2007 MID-ATLANTIC AAR AND SBL PRESENTERS’ LIST ( Alphabetical by Last Name )
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2007 Mid-Atlantic AAR & SBL Participants List & Times ( Alphabetical )
( Prepared 02-11-07 )
The following list contains all current participants in the 2007 regional meeting of the Mid-Atlantic AAR and SBL. Be sure to check this list regularly for any late additions or corrections. Please note that the times given are for the whole session, not individual presentations.
Addo, E Obiri , Drew University. Indigenous Religious Imagination of West Africa: Then and Now. (AAR 8.3=HistRel, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Talbot ). Also presiding (AAR 7.1=AfrAmerRel, Fri 11:10–12:30, Knight).
Arndt, Emily K., Georgetown University, Feminism/Religion/Culture . . . Justice? (AAR 1.4= Wom&Rel A =Panel: Feminist Theology as Principled Activity, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, White Oak A).
Bakker, Janel Kragt, The Catholic University of America.. Revisiting Latin American Religious Ferment: A Multi-Pronged Approach. (AAR 8.5=Comp&HistStudRel B, Fri, 2:00–4:00, White Oak B).
Barbree, David, The University of Pennsylvania. Boethius’ Use of Augustine’s De Trinitate. (AAR 3.5=Theology A, Thurs, 2:00–4:40, White Oak B).
Baron, Craig A., St. John’s University, NY. Jacques Dupuis’ Theology of Religion and the Postmodern Religious Sensibilities. (AAR 3.5=Theology A, Thurs, 2:00–4:40, White Oak B).
Barrett, Lee, Lancaster Theological Seminary. Presider (AAR 1.3=RelEthics A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Talbot).
Beal, Rose M., The Catholic University of America. The Influence of Vatican II on Yves Congar’s Theology of the Laity. (AAR 3.5=Theology A, Thurs, 2:00–4:40, White Oak B).
Berry, Brian, College of Notre Dame of Maryland. Jesus and Virtue Ethics in the Spirituality of Jean Vanier. (AAR 3.2=Rel&Spirituality B, Thurs, 2:00–4:40, Mather).
Bovell, Carlos R., Independ.Scholar. Justin Martyr, Irenaeus and the Matrix of Authority Called ‘Biblical Canon.’ (AAR 1.5=HistChrist A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, White Oak B).
Brown, Timothy A., Pace University. Two Figures of a Religious Left (and a Third). (AAR 8.5= Comp&HistStudRel B, Fri, 2:00–4:00, White Oak B).
Bulman, Raymond F., St. John’s University, NY. Vatican II and the Council of Trent: The End of a Project. (AAR 1.5=HistChrist A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, White Oak B).
Businger-Chassot Helene, Georgetown University. World Without End? Or is the End in Sight? Reflections on Ecofeminism, Economics, and Eschatology in a Post-September 11 World. (AAR 1.4=Wom&Rel A=Panel: Feminist Theology as Principled Activity, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, White Oak A).
Canaris,Michael, Fordham University. Rahner’s Contribution to an Ecological Theology. (AAR 3.5=Theology A, Thurs, 2:00–4:40, White Oak B).
Carle, Robert, The Kings College. Cartoon Crisis: Islam Confronts Danish Liberalism. (AAR 6.3=IslamStud, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Talbot).
Carpenter, Kaley M., Princeton Theological Seminary. American Popular – and Protestant – Impressions of Islam, 1895-1921. (AAR 2.2=RelAmer A, Thurs, 11:10–12:30, Talbot).
Carrington, Henry, American Bible Society. Presider. (AAR 4.1=AAR Plenary Address, Thurs, 5:20–6:20, White Oak A).
Cate, Shannon L. C., The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Gospel of Women and Wagons: Domesticating the American West. (AAR 6.4=Wom&Rel B=Panel: American Women Missionaries, Fri, 9:00–11:00, White Oak A).
Choi, Suck, Towson University. The Four-Seven Debate in Korean Neo-Confucianism and Contemporary Discussions of Emotions. (AAR =RelAsia A, Fri, 11:10–12:30, Mather).
Congdon, D. W., Princeton Theol. Seminary. A Pre-Appearance of the Truth: Toward a Christological Aesthetics. (AAR 7.4=Rel&Arts A, Fri, 11:10–12:30, White Oak A).
