Click here for the schedule for Friday, March 2, 2007

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Registration ( 7:30—9:00, Mezzanine Lobby )

Coffee and Book Exhibit ( 7:30— 5:00, Woodland )



( Thursday, 9:00–11:00, Knight )
Presiding: Charles Selengut, Drew University.

“Reinhold Niebuhr’s Paradoxical Anthropology and Political Thought: An Application to Korean Political Culture.” Song-Chong Lee, Department of Religion, Temple University.

“Ethnographic Research and Inter-Religious Dialogue: Methods and Benefits.” Joni Podschun, Hendrix College.

“Re-(cons)-Truing Christianity: H. Richard Niebuhr and Contemporary Catholicism.” Stephen Johnson, Montclair State University.


( AAR 1.2 ) RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY A: ( Thursday, 9:00–11:40, Mather )
Panel: Unsaying the Unsaid: Recasting Mystical Theologies for Contemporary Liberative Praxis.
Presiding: Patricia Way, Temple University.

“Self and the Godhead in Eckhart and Heidegger.” Andrew Eubanks, Drew University.

“Emphatic Ethics: Pushing the Boundaries of the Apophatic / Unsaid with a Thoroughly Spoken and Embodied Ethic.” Dawn Martin, Drew University.

“Phallus Unveiled: Apophatic Language of Eros in Kabbalah.” Elaine Padilla, Drew University.

“Unsaying the Self as Feminist Mystical Theology?” Lydia York, Drew University.


( AAR 1.3 ) RELIGIOUS ETHICS A: ( Thursday, 9:00–11:00, Talbot ).
Presiding: Lee Barrett, Lancaster Theological Seminary.

“Teaching Social Justice in the Corporate University: Deploying the Teachings of Jesus and Marx in the Era of Unchecked Global Capitalism.” Megan V. Davis, The George Washington University.

“Ethics and War on Terror: A Niebuhrian Approach.” Jennifer Tyre, Lancaster Theological Seminary.

“ ‘All Life is Interrelated:’ The Transforming Power of Agape Love in King, Merton and Thurman.” Cristóbal Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Goucher College.


( AAR 1.4 ) WOMEN AND RELIGION A: (Thursday, 9:00–11:00, White Oak A ).
Panel=Feminist Theology as Principled Activity.
Presiding: Lauve Steenhuisen, Georgetown University.
“Feminism/Religion/Culture…Justice?” Emily K. Arndt, Georgetown University

“World Without End? Or is the End in Sight? Reflections on Ecofeminism, Economics, and Eschatology in a Post-September 11 World.” Helene Businger-Chassot, Georgetown University.

“Irregular Ordinations of Catholic Womenpriests as Principled Activity.” Lauve H. Steenhuisen, Georgetown University.


( AAR 1.5 ) HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY A: ( Thursday, 9:00–11:00, White Oak B )
Presiding: Raymond F. Bulman, St. John’s University, NY.

“Justin Martyr, Irenaeus and the Matrix of Authority Called ‘Biblical Canon.’ ” Carlos R. Bovell, Independent Scholar.

“Vatican II and the Council of Trent: The End of a Project.” Raymond F. Bulman, St. John’s University, NY.

“The Influence of the Visitationsreise of Nicolas von Cusa (1401-1464) in the German Empire on the Cistercian Monastery Leeuwenhorst.” Geertruida de Moor, The Catholic University of America.


( SBL 1.1 ) DEUTERONOMISTIC HISTORY / FORMER PROPHETS A: ( Thursday, 9:00–11:00, Birch ).
Presiding: John W. Herbst, Union Theological Seminary—PSCE.

“Check Mate: A Queen’s Move That Makes A King.” Terry Ann Smith, Drew University.

“Reading David's Self-Restraint with a Fool: 1 Samuel 25 as Commentary on 1 Samuel 24 and 26.” Tod Linafelt, Georgetown University, and Jeremy Schipper, Siena College.

“ ‘Set Over Us a King’: A Postcolonial Literary Reading of the Character of Samuel.” Robert Wafula, Drew University.


( SBL 1.2 ) HEBREWS: ( Thursday, 9:00–11:00, Dogwood ).
Presiding: Michael J. Gorman, St. Mary’s Seminary & University.

“Rent in Twain: Katapetasma in Mark and Hebrews.” Amy L. B. Peeler, Princeton Theological Seminary.

“The City That Has the Foundations.” George Wesley Buchanan, Gaithersburg, MD.

“ ‘For the Sake of the Joy Set before Him’: Christology and Structure in the Letter to the Hebrews.” Susan Jaeger, The Ecumenical Institute, St. Mary’s Seminary and University.


