Accounting Page |
1/8/2005 - Rudementry Deposits 5000 gp 1/8/2005 - I learned that I got hacked & lost all rune & mith items & most of the cash & my personal Green mask. 10/23/04 Blackdeath01 Deposits 1 Rune Long Sword 6/24/04 Ken006 Deposits 12, 3 dose strength potions, 200 Bronze arrows, 100 Iron arrows 5/19/04 Gudduo Deposits 18 Lobsters 3/27/04 Dethecus Deposits Black Med & Kite 3/20/04 Marauder S Z Deposits 2 Rune Medium Helmets 3/13/04 Spyrono Withdraws Mith 2 hander 3/13/04 Sadday96 Withdraws Adam 2 hander, Deposits 9 Lobsters 3/13/04 Marauder S Z Deposits 10k 3/8/04 Nathanael012 Withdraws 30k 3/7/04 Marauder S Z Deposits 2 Adam 2 handed swords 3/6/04 Dethecus Deposits 28, 3 dose Strength Potions, 2, 4 dose strength potions 2/6/04 Rouxillo Withdraws Rune Mace & Medium Helmet, Ruby Ami, Black Kite, Adam Plate & Legs 2/6/04 Marauder S Z Withdraws 1 Anti Dragon Sheild 2/6/04 Thalog Withdraws 5k 10/25/2003 Rouxillo Withdraws 100 Arrows 10/25/2003 Jared009 Withdraws Adam Large, Plate Mail & Legs 10/22/03 Marauder S Z Withdraws 100 Arrows, Longbow, 3 Ruby Amis, 2 Saph Amis, 2 Emerald Amis, Adam Battle Axe 10/19/2003 Rouxillo Deposits 5,000 gp 10/12/2003 Rouxillo Deposits Ruby Ami, 864 gp, Mith Chain, Legs, Large Helm, Black Kite, Battle Axe, Adam Chain & Withdraws Adam Plate 10/12/2003 Marauder S Z Buys 1 Adam Plate, 2 Adam Legs, 1 Mith Legs, 1 Black Legs, Changed 2 Black Plates from female to male, Changed Mith Skirt to Legs, Sold 1 Black Legs for 2 Ruby Amis & Deposits 10,000 gp 10/11/2003 Purebling Withdraws Black Kite Sheild, Rune Long Sword, Rune Medium Helm, Adam Plate Mail, Adam Legs, Ruby Amulet of Strength 10/11/2003 Marauder S Z buys 6 Black Plates for 11,000 gp 10/11/2003 Ken006 Deposits 2,000 gp 10/6/2003 Xchoicee Deposits 3 Black Large Helmets, 3 Black Plate Mail. 2 Black Legs, 3 Black Medium Helmets, Mithril Legs, Rune Long Sword, & Withdraws 33,000 gp 10/6/2003 Purebling Withdraws Ruby Amulet of Strength 10/6/2003 Dace6920 Withdraws Ruby Amulet of Strength 9/28/2003 3shots2lum Deposits 4000 gp, Withdraws Adam 2H 9/28/2003 Blackdeath01 Withdraws one 4 dose Str Pot 9/28/2003 Ken006 Deposits 9 Lobsters 9/25/2003 Xchoicee Deposits 8 Lobsters & Withdraws Black Kite 9/24/2003 Jared009 Deposits 30,000 gp, Withdraws Rune Long Sword 9/24/2003 Marauder S Z Deposits 10 Ruby Amis, 10 Longbows, 10 Crossbows, 5000 gp 9/23/2003 Archslayer Deposits Adam 2 Handed Sword, 35 Raw Lobster certs (Greenjeans burnt some) 9/22/2003 Rouxillo Withdraws Black Chain Mail, Legs, Medium Helm, 2 Hander 9/22/2003 Patpun Deposits 5000gp 9/22/2003 Purebling Witdraws Ruby Ami 9/21/2003 Tistel Pk