Corrington, Robert, Drew University. Respondent (AAR 8.1=PhilRel B=Panel: Semiotic Rhythms and Ecstatic Naturalism, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Knight).
Davis, Megan V., The George Washington University. Teaching Social Justice in the Corporate University: Deploying the Teachings of Jesus and Marx in the Era of Unchecked Global Capitalism. (AAR 1.3=RelEthics A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Talbot).
de Moor, Geertruida, The Catholic University of America. The Influence of the Visitationsreise of Nicolas von Cusa ( 1401-1464 ) in the German Empire on the Cistercian Monastery Leeuwenhorst. (AAR 1.5=HistChrist A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, White Oak B).
Dempsey, Michael T., St. John’s University, NY. The Politics of Providence in the Economy of Salvation. (AAR 6.5=Theology B, Fri, 9:00–11:00, White Oak B).
Denny, Christopher D., St. John’s University, NY. ‘Reacting to the Past’ in an Interreligious Present. (AAR 2.1=AcadStudRel, Thurs, 11:10–12:30, Knight).
Di Mauro, Dennis, The Catholic University of America. Seripando on Justification and Original Sin at Trent: Augustinian or Lutheran? (AAR 6.2=HistChrist B, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Mather).
Eubanks, Andrew, Drew University. Self and the Godhead in Eckhart and Heidegger. (AAR 1.2= Rel&Spir A=Panel: Unsaying the Unsaid, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Mather).
Gudmarsdottir, Sigridur, Drew University, NJ. The Ecstatic and the Ecosophic Difference: Arne Naess and Robert Corrington in Dialog. (AAR 8.1=PhilRel B= Panel: Semitoic Rhythms and Ecstatic Naturalism, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Knight).
Haight, Roger, Union Theological Seminary, NY. Confessional Christian Theology in the Context of the Wider Human and Religious Conversation. (AAR 4.1=Plenary Address, Thurs, 5:20–6:20, White Oak A).
Han, Jin Hee, New York Theological Seminary. Ancient Medicine and Oral Malodor in Post-Biblical Judaism. (AAR 8.3=HistRel, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Talbot).
Hayes, Patrick, St. John’s University, NY. Is the Catholic Tradition Over? A Report from the Field. (AAR 3.3=RelAmer B, Thurs, 2:00–4:00, Talbot).
Helton, Tim. Drew University. A Tamed Ambition: How Abraham Lincoln Tamed His Ambition, and Survived His Depressions. (AAR 3.1=Rel&Psych=Panel: Self-Psychology, Religion and Ethics, Thurs, 2:00–4:00, Knight).
Hinton, Mary, College Misericordia. Two Black Mega Church Ministries. (AAR 7.1= AfrAmerRel, Fri 11:10–12:30, Knight).
Hoefs, Phillip, Temple University. Waraqah b. Nawfal’s Assurances of Muhammad’s Prophethood to Khadijah: An Examination of Historical and Contemporary Biographies. (AAR 6.3=IslamStud, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Talbot).
Ibrahim, Yasir S., Montclair State University. Frei’s Typology of Christian Theology: A Comparative Look at the Islamic Tradition. (AAR 6.3=IslamStud, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Talbot).
Jain, Pankaj, Middlesex County College, NJ. The “Eco-Theology” of Bishnoi and Bhil Communities. (AAR 8.2=RelAsia B, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Mather).
Johnson, Stephen, Montclair State University. Re-(cons)-Truing Christianity: H. Richard Niebuhr and Contemporary Catholicism. (AAR 1.1=Comp&HistStudRel A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Knight).
Kogan, Michael, Montclair State University. Panelist. (AAR 7.3= Interfaith Panel: The Women of Abraham, Fri, 11:10–12:30, Talbot). Also Presider (AAR 3.5=Theology A, Thurs, 2:00–4:40, White Oak B; AAR 6.5=Theology B, Fri 9:00–11:00, White Oak B).
Krueger, David, Temple Univ. A Critique of the ‘Resident Alien’ Movement. (AAR 3.4=RelEthics B=Panel: Residents or Resident Aliens?, Thurs, 2:00–4:00, White Oak A).
Lee, Steven James, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. Dostoevsky and Theodicy. (AAR 6.1=PhilRel, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Knight).
