This page was modified on  11 January 2009
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A happy new year to you all !
Just had a quiet christmas and New Year's this year - seeing family and friends and eating waaaaay too much food (as everyone does at Christmas I'm sure).

A huge congratulations to Renae & Leeroy who got engaged before Christmas, and have bought a beautiful house together - way to go, u two make such a wonderful couple !! I'm beginning to wonder if Rosey will ever ask me.....(If you're reading this Chum - hint hint!!!) te he he

Also a very happy 47th birthday to my mum for the 30th of December. Hope you had a great day and I will be bringing your pressie 'round soon!

Not much else to write about for the moment, I am so pathetic lol.

Hello - happy new February to you all! LOL
Guess what!?!
Me and Rosey are moving house again. The owners of the house we're in now want to move back in so we've been given our marching orders.....dang!
But the good news is that we've found another house already - in Melba, ACT. We will be moving over the weekend of 14th Feb. Not much time to pack so we will be busy little bees the next 2 weeks.
I'm sure you have all heard (and seen) the bushfires that tore through Canberra on the 18th January. Thankfully everyone we know is okay and they didn't loose their houses, but hundreds of other ppl did :( a very bad day that was.....terriibly scary. I hope something like that never happens in Canberra ever again! And 'bah' to those in the interstate media who ragged on the firies, and tried to put the blame on anyone they could think of. Bah is the nicest bad word I can think of, but really I want to say that interstate media are a bunch of no good, hypocritical, misfitted, lard-a$$ed $hit heads. They are there to report news, not to make uninformed decisions and incorrect statements on who was to blame!  Three cheers for the firies, police, volunteers, and everyone else who helped out!! The fires have made me realise what a great community we live in, and that everyone sticks together even when times aren't great.
Aaaaah much better, now that I've got that off my chest! Take care y'all,

Hello. Just a quick hello to let you know that we have now moved and living in Melba. Dang I hate cleaning walls!! Sorry this update is going to be short n sweet......

Hi de ho!!
First up, a very happy 22nd birthday to my brother for the 24th of April. Hope you liked your pressie!!
Also a happy birthday to my best buddie, Diane who's birthday was on the 18th of April.

We have settled into our new house in Melba. We are yet to have a house-warming party, but will hopefully get organised in the next few months!

I'm making more changes to the website (a change is as good as a holiday lol) and so you'll notice the update page is now flowery and girly!! If you want gorgeous backgrounds for your webpages, I highly recommend
Shawna Graphics!!
Anyhoo must go, give my love to the monkeys,


Wow it's August already !! A happy birthday to my pop for yesterday !!

My bestest buddie in the world, Diane, is moving to the UK ! :( I'm going to miss her heaps, we'll still be able to chat via email tho :) and luckily it's only going to be for 2 years or so.

Settling into our house abit more now, jeez our gas heating bill is going to be HUGE once we get it 'cause we seem to have it going 24/7 !! I'm guessing about $1000 bucks worth - crikey LOL.

Not doing much else, have been sick again lately, but am on the mend now and getting back into things !

BTW, congrats to Cheree & Dave - a baby boy, Eric Jeffrey on the 12th July - way to go !!!

catchya later,

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Sorry I have not updated in awhile, I had my phone cut off so I had no internet - bugger !!
but I'm back online now - yipeeee!!
Haven't been up to much, still working part-time dang it. (the reason being because I'm still ill quite often)
i've had more tests done for my 'mysterious illness' but they've all shown up didly squat so I'm back to square one. The only thing I can think it may be at the moment is celiac disease, so I'll probably have some tests done for that soon, I'll let u know how I go !
Not really doing much else, struggling to get by on the teeeny amount of money I bring in from working, which all goes back into crappy bills - woo hooooooo
sorry I'm such a sad sack today LOL
give my love to the monkeys

Hi de ho neighbours !!
Haven't updated for awhile so I thought I'd better before y'all think I've dissapeared (not that anyone ever reads these updates but hey)
Almost Christmas again.........crikey LOL
still working part-time, have NO MONEY, and they've decided to keep me on part-time for another 3 months. There is no way in hell we are going to be able to afford living like this when I'm bringing in diddly squat amounts of money, so I'm looking for another job. yay. and I thought i'd be secure in this job. i love the job and the ppl but i seriously can't afford to only work 3 days a week. I've managed to drag myself (and my chum too - sorry chummie) up to our armpits in debt and it's only gonna get worse.
So yay I'm sooooo looking forward to Christmas.........
Not much else happening, so have a good chrissie and new year !!

