Terms of Service

  • Unless otherwise stated, all graphics (including screen shots) are not available for download.
  • "Hotlinking" to graphics is forbidden! If you're going to steal my graphics, at least have the decency to upload them to your own server, don't link to them from this page.
  • Downloading or printing my tutorials for personal use is allowed.
  • You may not copy and redistribute my tutorials, either in printed or electronic form via e-mail, CD, or your website. You may, however, link to them.
  • Altering the text or graphics of this tutorial does not make it yours! If there is a problem with the wording of this tutorial or if the screen shots are unclear, please e-mail me and I will fix it!
  • The images you create by following my tutorials are yours to do with as you please. Make picture tubes, websets, stationery, whatever. A link back to this site is appreciated, but not required.

Graphics, web design, & content © 2003 Jennifer Chappell. All rights reserved. The graphics and content of this site may not be duplicated, electronically or otherwise, without the author's permission.