

You've stumbled upon a secret page... Welcome to the secret headquarters of D.F.B. formally known as Depp For Black.

Who We Are:
We are an organization bent on ruling the world... err I mean getting reknown actor John Christopher Depp II to play the role of Sirius Black in the Harry Potter movies.

Who You Are:
Well, we were hoping you'd know the answer to this. You are insert-name-here. But that is not all! You are going to be a prestigious member of D.F.B. unless of course you do like Gary Oldman being Sirius...*shudders*

So, what is D.F.B. doing exactly?
Well, D.F.B. has been making logos, banners, etc. as promotional devices to show the world our goal.....btw this is not a cult. In case you were worried about that heheh ^^; One image will be up soon. We plan to send a letter via email or snail-mail to WB and give you the oppurtunity to send some to make our organization known!

How can I join?
NEW! You can know sign our brand new petition! NEW! At the moment, you can bookmark this site, show others, etc. But later we will have a mailing list and organization stuff like that! ^^

Depp For Black~!

Marauder Legacy ¤¤¤ Rinuial & Eowyn