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For the easily amused...

- Addicting Games: The name says it all. (Rec'd by Houstino)

- Airline Pilot: If I ran the airport...

- All Your Base Are Belong to Us: What is this? An Engrish music video?

- Apple iToilet: If Apple made a toilet...

- anemic: sleep deprivation + fruitcake + hallucinogens...

- A fun site. Check out the “extras” game under Help

- Beirut: You'll be doing this for the next hour. Resistance is futile.

- Bert is Evil: The side Sesame Street hid from us. (Rec'd by trixie)

- Boobah!: A nice, natural high. One of my personal favorites. (Rec'd by deliriums_friend)

- Book-A-Minute: This one is succulent. Major works of literature minus the fluff. Also see Movie-A-Minute. (Rec'd by vwlphb)

- Engrish: An uproarious collection of botched Japanese translations.

- Eric Conveys an Emotion: Asian + digital camera + fake blood = much drollery

- explodingdog: Simple concept: people send in phrases, this guy illustrates them.

- Funny Pictures: Amusement for those with little brain. Be sure to check out the Japanese inventions!

- Habbo Hotel: This will be fun for ten minutes. Then you’ll realize it’s geared towards British pre-teens.

- Hero Machine: Make your own hero. Much fun. Wow.. Frodo got buff!

- hogafflaHage: For the extremely easily amused.

- Home Star Runner: Home of Fluffy Puff Marshmallows! Check out Strong Bad Emails. Often.

- Lobster Sticks to Magnet: I'll never understand what people see in this.

- Movie-A-Minute: Major works of cinematography minus the fluff. Also see Book-A-Minute. (Rec'd by vwlphb)

- Mr. Boomba: Funky tough guy after purple-haired broad. Now in Japanglish.

- Mr. Nice: He doesn't have any arms or hands, but that doesn't stop him from dancing, does it?

- Peanut Butter Jelly Time: Don't ask. Just click.

- Stick Death: Think of your boss... teacher...parole officer.... (Rec'd by Houstino)

- Terry Tate, Office Linebacker: Three movies not to show your employer.

- TextTwist: Enter at your own risk... this is completely addicting. I have the TextTwist patch now and am bounding towards recovery.

- The Best Page in the Universe: For those with crude or cruel sense of humor. (Rec'd by Cora2385)

- Spank the Monkey: There's no healthier way to get out all that repressed anger.

- Star Wars Kid: Be careful what you upload... someone may mock you. No, this is not Harry in the video. (Rec'd by RumNae)

- Stick Figure Kung Fu Fighting: Click on Movies... then click on Stick Figure Kung Fu Fighting... the scroll menu at the bottom left of the page will make you fear the stick man.

- Virtual Stapler: Almost like using a real stapler!

- Welcome to India: A great spoof of "welcome to Atlanta" by UTA students with too litttle homework. (Rec'd by ICCONFETTI)

- World’s Longest Palindrome: And you thought “racecar” and “a toyota” were cool...

- Yatta Video: If you haven't seen it, you haven't lived.

Sites I live on...

- Apple: Superior computers. Think different.

- Bonhomme Church: This is where I work & worship. Sometimes I feel like I live here.

- The Drudge Report: Escape media bias! Go here at least ten times a day like I do!

- Home Star Runner: Home of Fluffy Puff Marshmallows! Check out Strong Bad Emails. Often.

- iTickets: This site is succulent if you’re into Christian music. Never miss another concert!

- Slashdot: A haven for the persecuted geek.

- TechTV: New stuff... turns me on.

- Best site there is for Lord of the RIngs information... the book and the movies!

If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.

News stories you won’t see on NBC. I’ll try to update this often.

- The News CNN Kept to Itself: This is really despicable. Here CNN says they knew about Iraqi murders before they happened... they had information that could prevent atrocities and save lives. But they kept it to themselves to make money. They think this cute little article is "coming clean." Damn you, CNN.

- Operation: Iraqi Freedom Pictures: Maybe these will be what our kids will see in their textbooks. Haha! I'd like to see them show these pictures on CNN or NBC.

- British Human Sheild Volunteers Flee Iraq due to Safety Fears: Aah, this is classic liberal. British anti-war whackos bravely sign up to be human shields for Iraq... until they realize that the job MAY BE DANGEROUS!!! They though they would just be at schools and hospitals, they said, not near gunfire! Wow...way to show resolute convictions, guys.

- Liberals Against Michael Savage: Michael Savage you may have heard me talk about. He has a radio show and book, both entitled "The Savage Nation." Don't look for his book in any bookstore - they hide it in the back room. In this article, the ceaselessly-whining liberals want to get Savage off the air for his beliefs.. horrible, racist beliefs against gays, illegal immigrants, heaven forbid!. They picked the wrong man though... Savage is prepared to fight.

- Dittoheads Infiltrate Frisco Freak Protest: Some republicans slipped into this San Francisco war protest unnoticed with wonderfully sarcastic signs... I wish I’d’ve been there...

- Affirmative Action Bakesale: Berkely republicans sick of being racially discriminated against sell cookies at prices proportional to racial preferences of college admissions.. ie more expensive for Asians than blacks. Note: A similar sale happened at University of Michigan.

- Tom DeLay's response to the Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: Do you speak Japanese?

Other Spiffy Stuff:

- Cornerstone Festival: I can’t recommend this festival more highly! My friends and I look forward to it every year... I’m already packed.

- Everyschool: Site dedicated to strengthening Christian outreach ministries in middle & high schools.

- Guide to Geek Girls: case you are interested in dating me.


- Scum of the Earth Church: Yep, that’s really its name. Started by band Five Iron Frenzy, this place makes me wish I lived in Denver.

- Unreached People: Wheaton College’s site detailing their ministry to the Parsee people - please pray for this ministry.