Body-Mind QueenDom's Test Collection

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Personality Tests Funny personality tests Mental and Emotional Health Assessment
General Health and Lifestyle Assessment Nutrition and Eating Habits Assessment Kiddie Stuff
Intelligence Mind Benders and Brain Exercises Preparation Material for Admission Exams
General knowledge Psychology Knowledge Career Choice and Preparation

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General Knowledge Top

Sports Quiz
Star Constellations
Psych Yourself
Vocabulary Flashcards
Geography Trivia
History Trivia
Religion and the Bible
World's Smallest Political Quiz
Political Trivia Quiz
Political I.Q. Test
Language Quizzes
Name That Flag
U.S. Trivia
Word Origins
Daily Star Trek Test
Miscellaneous Trivia
Trivia Central
The New-Age IQ test
The World War II Test of Strength
The X Quotient (The Slacker Test) Bats
History Channel Quiz
Animal Sounds
Weather Trivia

Psychology Knowledge Top

Psychology and Science
The Human Nervous System
States of Consciousness
The Senses and Perception
Animal Behavior and Cognition
Motivation and Emotion
Individual Differences
Personality Theories
Abnormal Psychology
Sex, Friendship, and Love

Mental and Emotional Health Assessment Top

Queendom's Mental and Emotional Health Tests
Stress-O-Rama and Management (need Shockwave)
Do You Have a Bad Temper?
Clinical Depression Self-Screening Test
Self-Test for Cocaine Addiction
Alcohol dependence diagnosis
Self-scoring alcohol check-up
Attention Deficit Test (ADD)
Do you have ADD?
General adult ADD symptom checklist
The Adrenaline Test
Are you anxious?
Are you depressed?
Are you too angry for your own good?
How sleep deprived are you?
What is your stress index?
The Developmental Checkup Test
The Spending Personality Self-Test
Burnout Inventory
Are You Depressed?
Job Burnout Test
Workaholic Test
Stress Indicator Test
Clinical Depression Screening Test
Charles Company's Professional On-Line Psychological Testing

General Health and Lifestyle Assessment Top

Health Risk Assessment
The Longevity Game
Lifestyle Inventory
What's Your Risk of Breast Cancer?
Check Up Without the Skimpy Robe
Rate Your Risk: Burglary and Murder
How sleep deprived are you?
What is your stress index?
Late Luteal Phase Dysphoric
Disorder (PMS) Inventory

Time Management: Are You a Slacker or Overscheduler?
GlobalMedic CheckUp
Interactive Health Evaluation
Alcohol dependence diagnosis
Are you troubled by someone's drinking?
How Much Beer Is Too Much?
Are You a Drunk?
Self-scoring alcohol check-up
Why Do You Smoke?
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) probability test
Diabetic? Use your computer to analyze your blood sugar levels
A five minute hearing test, especially for seniors
How fit are you?
Plan your workout
Race Calculator
Shoe finder
MIDAS Consortium Health Test
Are You Coordinated?
Self-scoring alcohol check-up
Why Do You Smoke?
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) probability test
Diabetic? Use your computer to analyze your blood sugar levels
A five minute hearing test, especially for seniors
How fit are you?
Plan your workout
Race Calculator
Shoe finder
MIDAS Consortium Health Test
Are You Coordinated?

Nutrition and Eating Habits Assessment Top

Calculating Calories
Cyberdiet: assess your daily calorie & nutrient requirements
Fast Food Finder
Fat calculation test for women
Fat calculation test for men
Healthy Body Calculator
Interactive height/weight chart
Men's Health Calorie Calculator
Weight Loss Workbook

Personality Tests Top

Keirsey Temperament Sorter
Keirsey Character Sorter
Jealousy Test
Sales Personality Inventory
Locus of Control and
Attributional Style Inventory

Extraversion/Introversion Inventory
Type A Inventory
Self-esteem Inventory
Social Anxiety Test
Anxiety Inventory
Enneagram Test
Optimism/Pessimism Inventory
Spending Personality Self-Test
What's Your Emotional Intelligence Quotient?
Emotional Intelligence Test
Handwriting Analysis
Coping Skills Inventory
Are you right- or leftbrained?
Number quest: Numerological personality analysis
Assertiveness Inventory
Investment Personality WebQuiz
Techno Personality Test
Shareware Personality tests
The Dating Service Personality Test
DISCus Personality Profiler - paid service
Communication Skills Inventory
The Duniho and Duniho Life Pattern Indicator (DDLI)
The MindMedia Mindviewer
The Platinum Rule
Profnet Personality Test
Psychological Test (Shapes)
Personality Test (download)

Intelligence Tests Top

Coping Skills Inventory
Are you right- or leftbrained?
Number quest: Numerological personality analysis
Intelligence Test by Cyberia Shrink
Rottus' Genius IQ Test (mirror
BrainTainment Wisdom I.Q. Test
European IQ-test
The European IQ Test and the correct answers
Queendom's Intelligence Tests
IQ Puzzles
Majon's IQ test
The Mensa Workout
Self Discovery Workshop: IQ Test
IQ Test
The Comar IQ Tests
Downloadable IQ Test for Windows 3.1
What's Your Emotional Intelligence Quotient?
Emotional Intelligence Test
Financial Aid IQ
10-min Mensa Workout

Mind Benders and Brain Exercises Top

Preparation Material for College Admission Exams Top

Kaplan Test Prep Software:SAT, GRE, LSAT, GMAT, MCAT
BrainTainment Test Prep Software:SAT, GRE, LSAT, GMAT, MCAT
Vegas-Style Analogy & Sentence Completion Games
English as a Second Language
Prep for the GRE
Online SAT Course
College Simulator: Are You a Scholar or a Party Animal?
SAT Vocabulary Flash Cards
GRE Vocab-U-Link
GRE Mini-CAT: Pick the Faux Sweathog?

Carreer Choice and PreparationTop

Employment Search Readiness Inventory
Are you the entrepreneurial type?
Mock Job Interview: Can You Land the Job?
Test Your Resume Savvy!
A College Simulation
Entrepreneurial test
Entreprise Profit Ability Quiz
Lemonade Stand: How Well Can You Run a Business?
CEO Resource: Quizzes for small business owners
The Entrepreneur Test
The Sales Quizzes
Job Search Self Assessment
Employment Search Readiness Inventory
The Career Pro-Personal Profile
The Marksman Personality Test (job/occupational compatibility with one's personality)
VALS - Values, Attitudes and Life Styles.
How Prepared Are You?
What Career is for You?
Personality Inventories for Clinical Assessment of Adults
Job Applicant Screening Quiz

Funny personality tests Top

Are you Sigmund Freud? Pop Self-Help Psychology Humor - Test 
Boxer IQ Test
The Kabbalerian Test: What's hidden in Your Name?
The WWW Purity Test
Joe's Love and Compatibility Test
KarmOMeter Test
Magic Code v0.92
The quickest personality test around.
Are You an Internet Junkie?
Birthdate Math Tricks
Nerd Test
The Nerdity Test
Russian Nerd Test
Symbol Test
The Jock Test
Electrical Engineering Purity Test
Are you insane?

Kiddie Stuff Top

PreSchool Downloads
History Channel Quiz
Magic School Bus
Name Search, Riddles and What do you see?
Dinosaur Quiz
Animal Sounds
Cockroach Quiz

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