Lee, Song-Chong, Temple University. Reinhold Niebuhr’s Paradoxical Anthropology and Political Thought: An Application to Korean Political Culture. (AAR 1.1= Comp&HistStudRel A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Knight).
Liang, Jane Weijen, Drew University. Imperialism, Modernization, and Postcolonial Christianity—a Methodological Discourse of the Indigenization of American Methodist China Missions in the Early Twentieth Century. (AAR 6.2=HistChrist B, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Mather).
Lin, Andrew Yenru, Drew University. Toward philosophia crucis—Derrida and Marion’s Post-metaphysics on the via crucis. (AAR 6.1=PhilRel A, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Knight).
Lovely, Edward W., Drew University. Aspects of George Santayana’s Legacy To Religious Studies In The Third Millennium. (AAR 6.1=PhilRel A, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Knight).
Lovely, Edward, Drew University. Semiotics and the Tension Between Finitude and Transcendence in Robert Corrington and George Santayana. (AAR 8.1=PhilRel B= Panel:Semiotic Rhythms and Ecstatic Naturalism, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Knight).
Martin, Catherine, The College of Saint Elizabeth, NJ. Circus Spirituality: Migrant Life and Connection to the Holy. (AAR 3.2=Rel&Spirit B, Thurs, 2:00–4:40, Mather. Also, Panelist (AAR. 7.3=Interfaith Panel: The Women of Abraham, Fri, 11:10–12:30, Talbot).
Martin, Dawn, Drew University. Emphatic Ethics: Pushing the Boundaries of the Apophatic/Unsaid with a Thoroughly Spoken and Embodied Ethic. (AAR 1.2=Rel&Spirit A=Panel:Unsaying the Unsaid, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Mather).
McAdams, Charles Brian, Temple University. Is King a Constantinian or an Alien? Resident Aliens and the Life and Work of Martin Luther King, Jr. (AAR 3.4=RelEthics B=Panel:Residents or Resident Aliens?, Thurs, 2:00–4:00. White Oak A).
McClain, Daniel Wade, Independent Scholar. To Act or Be Acted Upon: Nicholas Wolterstorff and Hans Urs von Balthasar on Shaftesburean Disinterestedness. (AAR 7.4=Rel&Arts A, Fri, 11:10–12:30, White Oak A).
McCloskey, Elizabeth L., The Catholic University of America. Mary McAleese of Ireland: A Spirituality of Friendship. (AAR 3.2=Rel&Spirit B, Thurs, 2:00–4:40, Mather).
McMaken, W. Travis,Princeton Theological Seminary. Election and Baptism in Karl Barth’s Theology. (AAR 6.5=Theology B, Fri, 9:00–11:00, White Oak B).
Mellinger, Laurie, Evangelical School of Theology, Myerstown, PA. Comparing the Spirituality of the Desert Mothers and a Contemporary Christian Feminist’s Spirituality. (AAR 3.2==Rel&Spirit B, Thurs, 2:00–4:40, Mather).
Mimitzraiem, Brandee, Drew University. Spittin’ Fire: Feeling the Spirit in Heidegger and Hip-Hop. (AAR 7.1=AfrAmerRel, Fri, 11:10–12:30, Knight).
Molnar, Paul D., St. John’s University, NY. Can the Electing God be God without Us? Some Implications of Bruce McCormack’s Understanding of Barth’s Doctrine of Election for the Doctrine of the Trinity. (AAR 6.5=Theology B, Fri, 9:00–11:00, White Oak B).
Monighan-Schaefer, Johanna. Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA. The Great Divide: The Apocalypse in the 19th and 20th Century. (AAR 8.4 =Rel&Arts B, Fri, 2:0–4:00, White Oak B).
Oxx, Katie, Saint Joseph’s University, Phila. Saint John the Evanglist Church as a Case Study in a Spatial Analysis of Early National Catholic Philadelphia. (AAR 3.3=RelAmer B, Thurs, 2:00–4:00, Talbot).
Padilla, Elaine, Drew University. Phallus Unveiled: Apophatic Language of Eros in Kabbalah. ( AAR 1.2=Rel&Spir A=Panel: Unsaying the Unsaid, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Mather).
Pastis, Jacqueline, La Salle University. Presider. Workshop: Successful Job Hunting (AAR and SBL 5.2, 8:00–10:00 pm, White Oak A).