( SBL 1.3 ) APOCALYPTICISM: ( Thursday, 9:00–11:00, Suite 353 ).
Presiding: Jeremiah Cataldo, Drew University.

“The Emergence of Proto-Apocalyptic Worldviews in the Neo-Babylonian Period: An Analysis of Selected Passages from Ezekiel and Isaiah 40–55.” Hong Pyo Ha, Drew University.

“Mark’s Manipulation of Jewish Apocalypticism.” Micah Kiel, Princeton Theological Seminary.

“The Essene-Qumran Hypothesis Revisited.” Paul Maillet, The Catholic University of America.



( AAR 2.1 ) ACADEMIC STUDY OF RELIGION: ( Thursday, 11:05–12:45, Knight ).
Presiding: Steve Johnson, Montclair State University.

“ ‘Reacting to the Past’ in an Interreligious Present.” Christopher D. Denny. St. John’s University, NY.

“Stubborn Western Misconstructions: Are They Asianists’ Responsibility?” Lise Vail, Montclair State University, NJ.


( AAR 2.2 ) RELIGION IN AMERICA A: ( Thursday, 11:10–12:30, Talbot ).
Presiding: Arthur Remillard, St. Francis College, Loretto, PA.

“American Popular – and Protestant – Impressions of Islam, 1895-1921.” Kaley M. Carpenter, Princeton Theological Seminary.

“Terrorism and the Evangelical Pulpit: Homiletic Themes on the Sunday after 9-11.” Miriam Perkins-Fernie, The Catholic University of America.


SBL 2.1 GOSPELS A: ( Thursday, 11:05–12:25, Birch )
Presiding: Kim Paffenroth, Iona College.

“Cross(ing) Spectacle: Mark 6:30–44 and Mimicry in the Sea Crossing.” Grant Gieseke, Drew University.

“Stand by Them, Not Speak for Them: Towards Dalit Feminist Hermeneutics ( Luke 7:36–47 ).” Surekha Nelavala, Drew University.


( SBL 2.2 ) PANEL ON THE HISTORICAL JESUS: ( Thursday, 11:05–12:25, Dogwood )
Jesus Matters: Howard Divinity Students Speak Out on the Historical Jesus.
Moderator: Michael Willett Newheart, Howard University School of Divinity.
Brenda Anderson, Howard University School of Divinity.
George Brown, Howard University School of Divinity.
Kelon Duke, Howard University School of Divinity.
Loretta Robeson, Howard University School of Divinity.


( Thursday, 11:05–12:20, Suite 353 )
Panel: Issues and Opportunities in Analyzing Masculinity in the Hebrew Bible.
Jennifer Koosed, Albright College.
Tod Linafelt, Georgetown University.
Fred (Chip) W. Dobbs-Allsop, Princeton Theological Seminary.
Response: Colleen M. Conway, Seton Hall University.
Discussion: ( 30 minutes).


( Thursday, 12:30–1:00, Birch )


LUNCH BREAK: ( 12:45–2:00 )

( Thursday, 1:00—1:50, Crossroads Private Dining Room )



( AAR 3.1 ) RELIGION AND PSYCHOLOGY: ( Thursday, 2:00–4:00, Knight )
Panel= Self Psychology, Religion, and Ethics.
Presiding: Henry Carrigan, Northwestern University.

“A Tamed Ambition: How Abraham Lincoln Tamed His Ambition, and Survived His Depressions.” Tim Helton, Drew University.

“Papa Bear and Mother Eagle: Toward a Self-Psychology of the Political Left with Heinz Kohut, George Lakeoff and Stephen Colbert.” Lydia York, Drew University.

“About Face: A Kohutian Turn of Levinasian Eco-Ethics.” Eric Trozzo, Drew University.


( AAR 3.2 ) RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY B: ( Thursday, 2:00–4:40, Mather )
Presiding: Catherine Martin, The College of Saint Elizabeth.

“Jesus and Virtue Ethics in the Spirituality of Jean Vanier.” Brian Berry, College of Notre Dame of Maryland.

“Circus Spirituality: Migrant Life and Connection to the Holy.” Catherine Martin, The College of Saint Elizabeth.

“Mary McAleese of Ireland: A Spirituality of Friendship.” Elizabeth L. McCloskey, The Catholic University of America.

“Comparing the Spirituality of the Desert Mothers and a Contemporary Christian Feminist’s Spirituality.” Laurie Mellinger, Evangelical School of Theology, Myerstown, PA.


( AAR 3.3 ) RELIGION IN AMERICA B: ( Thursday, 2:00–4:40, Talbot )
Presiding: Arthur Remillard, St. Francis University, Loretto, PA.

