Antrobus : 1850 & 1892
In 1850 : ANTROBUS township and populous village is pleasantly situated 5 miles NW from Northwich, and comprises 2,086 acres, 3r. 22r (?p)  of land, 92 houses and 489 inhabitants.  Population in 1801 351; in 1831, 476.  Rateable value £2,428.  The chief landowners in Antrobus are Sir E Antrobus, George Eaton Esq., Thomas Parr Esq., Edge Eaton Esq., James Lawton Esq., Mr John Edwards, Mr James Starkey, and Mr Thomas Percival.

WHITLEY REED contains 309 acres of moss-land, which is now about to be inclosed and allotted to several townships which comprise the lordship of Whitley, viz. Antrobus, Crowley, Over Whitley, Sevenoaks, and Cogshall.  The manorial rights are claimed by the Crown.  The Marquis of Cholmondeley, the lessee, holds a court.

The CHURCH, a neat edifice of red sand stone, in the early English style, has been erected within the last few years, at a cost of £1,700, of which the 'Cheshire Rural Chapel Society' gave £200;  Ecclesiastical Commissioners, £75;  Incorporated Society £80.  The Rev. Richard
Greenall, Rural Dean, gave about £1,700 towards the erection of the Church and a parsonage house, Christ College, Oxford, gave £400 towards the erection of the parsonage.  The sum of £209 was received from Queen Anne's Bounty towards the endowment;  £600 was given by the Rev. Richard Greenall;  £20 is paid from the small tithes of Great Budworth;  and £20 from the Cheshire Rural  Chapel Society.  The living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of the vicar of Budworth, and enjoyed by the Rev. Lewis Henry Streane, who resides at the parsonage, a little east from the church.  The rectorial tithes of Antrobus are commuted for £130, and the vicarial for £33.  The Wesleyan Methodists have a chapel in the village, built in 1838.  A National School was opened in 1844.  About 30 boys and 30 girls attend the school.

Antrobus is noticed in Domesday Book as being held by
Levenot.  It afterwards passed to the Barons of Halton.  A family, which assumed the local name, was settled here at an early period;  but in the reign of Henry VI, Henry Antrobus sold it to Thomas Venables, whose descendants long resided here.  Thomas Venables dying without issue, the property became vested in Frances Venables, who brought Wincham and Antrobus in marriage to Thomas Lee Esq., from whom it descended to EV Townshend Esq., who sold the Venables estate to Sir Edward Antrobus, Bart, a descendant of the male line, from Henry Antrobus.

The POLE is a good residence, the seat and property of George
Eaton Esq., whose ancestors possessed a considerable estate here for many generations. 

ANTROBUS HALL has been taken down about 20 years.  A farm house stands near the site.
      The sum of 10s. per annum is payable to the poor of this township, by way of rent charge, out of an estate called POOLS PLATT situated partly in Antrobus and partly in Crowley.
Name Occupation/Residence
George Eaton Esquire The Pole
John Bell Victualer/The Wheatsheaf
John Beswick Shopkeeper
Mr John Edwards .
Thomas Gresty Schoolmaster
Joseph Hindley Shoemaker
Thomas Pink Kinglsey Gentleman
William Millington Shoemaker
Ellen Ormson Schoolmistress
Rev. Lewis H Streane Parsonage
John Thomason Shopkeeper
John Bell James and Joseph Frith Thomas Moore Samuel Ridgway
Thomas Broady Peter Frith Robert Moseley James Robinson
William Edwards Richard Gough John Percival Peter Rowland
Thomas Forrest Allen Hignett Richard Percival William Vernon
George Frith Ellis Jones Thomas Percival James Webster
. John Jones Samuel Pimlott Peter Wilkinson
. Thomas Manley John Ridgeway William Wright
In 1892:-
Antrobus is a township, and with Seven Oaks is a parish, formed in 1848 from the civil parish of Great Budworth.  The township of Antrobus is 5 1/2 miles north-west from Northwich station, on the Cheshire Lines and London and North Western railways, and 6 south-east from Warrington, in the Northwich division of the county, hundred of Bucklow, Runcorn union, Northwich county court district, petty sessional division of Leftwich, rural deanery of Frodsham and archdeaconry and diocese of Chester. 
The chancel (of St Mark's, the church) was beautifully decorated in
1863, and three stained glass windows added, at the sole expense of Samuel Higginbottom, esq. of Glasgow, in memory of his wife: two other stained windows were erected in 1878, by the tenants and friends of the late Rev. George Eaton, MA, JP, of The Pole: there are 120 sittings.
The register dates from 1848.  The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £200, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Great Budworth, and held since 1850 by the Rev. John William Newall-Tanner MA, of St Catherine's College, Cambridge, and surrogate. 
The Pole mansion (is now) the property of Gerard
Lawton Eaton esq..
The Crown claims the manorial rights.
Sir Edmund
Antrobus, bart. of Amesbury Abbey, Wilts. and Gerard Lawton Eaton esq. are the chief landowners.
The soil is clayey, the subsoil clay.  The chief crops are wheat, oats and potatoes.

Parish area is now 2,745 acres, and of the township, 2,114 acres.
Rateable value of the parish is £5,351 and of the township, £3,953.
The population in 1881 was -parish, 602; township, 425.
There is a National School (mixed) erected, with residence for the master adjoining, in 1863, for 65 children; average attendance: 53. Richard
Coppock is the master (and Parish Clerk); Mrs Emma Coppock, sewing mistress.
There is an infants school, built in
1873 for 40 infants, average attendance, 30; Miss Mary Wrench is the mistress.

Seven Oaks:-
Seven Oaks is a township and very small village, 5 miles north-west from Northwich.  The Society of Friends have a meeting house here, near an old oak tree where, tradition says, George
Fox preached 200 years ago. 
The principal landowners are Messrs. John
Highfield, Charles Lawton, of Stalybridge, and John Kinder.  Piers Egerton-Warburton esq. JP, of Arley, is lord of the manor.  Comberbach House is the residence of Major William Vigor Fox, JP.
The soil is mixed, and the subsoil clay and sand;  the chief crops are wheat, oats, potatoes and turnips.
The population in
1881 was 177; the area is 631 acres;  rateable value is £1,398.

                                                               PRIVATE RESIDENTS:-
Kinder, Fir Grove.
Rev. John William
Newall-Tanner, MA (vicar & surrogate), Vicarage.

John Bell, Richard Billington, John Booth, James Bradbury (Foxley Brow), John Burgess, John Edwards, (and Landowner), Mrs Ruth Goff, Thomas Moore, John Samuel Percival, Peter Percival, Allen Plumb, Mathew Plumb, Miss Mary Powell (and Wheatsheaf public house), Joseph Ridgeway, William Robinson, Thomas Walker, George Wainwright, Peter Wilkinson (Pools Platt), Joshua Wright, Abraham Youd.

Provision Dealer:Wm Mark Argyle
Shopkeeper: John Beswick
Grocer: John Walker
Butcher: Richard Warburton
Blacksmith: James Howard
Assist. oversr. & Schoolmaster: Rd. Coppock
Shoemaker: John Hewitt.

Seven Oaks
                                                                PRIVATE RESIDENTS
                                              Major William Vigor Fox JP, Comberbach House.
Kirkham, Frandley House
Assistant Overseer: Peter Brocklehurst,
Shopkeeper: Joseph Eaton

Farmers: William Clarke, George Frith (Frandley), John Hulse, Peter Litler, William Moore, Mrs Fanny Percival, Thomas Platt, Joseph Wilkinson.
Directory Index