oh, btw I've added some new pics too. check 'em out......
This is my regular update page. I write what goss I have, what I've been up to etc etc.
The latest update is all the way at the bottom of the page..... sorry 'bout that :p
Project Corona
Family Tree

Happy new year!
As you may have noticed, I have updated the site design (again).... :)
Guess what? I'm back to working full-time - hurray !! I actually have money again.....phew.....
hopefully going to fly up to the gold coast to see Adam, Hayley & Colby in about April, so we'll actually have the money to be able to afford it now. Thank god.
So not doing much else, just happy to be full-time again.
Give my love to the monkeys :)


Wow. Haven't updated for a while.
Congratulations to Adam, Hayley and Colby - a new addition to the family on the 4th April - a baby girl, Dominique (hope i spelled that right).  I know I keep saying this, but we'll hopefully come up there and visit u guys real soon !!

Been busy working as usual. FINALLY went to the dentist and told I have to have 4 teeth taken out (oh yay) - total cost? $2200 !!! dang! so I'm going in to have them taken out on the 8th June, hopefully it will all go well.

Hmmm...... not much else going on at the moment, trying to save money to buy a house but haven't got very far when we have to fork out thousands of dollars to fix our teeth !! oh well we'll get there one day :)
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Ok, so quite abit has happened since my last update (for a change)
I had my 4 teeth taken out - peice of cake! abit painful for afew days but it was fine....i'm now going back to my dentist quite regularly to have millions of fillings done now, and I'm due to have root canal done on one tooth in early October woo hoo!

The biggest news I have - this has been quite a 'life change' for me by the way - I've finally given up smoking!! Now I know what most of you are saying at this point (especially if you know me personally) - how on earth did I have the strength to give up 40 (yes 40) cigarettes a day?!?!? EASY!! sheer will power baby !! I didn't use any patches or gum, didn't get hypnotised, I just woke up to myself and realised a) how dang well unhealthy it is for me (I have chronic ASthma); b) oh so expensive (I'm saving $105 a week now!); and c) I never realised how much I stank from cigarettes, and I can actually smell and taste food again!! LOL
So anyway a week before I had my 4 teeth taken out, I just went cold turkey...... I will admit that the first 3 days were absolute hell, but it was totally worth it! I'm so much healthier and happier now - if you're planning on quitting smoking my advice is just to eep busy - Rosey will tell you that I was pretty moody for the first 3 days (hmmm I think bitch of the earth comes to mind) but I kept myself constantly busy so I didn't have time to think about the cravings....... thank god for the internet !! chatting to ppl at 3am really helped too :)

wow, I really can write some crap if I set my mind to it can't I !!

Anyhoo, that's all the goss I have for now (wasn't much to start with but meh)

Oh, almost forgot - we are moving house again (4th time in 7 years, not bad) so I may not be online for afew days....... hopefully all will go well tho! Can;t wait to move into our nice new big house!!

Well I have big big news!
Me and Matt are expecting a baby! Woo hoo! We had been planning it (for about 6 months actually) but thought we'd keep it a secret until I actually got pregnant just to surprise everyone even moreso! :)
I had my first ultrasound on the 8th of April, the pic is attached below....... I know, I know, kind of hard to make him/her out but it is indeed one little baby blob! So I will be due on the 1st of November and will be starting my maternity leave from about mid October if all things go well.  I will have to start posting here more regularly now to keep you all updated - but at the moment things are going really well.

Asides from that just working and sleeping and throwing up alot, ahhhhh how I love morning sickness :D
Our little peanut!

Alrighty well thought I'd better update this page again just to let you know how me (and peanut) are doing. All is well, morning sickness has disappeared (hurrah!) and I'm starting to get a nice little 'bump' happening now. Have felt the first movements, although he/she is sneaky in that every time I feel it and get Matt to rub my belly it stops!! Little bugger!!  Well all in good time I guess :)

I have almost got my licence - pretty disguisting if you ask me, 26 years old and I've only decided just now to get off my butt and get it. Have 3 more driving lessons and I will have my P's! Then I just have to get a car (Matt is looking into that as we speak, he's a sweetie) so I'll FINALLY be able to go out on my own and visit ppl and drive wherever the hell I want! Thats what I'm looking forward to the most...... being able to get up on Saturday morning when Matt is at work and driving to Bunnings, or over to see my parents, or out shopping just for the sake of it! Cannot wait til that day arrives!

