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Ok, this is just some artwork of mine. The original art is probably my most filled folder yet. It's got lotsa stuff. So go see!
If I ever get any fanart and such, I'll be sure to put it up. Currently, i only have a couple files there. If you really feel inspired, i'd be flattered if you'd draw one of my characters and send it to me.
That is followed by what i've drawn for other people. If you want me to draw something for you, e-mail me. I can't guarentee I'll be able to say yes. I'm not sure how much free time I'm looking at this year yet, but give it a try and I'll get back to you.
And lastly, the infamous doodles! Go see, as Neko put it, "the brilliance before completion".



Drawings for Others


Everything on this site, Manufactured Angel, including all pictures, all stories, all characters and all designs are copyright 2002 to Kitty Gromowski unless explicit and documented (I'll take care of that, if you ask) permission is given for them to be used. Do not copy/edit/take/use any images, stories, or characters from this site without aforementioned permission.
This Page was Last Modified: 10/25/02