4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Playwriting |
Play was creative and really
held the audience's interest. |
Play was creative and usually
held the audience's interest. |
Play had several creative
elements, but often did not hold the audience's interest. |
Play needed more creative
elements. |
Expression |
Puppeteers' voices showed a
lot of expression and emotion. |
Puppeteers' voices showed some
expression and emotion. |
Puppeteers' voices showed a
little expression and emotion. |
Puppeteers' voices were
monotone and not expressive. |
Voice Projection |
Voices of puppeteers were
always audible to people sitting in the back row. |
Voices of puppeteers were
usually audible to people sitting in the back row. |
Voices of puppeteers were
sometimes audible to people sitting in the back row. |
Voices of puppeteers were
rarely audible to people sitting in the back row. |
Puppet Construction |
Puppets were original,
creative, and constructed well. No pieces fell off during the performance. |
Puppets were original and
constructed well. No pieces fell off during the performance. |
Puppets were constructed
fairly well. No pieces fell off during the performance. |
Puppets were not constructed
well. Pieces fell off during the performance. |
Puppet Manipulation |
Puppeteers always manipulated
puppets so audience could see them. |
Puppeteers usually manipulated
puppets so audience could see them. |
Puppeteers sometimes
manipulated puppets so audience could see them. |
Puppeteers rarely manipulated
puppets so audience could see them. |