We've started getting bub's room ready as well, just cleared all the junk out and thinking about maybe painting the walls (depending on how well they scrub up after they've been washed) - hopefully the room should be ready in afew more weeks.

Have my second (19 week) ultrasound this Friday (10th June) so I will post the pictures up once I get them - I've also started up another website that is specifically just for baby stuff! - the password to get in is just 'Amanda'.

Anyhoo, bye for now!


Just a quick update to let you all know that I had my ultrasound on Friday and everything went great - Peanut is doing wonderfully and still won't sit still long enough for a good picture to be taken! I've put the photos on the 'my pics' page so please have a look! Well thats all for now, give my love to the monkeys.......


Wow, hasn't time flown! I'm now in my 38 week of pregnancy this week, not long til our little peanut arrives........ I cannot wait. I'm really excited to meet this little one, as well as terrified of the labour and what's to follow! But definately more excited than anything else. I've posted the latest ultrasound picture of Peanut on the
Pics page and here is the link to my pregnancy website which I created awhile back, it has more regular updates of all that I've been doing the last 9 months.  The password to get in is 'amanda'.

Finished up at work, so I have the next 6 months off (yay) so now I'm just waiting........I will post after I get home from the hospital hopefully (if I can find the time then, hehe). Other than that keeping well!


Peanut has arrived!
My waters broke in the early hours of Tuesday 18th October. Got to the hospital at 7.30am and my contractions started at 8.30am. Labor went really well (hurt like hell though, thank god for epidurals!), although abit long.......I was finally 10cm dilated at 3am on Wednesday morning so got to start pushing! After an hour of making no progress they decided to try the suction cup and forceps to try to get Peanut out but that didn't work either :( So it was decided to go for a C-Section (which I was more than happy to do, I was exhausted!) but when they cut me open I could feel everything so they had to put me under general anesthetic. But that was okay! Our adorable little son, Carlton James, was born at 5.14am on Wednesday 19th October 2005 - 1 week and 5 days early! The obstetrician told me afterwards my hips were far too small to pass a baby through them (even though Carlton was only 6lb 7oz [2.9kg]) so if I have anymore children they will all be electic C-Sections.
But we're all very happy our little man is here! He had some jaundice for afew days so we had to stay in the hospital for awhile longer while he was put under the bili lights to bring his levels down. But now he's a real trooper!
I can't believe I'm a mummy now, it still seems very surreal, but I"m loving every moment of it! Had quite abit of the baby blues for afew days after the birth but that's all normal and I"m feeling alot better now. Still abit sore where they made the big incision on my stomach but recovering well.

I have posted some pics of the little guy on the Pics page, make sure you check them out!

mandimoo and Carlton
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Hello! Happy new year! Well it's been a busy christmas and new year for us this year with our new addition. We saw lots of family over the break and of course it was Carlton's first christmas so we tried to make it really special. It was a nice break. We bought him an inflatable swimming pool to splash around in. He did have fun in it during those hot summer days :)

Our little man is growing up oh so fast! He can roll over by himself and has even started on some solid foods (just rice cereal). He sleeps through the night (luckily he's been doing that since he was about 10 weeks old!) and he is such a happy boy! We are truly blessed to have him :) But I have to go back to work tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to (as much as I love working and all) - I'm going to miss spending my days with him, and I expect i'll cry my eyes out while he will be fine playing with all the other babies in childcare!! Typical! LOL But every day I am so amazed at this little person we have been lucky enough to create and can hold, and cuddle and kiss !! Yes I am quite the emotional mumma!!! haha

A big congrats also going out to Shane and Bec who are expecting their first baby on July 10, and Chris and Kath who are expecting their first baby on September 20. Thank goodness the baby wagon has started up (hehe), I wish you guys all the best during your pregnancy and can't wait to meet your babies!! 

Not alot else going on at the moment, we are coming up on some busy months ahead - we are looking into hopefully FINALLY buying a house (April/May/June) and Sam and Pete's wedding is in May (Rosey is best man) which means he is also organising the bucks night in mid April and we have my brothers birthday party to go to in late April sometime. So lots going on! I know there is other stuff going on then too but I can't think of it off the top of my head!! Who would have thought i'd still have 'preggo brain' 6 months after being preggo!?!?! LOL

Anyways take care y'all!

