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hey guys,

finally it's almost time for february break, and that means that spring is just around the corner, whether you are ready for it or not.. here are some spring-time must haves:

1) it's been a stressfull year so far so unwind with springtimes favorite drink.. cosmopolitans not only are delish but they are pink too!!.

2) so maybe the sun isn't out and shining bright just yet, but the snow sure as hell is, so pick up yourself a pair of cute sunglasses and you'll be stylin in no time.

3) as soon as the ground thaws out get yourself outside and plant some pretty flowers they will brighten up your garden not to mention your day.

so go and get out of that house and have fun!

missed last months update? check out the archives for the januarys update and fashion page

if you would like to offer your help and or advice send a message to with the subject line of 'help'.

no matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.
--proverb from guinea

lots of love,