Perkins-Fernie, Miriam. The Catholic University of America. Terrorism and the Evangelical Pulpit: Homiletic Themes on the Sunday after 9-11. (AAR 2.2=RelAmer A, Thurs, 11:10–12:30, Talbot).
Podschun, Joni, Hendrix College. Ethnographic Research and Inter-Religious Dialogue: Methods and Benefits. (AAR 1.1=Comp&HistStudRel A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Knight).
Poggi Johnson, Maria. University of Scranton. The Shadow of the Nineteenth Century across the First: The Primitive Church in Victorian Fiction. (AAR 8.4=Rel&Arts B, Fri, 2:00–4:00, White Oak A).
Rahim, Habibeh, St. John’s University, NY. Panelist (AAR 7.3=Interfaith Panel: The Women of Abraham, Fri, 11:10–12:30, Talbot). Also, Presider (AAR 6.3=Islamic Studies, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Talbot).
Ralston, Michael, Department of Defense. Religious Trends and Counter-Currents in Korea. (AAR 8.2=RelAsia B, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Mather).
Remillard, Arthur, St. Francis University, Loretto, PA. “True” and “Un-True’”Americans: Anti-Catholicism, Civil Religion(s), and the Murder of Father James Coyle. (AAR 3.3=RelAmer B, Thurs, 2:00–4:00, Talbot).
Rohan, Liz, University of Michigan–Dearborn. One Woman’s Christian Village: Missionary Work, Conversion and Literacy in Post World War II Angola. (AAR 6.4=Wom&Rel B=Panel: American Women Missionaries, Fri, 9:00–11:00, White Oak A).
Salguero, C. Pierce, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Monks and Medicine: Healing in Early Medieval Chinese Buddhist Hagiography. (AAR 8.2=RelAsia B, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Mather).
Seat, Karen K., The University of Arizona. The Rev. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw in Context: Gender Politics and the Rise of Liberal Protestantism in the United States. (AAR 6.4=Wom&Rel B=Panel: American Women Missionaries, Fri, 9:00–11:00, White Oak A).
Selengut, Charles, Drew University. God’s Infantry: Messianic Radicalism and Zionist Nationalism. (AAR 8.5=Comp&HistStudRel B, Fri, 2:00–4:00, White Oak B).
Sergeev, Mikhail, The University of the Arts. Smile from Heaven: Religious Anecdotes as a Form of Folk Art. (AAR 8.4=Rel&Arts B, Fri, 2:00–4:00, White Oak A).
Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal. Goucher College. “All Life is Interrelated”: The Transforming Power of Agape Love in King, Merton and Thurman. (AAR 1.3, RelEthics A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Talbot).
Shields, James Mark, Bucknell University. Empty Words, Turning Words & Word Magic: Irony, Instrumentality, & Identity in a Postmetaphysical Buddhist Critique of Language. (AAR 7.2=RelAsia A, Fri, 11:12:30, Mather).
Stallsmith, Allaire B., Towson University. The Name of Demeter Thesmophoros. (AAR 8.3=HistRel, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Talbot).
Steenhuisen, Lauve H., Georgetown University. Irregular Ordinations of Catholic Womenpriests as Principled Activity. (AAR 1.4=Wom&Rel A=Panel: Feminist Theology as Principled Activity, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, White Oak A).
Suk, Mina, The Johns Hopkins University. De Miseria et Misericordia: The Politics of Augustinian Subjectivity. (AAR 6.2=HistChrist B, 9:00–11:00, Mather).
Trozzo, Eric, Drew University. About Face: A Kohutian Turn of Levinasian Eco-Ethics. (AAR 3.1=Rel&Psych Panel: Self-Psychology, Religion, and Ethics, Thurs, 2:00–4:00, Knight).
Tyre, Jennifer, Lancaster Theological Seminary. Ethics and War on Terror: A Niebuhrian Approach. (AAR 1.3=RelEthics A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Talbot).
Vail, Lise, Montclair State Univ. Stubborn Western Misconstructions: Are They Asianists’ Responsibility? (AAR 2.1=AcadStudRel, Thurs, 11:10–12:30, Knight).
Way, Patricia, Temple University. Global Residents: The Myth of the Christian Colony. (AAR 3.4 =RelEthics B=Panel: Residents or Resident Aliens? Thurs, 2:00–4:00, White Oak A).
