Bruce Lee, A Dragon Story

Year: 1974
Starring: Bruce Li

This movie is a little different from some of Li's other films, in that it deals more with his life behind the scenes as an actor in Hong Kong. Betty Ting Pei is in the film as well, playing herself. Bruce plays 'Shau Luong' (wasn't that Lee's name in Return of the Dragon?).

The film starts off with him delivering newspapers on a bicycle in the U.S. and from there, more or less chronicles Bruce Lee's life. About a quarter of the film, or less, are shot in the U.S. They have more 'gwailo' than usual, and these scenes go from one snip to the next. Its very faced paced and not at all fluent. The rest of the film evens out a bit.

The story telling is poor, and half-hazard. For instance, before the Green Hornet is cancelled, Shau Luong goes to Hong Kong (sort of on a whim) to seek his fortune in movies. So you see the plane taking off, leading into a new scene in Hong Kong. Well he's in Hong Kong, he meets with two or three producers and asks for 10 thou per flick. They all deny him, and after about 3 minutes, there's the plane again going back to America. Although there is a movie producer hot on his tail, to try and get him back. So back he goes.

The one good point the film has going for it, are the fight scenes, which are on par for Bruce Li, but no more. However they are very short, and the majority are within the first third of the film or so. Incidentaly, his trying to immitate Jeet Kune Do style looks forced and stiff. The rest of the story is dedicated to the relationship he has with Ting Pei. I don't know how real this part of this story is, but it's remarkably candid at portraying Lee unconscionably cheating on his wife, (who is back in the States), and Ting Pei as being a real emotional basketcase.

Is it good? Is it worth watching? Not really. First off, the editing is really bad and choppy. The acting is worse, and the voice overs are absolutely atrocious! Although they might be good for a laugh in some instances.

Personally I would reccomend watching Bruce Lee, the Man the Myth instead of this one. But if you are a Bruce Li completist, this is definitely for you.

Reviewed by Eric