Withdraws Ruby Ami 9/18/2003 Sir Adbel Withdraws Rune Med, Longsword, Adam Plate, Legs, Ruby Ami 9/18/2003 Marauder S Z Withdraws Black Female Plate & Skirt 9/17/2003 Brendanjt deposits Rune Med, Black Large, Med, Female Plate & Skirt, Ruby Ami 9/17/2003 Marauder S Z Deposits 5k & Black Kite - Withdraws Black Plate 9/17/2003 Tistel Pk Deposits Emerald Ami 9/14/2003 Marauder S Z sold a Mith 2H to a guy named Uon Meon, Deposits 50k gp & Withdraws R2h 9/14/2003 C J M Withdraws 2 4 dose str Pots, Adam Plate, Longsword, Rune Med, Mith Kite, Legs, Ruby Ami, Longbow, 100 Arrows, 5000 gp 9/11/2003 Tistel Pk deposits Black Legs, Plate, Large Helmet, Medium Helmet, Staff of Air, Water, Earth, 2 Fire, Rune 2H, Withdraws Rune Medium Helmet. 9/6/2003 Monkeyman455 Deposits Rune Med Helm 9/1/2003 Purekillapka Deposits 1811 gp 9/1/2003 Smartboy210 Deposits Adam Large, Legs, Black Legs, 10000 gp 9/1/2003 Ken006 Deposits 928 gp, Black Kite, 5 Lobsters, Ruby Ami, Withdraws 3000 gp 8/31/2003 Anime Faroo Deposits 500 arrows & 8000 gp 8/29/2003 Marauder S Z Sold a Black Kite to a guy named Lord Arragrn for 2399 gp 8/29/2003 Marauder S Z Deposits Silverlight 8/29/2003 Cavilier Deposits Rune Med Helm 8/25/2003 Tistelmania Deposits Large Black Helm, 4 Black Kites, Mith Kite, 2 Mith 2H, Adam Large Helm, 3 Ruby Amis, 7, 4 dose Strength Potions 8/23/2003 Deathsghoul2 Withdraws Adam 2H 8/23/2003 Marauder S Z Deposits Emerald Ami, Adam 2H, Withdraws 6500 gp 8/21/2003 Marauder S Z Deposits 3000 gp 8/21/2003 Jared009 Deposits 2330 gp 8/20/2003 Jared009 Deposits 1 Chef's hat, 1 Staff of Air, 174 gp & 3 Saphire Amis 8/14/2003 Rouxillo Deposits 12000 gp & 35 Arrows, Withdraws Adam Large Helm & Legs 8/13/2003 Xchoicee Deposits 19 Lobsters, Withdraws 2 Emerald Amis 8/13/2003 Monkeyman455 Deposits 2 Medium Rune Helmets 8/8/2003 Cavilier Deposits Rune Medium Helm, Longsword 8/8/2003 Smartboy210 Deposits 2 Black Kites 8/6/2003 Matw4life Withdraws Black Chain & Legs, Deposits 4k 8/6/2003 Marauder S Z withdraws 1 Rune 2 Handed Sword, 1 Adam 2 Handed Sword, Deposits 50k 8/5/2003 Nightmare79 Deposits 1 Black Medium Helm, Emerald Ami, 10k, 1 Rune 2 Handed Sword, 1 Silverlight, 5 Holy Symbols 8/5/2003 Marauder S Z Deposits 1 Rune Medium Helm, 1 Black Medium Helm, 3 Ruby Amis & 10k 7/28/2003 Monkeyman455 Withdraws Ruby Ami, Deposits 120 Lobsters 7/28/2003 Kossman15 Withdraws Black Legs 7/26/2003 Marauder S Z Withdraws a stack of Lobters to feed a PK Mission 7/26/2003 Dho18 Deposits Black Chain Mail & Withdraws Ruby Amulet of Strength 7/26/2003 Tistelmania Deposits 226 Arrows, Black Cahin Mail & 500 feathers 7/26/2003 Kossman15 