Yalcin, Martin, Drew University. Chora and Ecstatic Naturalism: Restlessness and Stillness at the Heart of Nature. (AAR 8.1=PhilRel B=Panel: Semiotic Rhythms and Ecstatic Naturalism, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Knight).
York, Lydia, Drew University. Mystical Unsayings of Woman with Marguerite Porete, Luce Irigary, and Meister Eckhart. (AAR1.2 =Rel&Spir A=Panel: Unsaying the Unsaid, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Mather).
York, Lydia, Drew University. Papa Bear and Mother Eagle: Toward a Self-Psychology of the Political Left with Heinz Kohut, George Lakeoff and Stephen Colbert. (AAR 3.1 =Rel&Psych Panel: Self-Psychology, Religion and Ethics, Thurs, 2:00–4:00, Knight).
Anderson, Brenda, Howard University. Presenter (SBL 2.2=Panel on the Historical Jesus, Thurs, 11:10–12:25, Dogwood).
Bellan-Boyer, Paul, Jubilee Faith Organization. Naming, Shaming, and Claiming: Paul’s Practice of Public Agitation. (SBL 6.3=Pauline Epistles, Fri, 9:00–11:40, Suite 353). Also, Presider (SBL 8.3=Panel: New Testament and Related Images, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Suite 353).
Bellis, Alice Ogden, Howard University School of Divinity. Presider (SBL 6.1=LatterProph, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Birch).
Bond, Susan E., The Catholic University of America. In Perilous Times: Josiah’s Cult Reform in Late Pre-Exilic Jerusalem. (SBL 6.1=LatterProph, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Birch).
Bovell, Carlos, Independent Scholar. Biblical Studies, Postmodernism, and Love for the Other. (SBL 8.2=Gospels C, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Dogwood).
Brown, George, Howard University. Presenter (SBL 2.2=Panel on the Historical Jesus, Thurs, 11:10–12:25, Dogwood).
Buchanan, George Wesley, Gaithersburg, MD. The City That Has Foundations. (SBL 1.2=Hebrews, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Dogwood).
Carr, David, Union Theological Seminary, NY. Presider (SBL 3.3=Gender&HebrScript B, Thurs, 2:00–3:20, Suite 353).
Cataldo, Jeremiah, Drew University. Presider (SBL 1.3=Apocalypticism, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Suite 353).
Christensen, Heidi, Virginia Theological Seminary. “Where Love Is, There God Is Also:” An Appropriate Appropriation of Matthew 25:31–46. (SBL 8.2=Gospels C, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Dogwood).
Claire, Daniel C., The Catholic University of America. The Gifts of the Divine Warrior: Ephesians 4:8ff. (SBL 6.3=Pauline Epistles, Fri, 9:00–11:40, Suite 353).
Conway, Colleen, Seton Hall University. Ruling the Nations with a Rod of Iron: Masculinity and Christology in Revelation. (SBL 8:3=Panel: New Testament and Related Images, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Suite 353). Also, Respondent (SBL 2.3=Panel: Gender and the Hebrew Scriptures A, Thurs, 11:05–12:20, Suite 353).
Cooey, J. Blake, Princeton Theological Seminary. Outstretched Hands, Repeated Refrains, Lost Endings: Poetic Closure and the Problem of Isaiah 9:7–20 + 5:25–30. (SBL 6.1=LatterProph, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Birch).
Dobbs-Allsopp, Fred (Chip), Princeton Theological Seminary. Panelist (SBL 2.3=Gender and the Hebrew Scriptures A, Thurs, 11:05–12:20, Suite 353).
Duke, Kelon, Howard University, Presenter (SBL 2.2=Panel on the Historical Jesus, Thurs, 11:10–12:25, Dogwood).
Farrell, Justin, Princeton Theological Seminary, The Satan in Job: ‘Casting Out’ Modern Conceptions in Exchange for an Obedient ‘Son of God.’ (SBL 6.2=WisdomLit, Fri, 9:00–11:40, Dogwood).
Galate, Linda Sue, Casperson School of Graduate Studies, Drew University. A Tale of Two Simons: Celebrating Baptism and a Visit. (SBL 3.1=Gospels B, Thurs, 2:00–3:20, Birch).
