Those with 1 affixed are at Gorstage; 2, Sandiway; 3, Milton; and the rest in Weaverham, or where specified.
Allen David, Cooper 2Douglas John, builder & surveyor Plumb Mr. Samuel
Andrews Samuel, joiner, builder & cabinet maker Dutton George, tailor Mason Sl. sddlr., & hrnss. maker
1Ashton Richard Esq., Gorstage Hall Ellson Mr. Charles henry McGregor John, surgeon
Beckett Mr. George Forster Thomas, blacksmith Rutter Wm., draper & shopkpr.
Blackhurst Joseph, watch & clock maker 2Grey Booth Esq., Sandiway Bank Smith Samuel, surgeon
Brooke Lady Mary, Grange Hall Harrop Thos., painter & gilder 2Smith Mr T., Delamere cotg.
Brooke Henry, gent., Grange Hall 2Hatton James Green, gent., Belle View Stanhope Rev. Chas. Spencer, vicar
Burgess Benjamin, draper, agent to the Manchester Fire & Pelican Life Offices Hoole Rev. Wm. Spencer, curate Trickett Mr Joseph
Chadwick J., sddle. & hrns. mkr. 3Hussey John, corn miller, Onston Mill Viggor Hy., plumbr., pntr., & glzr.
Clarke Edward, timber mert. Johnson James, tailor & parish clerk Walker John, draper & shpkr.
Cooke Mr Nicholas Kay Thos., maltster & shopkr. Woodward Samuel, joiner
2Couldhurst the Misses Lencley Geo., veterinary surgeon Woodyer Thos. registrar & relieving officer
2Cross John, land agent Peers Mr Stephen Robert .
2 Williams Thos., Blue Cap, Sandiway Head Pollock Mary, Star Winfield Thos., Wheatshef & butcher
Pollard Thos., Church Stile Wing Jas. Weaverham Gate .
Briscoe Sarah Ann Griffies Geo., Grammer School Smith Joseph
Challoner Sarah Hardman Jas. & Harrop Mary, National School .
Bancroft Peter, (and Post Office) Ford William Wood John
Curwell Thomas Hignett John .
Ardern Joseph 2 Haspell John 1 Okell Ralph, Kirkhm.
Bancroft Elizabeth 2 Holland William 1 Parr Thomas
3 Berrington Jane Hornby Samuel Platt Thomas
3 Catley Joseph 1 Hornby Thomas Sanderson Henry
1 Chrimes William Kay Thomas 2 Stelfox Edward
2 Couchie James 2 Moreton William, Beach Hill 1 Trickett William
2 Dean Samuel 1 Moss Josiah 2 Warburton John, Moss Farm
2 Drinkwater George 2 Massie John Wild T., Weaverham wd.
Ellis George 1 Newall John 1 Woodward Richard
Gerard John Newall Thomas 1 Yearsley John
Grange Joseph 1 Noden John .
Ardern Joseph Brooke John Johnson Catherine
2 Bancroft George Gerard Esther Winfield Hannah
Boardman Thomas Hignett John .
Weaverham History
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