Deposits Adam Large Helm & Withdraws Rune Medium Helm 7/23/2003 Brandanjt Deposits 110 Lobs & 22 3 dose str potions 7/20/2003 Kossman15 deposits 5000 gp, Ruby Amulet of Strength & Emerald Amulet of Protection 7/16/2003 Monkeyman455 Deposits a Medium Rune Helmet 7/16/2003 Hound Deposits 10000 gp, Staff of Fire & some 4 dose Strength Potions & 1 3 dose Strength Potion 7/12/2003 Matw4life Deposits 2000 gp & Withdraws 1 Silverlight 7/11/2003 Marauder S Z Deposits 19 Lobsters, 2 Longbows 7/11/2003 Cavilier Deposits 1 Black Plate Mail 7/11/2003 Thalog Deposits 1 Black Kite Sheild 7/10/2003 Marauder S Z Withdraws some Lobs to feed a PK Mission 7/9/2003 Xcon444 deposits Adamantite Legs 7/8/2003 Ganny144 deposits 1 Emerald Amulet, 15 Lobsters, 296 gp 7/7/2003 Marauder S Z sends Blu Bandit to buy a Adamantite 2 Handed Sword with money from the treasury 7/6/2003 Dace6920 Deposits 8011 gp & Withdraws 1 Adamantite 2 Handed Sword 7/5/2003 Rouxillo Deposits 9 Lobsters 7/5/2003 Monkeyman455 Deposits 60 Lobsters 7/5/2003 Cavilier Deposits 1 Rune Medium Helm, 1 Silverlight 7/4/2003 Marauder sends Rouxillo to buy 2 Adamantite 2 Handers with money from the treasury 7/2/2003 Rouxillo Deposits 1 Adamantite Long Sword, Withdraws 1 Adamantite 2 Hander 6/30/2003 Brandoloni Withraws 1 Sapphire Amulet of Magic, Deposits 800 gp 6/30/2003 Ardaga Deposits 4 Sapphire Amulets of Magic, 2279 gp 6/28/2003 Marauder S Z sent Rouxillo to buy 1 Adamantite Plate with money from the treasury 6/28/2003 Brandoloni Withdraws Mith Large Helmet, Black Battle Axe 6/28/2003 Smartboy210 Deposits 1 Ruby Amulet of Strength 6/28/2003 Xchoicee Deposits Adamantite Battle Axe 6/28/2003 Lord Kr0nik Deposits Adamantite Legs, Blak Battle Axe, 7500 gp & Mithril Kite Sheild, Large Helmet, Withdraws Black Plate & Ruby Amulet of Strength 6/28/2003 Monkeyman455 Withdraws Black Med Helmet, Ruby Amulet of Strength, Medium Rune Helmet, Deposits 5000 gp 6/28/2003 Fritz7 Deposits 23 Lobs, 22500 gp, Withdraws Adamantite Plate, Legs & Rune Med Helmet 6/27/2003 Marauder S Z Deposits 15 Lobsters 6/27/2003 Rouxillo Withdraws 1 Adamantite Longsword, 1 2 dose Strength Potion & 1 1 dose Strength Potion 6/26/2003 Thalog Deposits 1 Saphire Amulet of Magic, 1 Staff of Air, 1 Staff of Earth, 1 Staff of Water, 1 Staff of Fire, 1 2 dose Strength Potion, 1 1 dose Strength Potion 6/25/2003 Marauder S Z Withdraws multiple Lobsters for a PK Mission 6/25/2003 - Fritz7 Deposits 1 Black Plate & 2 Black Legs & 1 Adamantite Longsword 6/15/2003 - Rivo205 Deposits 6 Lobsters, Withdraws 1 Silverlight 6/15/2003 - Turbo Wolf Withdraws 100 Arrows 6/15/2003 - Marauder S Z Withdraws