Galvin, Garrett, The Catholic University of America. The Treatment of Josiah by Egyptologists. (SBL 8.1=DeutHist/FormProph B, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Birch).
Gieseke, Grant, Drew University. Cross(ing) Spectacle: Mark 6:30-44 and Mimicry in the Sea Crossing. (SBL 2.1=Gospels A, Thurs, 11:05–12:25, Birch).
Glazov, Gregory Yuri, Seton Hall University, Immaculate Conception Seminary. The Raising of Cain in Gen 4:9–17, and Roskolnikov’s Repentance in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment 4:4–Cornerstones for Prison Ministry. (SBL 3.2=ReceptHist&the Bible, Thurs, 2:00–4:00, Dogwood).
Glicksman, Andrew. The Catholic University of America. Wisdom 10:15—11:1=Personified Wisdom and Israel’s Exodus from Egypt. (SBL 6.2, WisdomLit, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Dogwood).
Goodacre, Mark, Duke University. MAR-SBL Plenary Speaker. The Devil Is in the Detail: Dispelling Doubts about Dispensing with Q. (SBL 4.1=General Plenary, Thurs, 4:10–5:10, Dogwood). Also, SBL 4.2=Informal Exchange, Thurs, 5:15–5:45, Birch).
Gordley, Matthew, Regent University. ‘All Things Through Him’: Christ as God’s Agent in Creation. (SBL 8.3=Panel: New Testament and Related Images, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Suite 353).
Gorman, Michael, St. Mary’s Seminary and University, Baltimore. Presider (SBL 1.2=Hebrews, 9:00–11:00, Dogwood). Also, presider (SBL 6.3=Pauline Epistles, Fri, 9:00–11:40, Suite 353).
Grieb, A. Katherine, Virginia Theological Seminary. The Bard and the Bible: Shakespeare and the Interpretation of Scripture. (SBL 7.1=Presidential Address, Fri, 11:45–12:45, Dogwood). Also presider (SBL 4.1=Plenary, Thurs, 4:10–5:10, Dogwood; and SBL 4.2=Informal Exchange, Thurs, 5:15–5:45, Birch).
Haile, Scott, Boston College. ‘All Will Know Me’: Ministry Under the New Covenant. (SBL 6.3=PaulineEpistles, Fri, 9:00–11:40, Suite 353).
Han, Jin Hee, New York Theological Seminary. The Impossible Possibility of Dating the Book of Job. (SBL 6.2=WisdomLit, Fri, 9:00–11:40, Dogwood). Also, presider (SBL 3.2, ReceptHistBible, Thurs, 2:00–4:00, Dogwood).
Hankins, Davis, Emory University. Hiding the Father, Fooling the Son. (SBL 6.2=WisdomLit, Fri, 9:00–11:40, Dogwood).
Herbst, John, Union Theological Seminary-PSCE. Presider (SBL 1.1=DeutHist/FormProph A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Birch.
Hong, Pyo Ha, Drew University. The Emergence of Proto-Apocalyptic Worldviews in the Neo-Babylonian Period: An Analysis of Selected Passages from Ezekiel and Isaiah 40–55. (SBL 1.3=Apocalypticism, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Suite 353).
Houghtby-Haddon, Natalie, George Washington University. The Canaanite Woman as Pivot Point: Making Matthew’s Community the Community of the Great Commission. (SBL 8.2=Gospels C, Fri 2:00–4:00, Dogwood).
Jaeger, Susan, St. Mary’s Seminary and University Ecumenical Institute of Theology. ‘For the Sake of the Joy Set before Him:’ Christology and Structure in the Letter to the Hebrews. (SBL 1.2=Hebrews, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Dogwood).
Kenkeremath, Lisa, Falls Church, VA. Reconciled and Reconciling: Practical Ecclesiology in the Letters of Paul. (SBL 6.3=PaulineEpistles, Fri, 9:00–11:40, Suite 353).
Kiel, Micah, Princeton Theological Seminary. Mark’s Manipulation of Jewish Apocalypticism. (SBL 1.3=Apocalypticism, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Suite 353).
Kim, Yung-Suk, Virginia Theological Union. Identity of Jesus and the Johannine Community. Focusing on ‘Do You Love Me?’ (John 21:9–17). (SBL 3.1=Gospels B, Thurs, 2:00–3:20, Birch).