“Productive Devotional Practices: A Case Study of Robert K. Doran & Father Nelson H. Baker.” Heather A. Hartel, University of Iowa

“Is the Catholic Tradition Over? A Report from the Field.” Patrick Hayes, St. John’s University, NY.

“ ‘True’ and ‘Un-True’ Americans: Anti-Catholicism, Civil Religion(s), and the Murder of Father James Coyle.” Arthur Remillard, St. Francis University, Loretto, PA.

“Saint John the Evangelist Church as a Case-Study in a Spatial Analysis of Early National Catholic Philadelphia.” Katie Oxx, St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia.


AAR 3.4 RELIGIOUS ETHICS B: ( Thursday, 2:00–4:00, White Oak A )
Panel = Residents or Resident Aliens? Hauerwas and Detachment in Contemporary Christianity.
Presiding: Angela Sims, Union Theological Seminary, VA – PSCE.

“A Critique of the ‘Resident Alien’ Movement. David Krueger, Temple University.

“Is King a Constantinian or an Alien? Resident Aliens and the Life and Work of Martin Luther King, Jr.” Charles Brian McAdams, Temple University.

“Global Residents: The Myth of the Christian Colony.” Patricia Way, Temple University.


( AAR 3.5 ) THEOLOGY A: ( Thursday, 2:00–4:40, White Oak B )
Presiding: Michael Kogan, Montclair State University.

“Jacques Dupuis’ Theology of Religion and the Postmodern Religious Sensibilities.” Craig A. Baron, St. John’s University, NY.

“The Influence of Vatican II on Yves Congar’s Theology of the Laity.” Rose M. Beal, The Catholic University of America.

“Boethius’ Use of Augustine’s De Trinitate.” David Barbee, The University of Pennsylvania.

“Rahner’s Contribution to an Ecological Theology.” Michael Canaris, Fordham University.


( SBL 3.1 ) GOSPELS B: ( Thursday, 2:00–3:20, Birch )
Presiding: Kim Paffenroth, Iona College.

“Feeding the 5K: A Soul Reading of the Multiplication Miracle.” Michael Willett Newheart, Howard University School of Divinity.

“Identity of Jesus and the Johannine Community: Focusing on ‘Do You Love Me?’ (John 21:9–17).” Yung-Suk Kim, Virginia Union University.


( SBL 3.2 ) RECEPTION HISTORY OF THE BIBLE: ( Thursday, 2:30–4:30, Dogwood )
Presiding: Jin Hee Han, New York Theological Seminary.

“The Way of Women: Mishnah Niddah and Ancient Jewish Women’s Experiences of Purity.” Stewart Moore, Drew University.

“The Raising of Cain in Gen 4:9–17, and Roskolnikov’s Repentance in Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment 4.4 — Cornerstones for Prison Ministry.” Gregory Yuri Glazov, Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology, Seton Hall University.

“A Tale of Two Simons: Celebrating Baptism and a Visit.” Linda Sue Galate, Caspersen School of Graduate Studies, Drew University.


SBL 3.3 GENDER AND THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES B: ( Thursday, 2:00–3:20, Suite 353 )
Presiding: David Carr, Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York.

“Abigail and Judith Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Fighting for Survival.” Donna J. Laird, Drew University.

“Anna of Naphtali: Cutting Against the Grain of a Patriarchal Society.” Geoffrey David Miller, The Catholic University of America and Marymount University (Arlington,VA).



( SBL 4.1 ) MAR-SBL PLENARY: ( Thursday, 4:10–5:10, Dogwood )
Presiding: A. Katherine Grieb, Virginia Theological Seminary

“The Devil is in the Detail: Dispelling Doubts about Dispensing with Q.” Mark Goodacre, Duke University.

( SBL 4.2 ) MAR-SBL Informal Exchange with Mark Goodacre:
( Thursday, 5:15–5:45, Birch )
Presiding: A. Katherine Grieb, Virginia Theological Seminary.

( AAR 4.1 ) MAR-AAR PLENARY: ( Thursday, 5:20–6:20, White Oak A )
Presiding: Henry Carrigan, Northwestern University.

“Confessional Christian Theology in the Context of the Wider Human and Religious Conversation.” Roger Haight, Union Theological Seminary, NY.



( AAR & SBL 5.1 ) GENERAL RECEPTION: ( Thursday, 6:30–7:30, Suite 353 ).

( AAR & SBL 5.2 ) WORKSHOP: Successful Job Hunting.
( Thursday, 8:00–10:00, White Oak A )
Presiding: Jacqueline Pastis, La Salle University.

Click here for the schedule for Friday, March 17, 2006

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