Welcome to the Mara and Luke yahoogroups Fan Fiction Archives!!! Hi again!! Now I know I have been gone awhile and haven't updated the site lately. I am back now though and am slowly updating the site. I have made a few fics into PDF file with Adobe Acrobat. If you don't have the acrobat reader you can get it free from the Adobe site. Just click on the link to get the reader and enjoy! I have added a new character survey, submitted by Andie! <Thanks Andie!--sorry it took me so long.> to the Challenge page. Now that I have some free time and the fics ready I will be working diligently on getting the site updated and fixed. So please be patient. My goal is to have the site finished by the 1st of August so please keep checking back to see more changes as they happen. Now, This site is dedicated to the wonderful writers in Mara_and_Luke group. This is a great opportunity to show off the fics we have on our list. To all of those who see this site and are not on the list It will give you all a chance to be able to join in our group and really see some great stuff and meet the writers of the stories you enjoy..<again, please be patient. I am still in the process of uploading more fics> Feel free to look around and if you like what you see Join! We would be happy to see you. The only stipulation is that the Mara_and_Luke list is for adults 17 years old or older only, so the fics here will be geared toward 17 years or older. You are on your honor not to read the smut ^_^ unless you are at least 17 years old. ^_^. The memberships must all be approved by me (Maara--co- owner) or Sienn (co-owner) or one of our moderators. In the meantime enjoy the fics and have a blast. All fics posted to the group will be uploaded to this site, unless the author specifically states they do not want them on here. If by any chance you are a writer in our group and find a fic of yours you do not want posted here email me and will take care of it for you. I think you will find that the stories written in this group are absolutely wonderful! Read on and please do give feedback to the authors. We live for that stuff! No flames please, just constructive criticism. |