Amanda, Rosey and Carlton
Update as at 30th January 2007

Whoops, it's been awhile since I last posted :(
Carlton is getting soooo big! He is now walking (and running) and he has 8 teeth. He is eating plenty of solid food, he loves his veges, just like me.
I've been pretty busy with work (went back to 5 days a week back in late March 2006) and have applied for some jobs at a higher level. I should hear back some time in March so hopefully I'll get the job!
Also some other big news - we have finally bought a house!!! We moved in on November 24th - it was a very stressful and hectic time! Thankfullly all settled in now and are happily paying it off over the next 30 years :)
We have a new addition to the family - a puppy dog named Griff. He is a Staffy X Kelpie (or so they told us). He is very cute, and likes to chew alot of things!!! Carlton loves him to bits so he'll have a nice little playmate for awhile.
Not much else going on.....just keeping busy!

Amanda, Rosey and Carlton

Whoops, I haven't posted again in awhile! We have a new kitty, Baxter now who is the best of friends with Griff! They are like the odd couple! I will have to find pictures and put them up.

Carlton is doing great, talking up a storm.....alot of it I cannot understand yet but I'm sure it will start to make sense soon. He is getting his molar teeth in at the moment which is fun! ha! He's a great little trooper though :)

The best news yet - we are expecting another baby! Carlton is going to be a big brother! I am due at the end of January 2008 and have just posted the first
ultrasound pictures, enjoy!

Amanda, Rosey, Carlton & Peanut!
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Well everything is going great at the moment. Over the worst of the morning sickness (hurrah) and I'm starting to get a nice little baby bump. Had another ultrasound done on the 11th July and bub is still measuring right on track. I've attached the profile picture below. Other than that working hard and trying not to count down the days til I go on leave again too much!! LOL

Amanda, Rosey, Carlton & Peanut!
Amanda's 12 week ultrasound, 11th July 2007

Whoops....been awhile since I posted an update!! Well this bubs certainly gave me one hell of a ride. I was in and out of hospital pretty well from about 24 weeks onwards with contractions, severe round ligament pain and just about everything else! They didn't think I'd be able to make it to Christmas but luckily I did....and then some!! Our bubs of course arrived past my due date of 22nd January 2008. I won't bore you with all the gross details but after being in labour for just under 6 hours (alot faster labour than Carlton's, I did this one totally drug free and didn't end up with a caeserian section, yay!!!) I gave birth to my gorgeous little daughter, Gabrielle Joy!! She weighed exactly 7lbs (3.19kg) and is the apple of her Daddy's eye! I was so expecting a boy the whole pregnancy so when Rosey announced it was a girl I was in shock for afew minutes, hehe. But I'm sooo in love with this little lady! Carlton is still getting used to her but loves to give her kisses (so cute). Recovery this time around has been an absolute breeze and we were only in hospital for a day and abit. Breast feeding is also a ton easier this time around. Thankyou to everyone who has come to see us to wish us well and for the gifts we have received - I had only bought one girly outfit that is still too big for her so all the size 0000 girly outfits have really been appreciated!!

Amanda, Rosey, Carlton and Gaby
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Update as at 3 September 2008
Wow, where have the last 6 months gone??? Gaby is now 7 months old and crawling! Carlton is getting bigger by the day! Everything else is pretty much the same, lol. I've returned to work 3 days a week and work half days on Wednesday and Fridays at home. Would rather be a SAHM but we can't really afford it :(

Also in sad news, my nan died on 21st August 2008. She was only 78 and it was very unexpected (still kind of in shock). We will all miss her terribly.
RIP Nan!

18 June 1930 - 21 August 2008

Amanda, Rosey, Carlton & Gaby

P.S I've also now joined the 'FACEBOOK' revolution, so feel free to add me if you're on there too!!
Happy new year!
To start the year off with a bang, I'm happy to announce we are expecting baby # 3 in September 2009!!
Gaby turns one on the 24th, I cannot believe how quickly the last year has gone by. She is taking one or two steps by herself and has been standing unassisted for at least the last month or two. She still prefers to crawl as her main mode of transport though, that way she can keep up with Carlton much easier!
A big congratulations to Diedy who will tie the knot with her man, Ben on the 24th - can't wait to see her and enjoy the big day with her and the family!!!

Amanda, Rosey, Carlton, Gaby and bean!