  Use no more than two or three connections, and if not obvious, explain how the objectives are related to the Core Content and/or Program of Studies.


Resources, media, and technology

§          List the specific materials and equipment needed for the lesson.  Attach copies of printed materials to be used with the students.

§          If appropriate, list technology resources for the lesson including hardware, software, and Internet URLs, and be sure to cite the sources used to develop this lesson.  (If you or your committee feel the technology observed in the lessons does not fairly represent your use of technology, provide additional documentation.  See Standard IX.)



§          Describe the strategies and activities you will use to involve students and accomplish your objectives including how you will trigger prior knowledge and how you will adapt strategies to meet individual student needs and the diversity in your classroom.


Assessment Plan

§          In tabular format, organize how objectives will be assessed.  Include copies of assessment instruments and rubrics (if applicable to the lesson plan).  Assessment methods include, but are not limited to, pre-assessment, anecdotal records, checklist, multiple choice, open-ended, questioning techniques, open response, on-demand, writing portfolio tasks, quiz/test,  and self-assessment/reflection.