Kirby, D. Jill, The Catholic University of America. The Standing Christ–Figures of Revelation (SBL 8.3=Panel: New Testament and Related Images, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Suite 353).
Knauert, David, Duke University. Hiding the Father, Fooling the Son. (SBL 6.2=WisdomLit, Fri, 9:00–11:40, Dogwood).
Koosed, Jennifer, Albright College. David, the Bandit. (SBL 8.1=DeutHist/FormProph B, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Birch). Also, panelist (SBL 2.3=Panel: Gender&the Hebrew Scriptures A, Thurs, 11:05–12:20, Suite 353).
Leson, Mark, The Catholic University of America. Characterizations of Moabite Kings in the Hebrew Bible. (SBL 8.1=DeutHist/FormerProph B, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Birch).
Linafelt, Tod, Georgetown University. Reading David’s Self-Restraint with a Fool: 1 Samuel 25 as Commentary on 1 Samuel 24 and 26. (SBL 1.1=DeutHist/FormProph A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Birch); see Jeremy Schipper. Also, Panelist (SBL 2.3=Panel: Gender&HebrScript A, Thurs, 11:05–12:20, Suite 353; Presider (SBL 6.2=WisdomLit, Fri, 9:00–11:40, Dogwood).
Maillet, Paul, The Catholic University of America. The Essene-Qumran Hypothesis Revisited. (SBL 1.3=Apocalypticism, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Suite 353).
Milinovich, Timothy, The Catholic University of America. Form Criticism and the Rib in Isaiah 41:21—42:4. (SBL 6.1=LatterProph, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Birch).
Miller, G. David, The Catholic University of America / Marymount University. Anna of Naphtali: Cutting against the Grain of a Patriarchal Society. (SBL 3.3=Gend&HebrScript B, Thurs, 2:00–3:20, Suite 353).
Miller, Robert D., Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary. Presider (SBL 8.1=DeutHist/FormProph B, Fri, 2:00–4:00, Birch).
Moore, Stewart, Drew University. The Way of Women: Mishnah Nidah and Ancient Jewish Women’s Experiences of Purity. (SBL 3.2=ReceptHistBible, Thurs 2:00–4:00, Dogwood).
Nelavala, Surekha, Drew University. Stand by Them, Not for Them: Towards Dalit Feminist Hermeneutics. (SBL 2.1=Gospels A, Thurs, 11:05–12:25, Birch).
Paffenroth, Kim, Iona College. Presider (SBL 2.1=Gospels A, Thurs, 11:05–12:25, Birch); also, Presider (SBL 3.1=Gospels B, Thurs, 2:00–3:20, Birch).
Peeler, Amy, Princeton Theological Seminary. Rent in Twain: Katapetasma in Mark and Hebrews. (SBL 1.2=Hebrews, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Dogwood).
Robeson, Loretta, Howard University. Panelist (SBL 2.2=Panel on the Historical Jesus, Thurs, 11:10–12:25, Dogwood).
Schipper, Jeremy, Siena College. Reading David’s Self-Restraint with a Fool: 1 Samuel 25 as Commentary on 1 Samuel 24 and 26. (SBL 1.1=DeutHist/FormProph A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Birch). See Tod Linafelt.
Smith, Terry Ann, Drew University. Check Mate: A Queen’s Move That Makes a King. (SBL 1.1=DeutHist/FormProph A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Birch).
Wafula, Robert, Drew University. ‘Set over Us a King:’ A Postcolonial Literary Reading of the Character of Samuel. (SBL 1.1=DeutHist/FormProph A, Thurs, 9:00–11:00, Birch).
Willet-Newheart, Michael, Howard University School of Divinity. Feeding the 5K: A Soul Reading of the Multiplication Miracle. (SBL 3.1=Gospels B, Thurs, 2:00–3:20, Birch). Also, Presider (SBL 2.2=Panel on the Historical Jesus, Thurs, 11:10–12:25, Dogwood).
Yieh, John, Virginia Theological Seminary. Presider (SBL 8.2=Gospels C, 2:00–4:00, Dogwood).
Yoon, Dong-Young, Drew University. Jeremiah, Immoral Prophet in a Moral Society.. (SBL 6.1=LatterProph, Fri, 9:00–11:00, Birch).
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