Lots of Lobsters to feed Blackcapes on a PK Mission, Deposits 7 gp 6/14/2003 - Marauder S Z withdraws 1 Gold Necklace, to make room for Deathsghoul2's deposit 6/14/2003 - Deathsghoul2 Deposits 5 Ruby Amulets, 8 Longbows, 4 Black Medium Helmets, 1 Black Large Helmet, 1 Black Plate Legs, 2 Black Chain Mail, 1 Black 2h, 2 Black Plate Mail, 2 Black Battle Axes, 1 Black Scimitar, 1 Adamantite Plate Legs, 2 Adamantite Long Swords, 1 Adamantite 2h, 1596 Arrows 6/14/2003 - Rouxillo Deposits 1050 gp 6/12/2003 - Marauder S Z Withdraws 18 Lobsters 6/11/2003 - Cavilier Deposits 1 Adamantite Large Helm & 808 gp 6/10/2003 - Rouxillo deposits 500gp 6/6/2003 - Cavilier deposits 1 Adamantite Legs & 1 Silverlight 6/5/2003 - Deathsghoul2 Withdwals 1 Staff of Air, Deposits 500 gp 6/4/2003 - Sir Ormak Deposits 16 Lobsters (25 raw b4 Zxcvbnmpoiuy cooked them) 6/4/2003 - Jumister5889 withdrawls 1 staff of air 6/2/2003 - Marauder S Z deposits lots of Lobsters to replace yesterdays withdrawl leaving 3 more than was there b4 6/1/2003 - Marauder S Z Withdrawls lots of Lobsters to feed Blackcapes during multiple PK missions 6/1/2003 - Jumister5889 deposits 1 staff of air 5/30/2003 - Smartboy210 deposits 3 Black Kites, 2100 gp 5/24/2003 - Sonic1823 deposits 3 Chef Hats, 5 Arrows 5/22/2003 - C J M deposits Black 2h, Mith Mace, Mith Medium Helm, Air Staff, 3 Saphire Amulets 5/5/2003 - Marauder S Z Withdraws 1 chef hat; deposits 95 feathers 11/30/2002 - Marauder S Z deposits 1 Rune Med, 5k, & 1 Ruby Amulet 11/30/2002 - Smartboy210 deposits 5 black kites, 1 Adam Large 5k, 3 Emerald Amulets, 1 Silverlight 11/30/2002 - Dexter448 deposits 1 Black Square, 1 Black Kite, 2 silverlights, 1 Black Large, 1 Black Chain, 1 Black Legs 11/24/2002 - Miki Camus Deposits 101 Lobsters & Adamantium Plate 11/17/2002 - Cavilier deposits Rune Medium Helmet & 231 Feathers 11/17/2002 - Lord Satan 2 deposits Adamantium Large Helmet & Rune Medium Helmet 11/16/2002 - Lord Satan 2 withdraws Adamantium Large Helmet 11/07/2002 - Bigdew deposits Rune Medium Helmet 10/24/2002 - Salrisa deposits Mithril Mace, 2 Black Larges, 1 Black Kite, Amulet of Accuracy 10/24/2002 - Cloud16m deposits 1 Emerald Amulet, 5 Saphire Amulets, Adamantium Plate Legs 9/23/2002 - Cavilier deposits 2 Black Kites, 2 Anti - Dragon Shields 9/22/2002 - Salrisa deposits Rune Mace 9/22/2002 - Smartboy210 deposits 3 Black Kites, Anti-Dragon shield, 1 Staff of Air, Fire & Earth, 2 Staves of Water, 2 Emerald Amulets of Protection, 13793 gp. 9/22/2002 - Cavilier deposits Black Med Helm 9/20/2002 - Marauder S Z withdraws 1 chef hat 9/19/2002 - Cavilier deposits Adam Lg Helm |