into fame and mainstream rock. Their music was loud, heavy, fast, and mean. This was amply displayed on their debut album Kill 'em All and many future albums to come. Kill 'em All was released in 1983. It was pure thrash. It had great songs like "Am I Evil?" "Blitzkrieg," and "Seek and Destroy." It started a whole 80s heavy metal fad for headbangers and the genre itself. Their second LP, Ride the Lightning was a good followup dispaying their wide variety in songwriting. In 1986 they released probably their best album, Master of Puppets. This was a great example of their style and music, and the metal genre itself. And it is probably the best heavy metal albums recorded to date. Shortly after releasing Master the band's tour bus crashed, killing Burton. They hired Newsted and continued on. In 1991, when almost every musician released an album, Metallica released another masterpiece Metallica. It didn't display the thrash and speed metal of their first three records. But it's the quality and songs like "Enter Sandman," "Nothing Else Matters," and "The Unforgiven" that made this album sell 12 million copies. Five years later the band kept the tradition of Metallica and released Load. This was a good album featuring songs like "Ain't my Bitch," "Until it Sleeps," and "King Nothing." They followed up this album with Reload in 1998. It was OK, featuring "The Unforgiven II" and other hits. They released the double garage days album Garage Inc. in 1999. Though Newsted recently left the band, Metallica continues to set a standard for heavy metal and become as successful as others rock bands and just have fun making music. |