Year: 1981
AKA: Long De Ying Zi (Chinese title), Counter Attack
Starring: Bruce Li, John Ladalski, Dan Inosanto, Wei Ping-Ao, Yang/Young Kong, Chang Tao
Directed by: Bruce Li
Running time: 85 minutes

Alright a movie starring and directed by Bruce Li although in the credits he goes by his real name, Ho Chung Tao. Also get this, in the credits the assitant director is Bruce Le. I don't know if that's the real Bruce Le or some wannabe. With a running time of only 85 minutes this movie sure had some boring spots. Bruce Li is Tang Wei, a martial artist turned insurance salesman turned movie stuntman. It's basically about some insurance fraud. Ladalski plays an American who fights Li and when beaten becomes his student. He doesn't do too much except get beat on. I think he might have been killed, but I'm not sure cuz they sorta forgot about him. Bruce Lee's friend and student Dan Inosanto has a part in the movie as a kung fu expert turned kung fu director. He doesn't do a lot. Sometimes he appears bad, sometimes good, but in the end he's bad because he opposed Bruce. The stick fight between Ladalski and Inosanto was kinda cool, Inosanto took that bald headed Ladalski to school. The other big character was Shang Lung, a big movie, the next Bruce Lee. He starts off as Bruce's pal, but he's really a bad guy. The two have their big end fight in at a movie lot in a building. They really trash this place breaking tables, stools, pots, the stairs, and even crashing through a brick wall. Lots of props in that fight. Some good, some boring, some good, watch for yourself.

"Reviewed" by Keith.

Why is Bruce Le on there?!